Honduras · MRGID 8427

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Boundaries established in treaties

Cayman Islands  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Honduras and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the delimitation of the maritime areas between the Cayman Islands and the Republic of Honduras 4 Decem...  (Download)  (Download)

Cuba  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Maritime delimitation treaty between the Republic of Honduras and the Republic of Cuba, 21 August 2012  (Download)

Mexico  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Treaty on maritime delimitation between the Government of the United Mexican States and the Government of the Republic of Honduras  (Download)
Maritime Boundary: Mexico - Honduras  (Download)

Joint regime boundaries

Cayman Islands  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Honduras and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the delimitation of the maritime areas between the Cayman Islands and the Republic of Honduras 4 Decem...  (Download)  (Download)

Boundaries calculated as median line

Nicaragua  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)

Guatemala  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)

Belize  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)

Jamaica  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)

El Salvador  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)

Nicaragua  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)