Sri Lanka · MRGID 8346

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Boundaries established in treaties

India  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Agreement between Sri Lanka and India on the Boundary in Historic Waters between the two Countries and Related Matters 26 and 28 June 1974  (Download)  (Download)


Digital Documents:
Agreement between Sri Lanka and India on the Maritime Boundary between the two Countries in the Gulf of Mannar and the Bay of Bengal and Related Matters 23 March 1976  (Download)
Maritime Boundary: India - Sri Lanka  (Download)

India  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Supplementary Agreement between Sri Lanka and India on the Extension of the Maritime Boundary between the two Countries in the Gulf of Mannar from Position 13 m to the Trijunction Point between Sri Lanka, India and Maldives (Point T) 22 November 1976  (Download)

200NM boundaries

Sri Lanka  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
200NM limit  (View)