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Proposed standard  |
Names |
Language |
Name |
Name source |
English | Emma Island | SCAR Composite Gazetteer |
Spanish | Ema, isla | SCAR Composite Gazetteer |
French | Emma, Ile | SCAR Composite Gazetteer |
Spanish | Emma, Isla | SCAR Composite Gazetteer |
Dutch | Eiland Emma | Beeckman, N. (1988). Belgica: de eerste overwintering in Antarctica 1897-1899 = Belgica: le premier hivernage premier hivernage dans l'Antarctique 1897-1899. North Sea Society: Antwerpen. 77 pp. (look up in IMIS) |
PlaceType |
Island |
Latitude |
64° 36' 0" S (-64.6°) |
Longitude |
62° 18' 0" W (-62.3°) |
Source |
SCAR Composite Gazetteer, available online at |
Notes |
Belgica information (nl): Emma was de naam van de moeder van Adrien de Gerlache |
Belgica information (en): Island 1.5 mi long, with bare jagged peaks projecting through an icecap, lying 4 mi W of Nansen Island in the SW half of the entrance to Wilhelmina Bay, off the W coast of Graham Land. Discovered by the BelgAE, 1897-99, under Lt. Adrien de Gerlache, and named after his mother, Emma de Gerlache de Gomery ( / |
Belgica information (en): Island 3 km long, with bare jagged peaks projecting through an icecap, lying 8 km west of Nansen Island at the entrance to Wilhelmina Bay, off the west coast of Graham Land. Discovered by the Belgian Antarctic Expedition, 1897-1899, under Lt. Adrien de Gerlache, and named for his mother, Emma de Gerlache de Gomery. |
Belgica information (fr): Ile de 3 km de long, hérissée de pics nus déchirant la calotte glaciaire, située à 8 km à l’ouest de l’île Nansen, à l’entrée de la baie Wilhelmina, au large de côte ouest de la Terre de Graham. Découverte par l’expédition belge en Antarctique de 1897-1899 sous le commandement du Lt Adrien de Gerlache et baptisée en l’honneur de sa mère, Emma de Gerlache de Gomery. |
Belgica information (nl): 3 km lang eiland met puntige, kale pieken die door een ijskap priemen. Het ligt 8 km ten westen van Nansen Eiland aan de ingang van de Wilhelmina Baai, voor de westkust van Graham Land. De Belgische Antarctica expeditie (1897-1899) onder leiding van luitenant Adrien de Gerlache ontdekte de kaap. Hij noemde hem naar zijn moeder, Emma de Gerlache de Gomery. |
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Last edited on 2006-04-06 14:59:04 by Deckers Pieter
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