Maritime Boundaries (latest version)
- World EEZ v12 (2023-10-25, 122 MB) - downloads: 30378
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Low res] [KML] [Change history] [Known issues] - World 24 Nautical Miles Zone (Contiguous Zone) v4 (2023-10-25, 46 MB) - downloads: 2553
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [KML] [Known issues] - World 12 Nautical Miles Zone (Territorial Seas) v4 (2023-10-25, 50 MB) - downloads: 4636
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [KML] [Known issues] - World Internal Waters v4 (2023-10-25, 54 MB) - downloads: 1807
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [KML] [Known issues] - World Archipelagic Waters v4 (2023-10-25, 28 MB) - downloads: 1130
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [KML] [Known issues] - World High Seas v2 (2024-10-10, 6.85 MB) - downloads: 442
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [KML] [Known issues] - World Extended Continental Shelves v2 (2024-10-10, 6 MB) - downloads: 574
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [KML] [Change history] [Known issues]
Maritime Boundaries (older versions)
Maritime Boundaries v11
- World EEZ v11 (2019-11-18, 127 MB) - downloads: 35477
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Low res] [Change history] [Known issues] - World 24 Nautical Miles Zone (Contiguous Zone) v3 (2019-11-18, 47 MB) - downloads: 5493
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Known issues] - World 12 Nautical Miles Zone (Territorial Seas) v3 (2019-11-18, 53 MB) - downloads: 10229
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Known issues] - World Internal Waters v3 (2019-11-18, 55 MB) - downloads: 4081
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Known issues] - World Archipelagic Waters v3 (2019-11-18, 28 MB) - downloads: 2704
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Known issues] - World High Seas v1 (2020-08-26, 6 MB) - downloads: 3946
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [KML] [Known issues] - World Extended Continental Shelves v1 (2022-10-13, 7 MB) - downloads: 3222
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Known issues]
Maritime Boundaries v10
- World EEZ v10 (2018-02-21, 119 MB) - downloads: 13922
[Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Change history] [Known issues] - World 24 Nautical Miles Zone (Contiguous Zone) v2 (2018-02-21, 44 MB) - downloads: 3019
[Shapefile] [Known issues] - World 12 Nautical Miles Zone (Territorial Seas) v2 (2018-02-21, 50 MB) - downloads: 4257
[Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Known issues] - World Internal Waters v2 (2018-02-21, 52 MB) - downloads: 1701
[Shapefile] [Known issues] - World Archipelagic Waters v2 (2018-02-21, 27 MB) - downloads: 1288
[Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Known issues]
Maritime Boundaries v9
- World EEZ v9 (2016-10-21, 123 MB) - downloads: 11070
[Shapefile] [0 to 360 Degrees] [Low res] [Change history] [Known issues] - World 24 Nautical Miles Zone (Contiguous Zone) v1 (2016-10-21, 44 MB) - downloads: 1451
[Shapefile] [Known issues] - World 12 Nautical Miles Zone (Territorial Seas) v1 (2016-10-21, 44 MB) - downloads: 3051
[Shapefile] [Known issues] - World Internal Waters v1 (2016-10-21, 52 MB) - downloads: 1271
[Shapefile] [Known issues] - World Archipelagic Waters v1 (2016-10-21, 27 MB) - downloads: 881
[Shapefile] [Known issues]
World EEZ older versions
- World EEZ v8 (2014-02-28, 65 MB) - downloads: 13887
[Shapefile] [Low res] [Change history] [Known issues] - World EEZ v7 (2012-11-20, 67 MB) - downloads: 5545
[Shapefile] [Low res] [Change history] [Known issues] - World EEZ v6.1 (2011-05-12, 84 MB) - downloads: 5906
[Shapefile] [Low res] [KML] [Change history] [Known issues] - World EEZ v6 (2011-03-30, 84 MB) - downloads: 6838
[Shapefile] [Low res] [KML] [Change history] [Known issues] - World EEZ v5 (2009-10-01, 86 MB) - downloads: 3986
[Shapefile] [KML] [Change history] [Known issues] - World EEZ v4 (2009-08-11, 86 MB) - downloads: 878
[Shapefile] [KML] [Change history] - World EEZ v3 (2009-04-30, 85 MB) - downloads: 715
[Shapefile] [KML] [Change history] - World EEZ v2 (2008-10-31, 4 MB) - downloads: 1318
[Shapefile] [Change history] - World EEZ v1 (2006-01-26, 4 MB) - downloads: 81941
IHO Sea Areas
- Version 3 (2018)
- Version 2 (2017)
- Version 1 (2005)
Global Oceans and Seas
- Global Oceans and Seas v01 (2021-12-14, 88 MB)
[GeoPackage] [Shapefile] [Known issues]
Marineregions: intersect of EEZs and IHO areas
- Version 5 - 2024 (125 MB) (created from EEZ version 12) [Known issues]
- Version 4 - 2020 (119 MB) (created from EEZ version 11) [Known issues]
- Version 3 - 2018 (121 MB) (created from EEZ version 10)
- Version 2 - 2012 (4.96 MB) (created from EEZ version 7) [Known issues]
- Version 1 - 2010 (5.55 MB)
Marine and land zones: the union of world country boundaries and EEZ's
- Version 4 - 2024-10-10 (18.3 MB) [Known issues] (created from EEZ version 12)
- Version 3 - 2020-03-17 (19 MB) [Known issues] (created from EEZ version 11)
- Version 2 - 2014-10-15 (2 MB) (created from EEZ version 8)
- Version 1 - 2012-11-16 (2 MB) [Known issues] (created from EEZ version 7)
UNESCO World Heritage Marine Sites
FAO Fishing Areas
Large Marine Ecosystems of the World
- Go to LME-website
Longhurst Provinces
ICES Ecoregions
ICES Statistical areas
ICES Statistical rectangles
ICES Statistical subrectangles
IOS Zooplankton Regions
OSPAR Boundaries and Regions
Marine Ecoregions of the World, MEOW (Spalding et al., 2007)
Freshwater Ecoregions of the World, FEOW (The Nature Conservancy and World Wildlife Fund, Inc., 2008)
Continental margins between 140m and 3500m depth (IFREMER - COMARGE, 2009)
The SeaVoX Salt and Fresh Water Body Gazetteer
- v19 2023 (68 MB)
- v18 2021 (68.9 MB)
- v17 2019 (67.5 MB)
- v16 2015 (67.3 MB)
- v14 2013 (63.7 MB)
- v13 2012 (59.6 MB)
- v12 2012 (59.4 MB)
- v11 2012 (59.5 MB)
- v9 2011 (51.5 MB)
- v8 2011 (51.5 MB)
- 2010 (48.4 MB)
- 2009 (48.4 MB)
Statistics on Marbound and IHO (Costello et al., 2011)
TDWG Geography shapefiles
- More information and the shapefiles can be found on Kew GIS Unit
GEBCO Gazetteer of undersea feature names
- More information and the files can be found on
General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO)
- More information and the grid files can be found on
ETOPO1 Global Relief Model
- More information and the grid files can be found on
The NAFO Convention Area
- More information and the files can be found on
Terrestrial Ecoregional Boundaries Shapefile (TNC)
- More information and the files can be found on
Global contourite distribution Shapefile
- Global contourite distribution database version 3 (2019) (362 kb)
- Global contourite distribution database version 2 (2014) (234 kb)
- Global contourite distribution database version 1 (2013) (157 kb)