Marine Gazetteer browser | |||||||||
- Planet (Planet)
- World (World)
- Africa (Continent)
- Antarctica (Continent)
- Asia (Continent)
- Abu musa, Greater and Lesser Tunb (Island Group)
- Afghanistan (Nation)
- Altai (Mountain range)
- Anatolia (General Region)
- Armenia (Nation)
- Azerbaijan (Nation)
- Bahrain (Nation)
- Bangladesh (Nation)
- Bengal (Area)
- Bhutan (Nation)
- Brunei (Nation)
- Cambodia (Nation)
- Central Asia (General Region)
- China (Nation)
- East Indies (General Region)
- East Palearctic region (General Region)
- East Timor (Nation)
- Eastern Asia (General Region)
- Eurasia (General Region)
- Former USSR (Former Nation)
- India (Nation)
- Indonesia (Nation)
- Iran (Nation)
- Iraq (Nation)
- Israel (Nation)
- Japan (Nation)
- Jordan (Nation)
- Kazakhstan (Nation)
- Korean Peninsula (Former Nation)
- Kuwait (Nation)
- Kyrgyzstan (Nation)
- Laos (Nation)
- Lebanon (Nation)
- Malaysia (Nation)
- Maldives (Nation)
- Malesia (Floristic Region)
- Mekong (River)
- Middle East (General Region)
- Mongolia (Nation)
- Myanmar (Nation)
- Near East (General Region)
- Nepal (Nation)
- New Guinea (Island)
- North East Asia (General Region)
- North Korea (Nation)
- Northern Asia (General Region)
- Oman (Nation)
- Oriental Region (General Region)
- Pakistan (Nation)
- Palestine (Nation)
- Philippines (Nation)
- Qatar (Nation)
- Saudi Arabia (Nation)
- Singapore (Nation)
- South East Asia (General Region)
- South Korea (Nation)
- Bogildo Island (Island)
- Busan (Province (administrative))
- Dolsando Island (Island)
- Dumido (Island)
- Gageodo Island (Island)
- Gangwon (Province (administrative))
- Geoje (Inhabited Place)
- Gyeonggi-do (Province (administrative))
- Haegeumgang (Island)
- Incheon (Province (administrative))
- Jindo (Island)
- Lake Andong (Lake)
- Maemul Island (Island)
- North Gyeongsang (Province (administrative))
- North Jeolla (Province (administrative))
- Palmido (Light(house))
- South Chungcheong (Province (administrative))
- South Gyeongsang (Province (administrative))
- South Jeolla (Province (administrative))
- South Korean 12 NM (Territorial Sea)
- South Korean Coast (Coast)
- South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Donghae Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Gageo Reef (Reef)
- Gageodo Island (Island)
- Galmaegi Reef (Reef)
- Gangneung Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Igyuwon Ridge (Ridge)
- Jeju Valley (Valley)
- Jugam Ridge (Ridge)
- Saeteok Bank (Bank)
- South Korean 12 NM (Territorial Sea)
- South Korean 24 NM (Contiguous zone)
- South Korean Internal Waters (Internal waters)
- South Korean part of the Eastern China Sea (Marine Region)
- South Korean part of the Japan Sea (Marine Region)
- South Korean part of the Yellow Sea (Marine Region)
- Ulsan Seachannel (Seachannel)
- Usan Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Usan Trough (Trough)
- Youngil Bay (Bay)
- South Korean Internal Waters (Internal waters)
- Ulsan (Province (administrative))
- Yongjong-Do (Island)
- Southern Asia (General Region)
- Sri Lanka (Nation)
- Syria (Nation)
- Taiwan (Nation)
- Tajikistan (Nation)
- Thailand (Nation)
- Tien Shan (Mountain range)
- Timor Island (Island)
- Türkiye (Nation)
- Turkmenistan (Nation)
- United Arab Emirates (Nation)
- Uzbekistan (Nation)
- Vietnam (Nation)
- Western Asia (General Region)
- Yemen (Nation)
- Europe (Continent)
- North America (Continent)
- Oceania (Continent)
- South America (Continent)
- World Oceans (World)