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Proposed standard  |
Names |
Language |
Name |
Name source |
English | Pelseneer Island | SCAR Composite Gazetteer |
Spanish | Pelseneer, isla | SCAR Composite Gazetteer |
French | Ile Pelseneer | SCAR Composite Gazetteer |
Dutch | Eiland Pelseneer | Beeckman, N. (1988). Belgica: de eerste overwintering in Antarctica 1897-1899 = Belgica: le premier hivernage premier hivernage dans l'Antarctique 1897-1899. North Sea Society: Antwerpen. 77 pp. (look up in IMIS) |
PlaceType |
Island |
Latitude |
64° 40' 0" S (-64.6666667°) |
Longitude |
62° 12' 0" W (-62.2°) |
Source |
SCAR Composite Gazetteer, available online at |
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Notes |
Belgica information (nl): P. Pelseneer was lid van de "Belgica"-commissie |
Belgica information (en): Island 2 mi long and 1 mi wide, with three prominent rocky peaks projecting through its icecap, lying 2 mi W of Brooklyn Island in the south-central portion of Wilhelmina Bay, off the W coast of Graham Land. Discovered by the BelgAE, 1897-99, and named by Gerlache for P. Pelseneer, member of the Belgica Commission and writer of some of the zoological reports of the expedition ( / |
Belgica information (en): Island 4 km long and 2 km wide, with three prominent rocky peaks projecting through its icecap, lying 4 km west of Brooklyn Island in the southcentral portion of Wilhelmina Bay, off the west coast of Graham Land. Discovered by the Belgian Antarctic Expedition, 1897-1899, and named by Adrien de Gerlache for P. Pelseneer, member of the Belgica Commission, zoologist and professor at the “Ecole Normale Superieure” in Ghent |
Belgica information (fr): Ile de 4 km de long et 2 km de large, hérissée de trois pics rocheux proéminents qui déchirent la calotte glaciaire. Située à 4 km à l’ouest de l’île Brooklyn, dans la partie centrale sud de la baie Wilhelmina, au large de la côte ouest de la Terre de Graham. Découverte par l’expédition belge en Antarctique de 1897-1899 et baptisée par Adrien de Gerlache en l’honneur de P. Pelseneer, membre de la commission Belgica, zoologiste et professeur de l’école normale supérieure de Gand. |
Belgica information (nl): 4 km lang en 2 km breed eiland met drie opvallende rotspunten die door de ijskap priemen. Het ligt 4 km ten westen van Brooklyn Eiland in het zuidelijke centrale deel van Wilhelmina Baai, voor de westkust van Graham Land. De Belgische Antarctica expeditie (1897-1899) ontdekte het en Adrien de Gerlache noemde het naar P. Pelseneer, een lid van de Belgica-commissie, zoöloog en leraar aan de ‘Ecole Normale Supérieure’ in Gent. |
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Last edited on 2006-04-06 14:59:04 by Deckers Pieter
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