Marine Gazetteer browser | |||||||||
- Planet (Planet)
- World (World)
- Africa (Continent)
- Antarctica (Continent)
- Asia (Continent)
- Europe (Continent)
- North America (Continent)
- Oceania (Continent)
- American Samoa (Dependent State)
- Australia (Nation)
- Australian Region (General Region)
- Baker Island (Possession)
- Clipperton Island (Dependency)
- Cocos Islands (Dependent State)
- Cook Islands (Dependent State)
- Fiji (Nation)
- French Polynesia (Dependent State)
- Gambier Islands (Island)
- Howland Island (Possession)
- Johnston Atoll (Territory)
- Kiribati (Nation)
- Manua Islands (Archipelago)
- Marshall Islands (Nation)
- Melanesia (General Region)
- Micronesia (Nation)
- Nauru (Nation)
- New Caledonia (Dependent State)
- Amédée Lighthouse (Light(house))
- Baie de Gu (Bay)
- Baie de Saint-Vincent (Bay)
- Balabio (Island)
- Cap Goulevain (Cape)
- Corne Sud (Island)
- Côte Oubliée (Coast)
- French 12 NM (New Caledonia) (Territorial Sea)
- French Exclusive Economic Zone (New Caledonia) (EEZ)
- French Extended Continental Shelf (New Caledonia) (CLCS Recommendation) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation))
- French Internal Waters (New Caledonia) (Internal waters)
- Goro (Inhabited Place)
- Hienghene (Inhabited Place)
- Ile des Pins (Continental Slope)
- Île des Pins (Island)
- Vao (Inhabited Place)
- Îles Beautemps-Beaupré (Atoll)
- Îles Chesterfield (Island Group)
- Ilot Charron (Island)
- Koumac (Commune)
- Lifou (Island)
- Loyalty Islands (Archipelago)
- Mare (Island)
- Mouth of the River Pirogues (River Outlet)
- New Caledonian Coast (Coast)
- Nouméa (City)
- Prony Bay (Bay)
- Récif Mberé (Reef)
- Récif Uitoé (Reef)
- Rivière des Pirogues (River)
- Sandal bay (Bay)
- Tenia (Island)
- Tiebaghi (Village)
- Touho (Inhabited Place)
- Wagap (Inhabited Place)
- New Zealand (Nation)
- Niue (Dependent State)
- Norfolk Island (Dependent State)
- Northern Mariana Islands (Dependent State)
- Palau (Nation)
- Papua New Guinea (Nation)
- Pitcairn (Dependent State)
- Samoa (Nation)
- Solomon Islands (Nation)
- Timor Island (Island)
- Tokelau (Dependent State)
- Tonga (Nation)
- Tuvalu (Nation)
- Vanuatu (Nation)
- Wallis and Futuna (Dependent State)
- South America (Continent)
- World Oceans (World)