P’ai-hung T’an (Reef) |
P’ai-po An-sha (Reef) |
P’arang-do (Reef) |
P’eng-p’o An-sha (Reef) |
P’eng-p’o Pao (Reef) |
P’u-li-meng T’an (Reef) |
PA (FADA Faunistic Regions) |
Paa Point (Point) |
Paal (Town) |
Paal Harbor (Harbour) |
Paal Harbour (Harbour) |
Paal, puerto (Harbour) |
Paamiut (Former administrative division) |
Paard van Marken (Light(house)) |
Paardenmarkt (Sandbank) |
Paardenschor (Salt Marsh) |
Pabellón Island (Island) |
Pabellón, islote (Island) |
Pabillo Canyon (Canyon(s)) |
Pablo, islotes (Archipelago) |
PAC (FADA Faunistic Regions) |
Pachang (Estuary) |
Pacheco, Cabo (Cape) |
Pacheco, punta (Point) |
Pachena Point (Light(house)) |
Pacific (IOS region) |
Pacific (TDWG - level 1) |
Pacific (Oceania) (FADA Faunistic Regions) |
Pacific Antarctic Ridge (Rise) |
Pacific Arctic (Arctic Marine Area) |
Pacific Bay (Bay) |
Pacific Central America (General Region) |
Pacific Central American Deep (General Sea Area) |
Pacific Central-American Coastal (Large Marine Ecosystem) |
Pacific Coast of Canada (Coast) |
Pacific Coast of Costa Rica (Coast) |
Pacific Coast of Mexico (Coast) |
Pacific Coast of North America (Coast) |
Pacific Coast of Panama (Coast) |
Pacific coast of South America (Coast) |
Pacific Deep Water (Water mass) |
Pacific Equatorial Divergence Province (Longhurst Province) |
Pacific Grove (Inhabited Place) |
Pacific Ocean (SeaVoX SeaArea - region) |
Pacific Ocean (Ocean) |
Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean (General Sea Area) |
Pacific South Polar Basin (Basin) |
Pacific Subarctic (Mesopelagic ecoregions) |
Pacific Subarctic Gyres Province (East) (Longhurst Province) |
Pacific Subarctic Gyres Province (West) (Longhurst Province) |
Pacific Subarctic Water (Water mass) |
Pacific, Antarctic (FAO Major Marine Fishing Areas) |
Pacific, Eastern Central (FAO Major Marine Fishing Areas) |
Pacific, Northeast (FAO Major Marine Fishing Areas) |
Pacific, Nothwest (FAO Major Marine Fishing Areas) |
Pacific, Southeast (FAO Major Marine Fishing Areas) |
Pacific, Southwest (FAO Major Marine Fishing Areas) |
Pacific, Western Central (FAO Major Marine Fishing Areas) |
Pacific-Antarctic Basin (Basin) |
Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (Ridge) |
Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, 60 S segment (Hydrothermal vent) |
Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, 64 S segment (Hydrothermal vent) |
Pacific-Antarctic Rise (Rise) |
Pack Shoal (Shoal) |
Packwood (Village) |
PACMANUS field (Hydrothermal vent) |
Pacuiul lui Soare (Island) |
Padda (Island) |
Padda Island (Island) |
Paddepoel (Pond) |
Paddle Rock (Rock) |
Paddle Rocks (Rocks) |
Paddock Rocks (Rock) |
Paddock Shoal (Shoal) |
Paddock Shoal (Shoal) |
Paddock Wood East (Ward) |
Paddock Wood West (Ward) |
Paddy Bay (Bay) |
Paddy Outside Spot (Bank) |
Paddy Rock (Shoal) |
Paddy Rock (Rock) |
Paddy Spot (Bank) |
Padilla Bay (Bay) |
Padina (Village) |
Padina Bay (Bay) |
Padloping Trough (Trough) |
Padma River (River) |
Padule di Bolgheri (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive)) |
Paea (Inhabited Place) |
Paengarēhia / Twilight Beach (Beach) |
Paengaroa Bay (Bay) |
Paeowa Island (Island) |
Paeraengi Knoll (Knoll(s)) |
Pafos (Light(house)) |
Pag (Island) |
Pagai Seamount (Seamount(s)) |
Pagalu (Island) |
Pagan Point (Point) |
Paganiban Reef (Atoll) |
Paganini Seamount (Seamount(s)) |
Pagan's Point (Point) |