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- Planet (Planet)
- World (World)
- Africa (Continent)
- Antarctica (Continent)
- Asia (Continent)
- Europe (Continent)
- Albania (Nation)
- Andorra (Nation)
- Atlantic Europe (General Region)
- Austria (Nation)
- Balkan peninsula (Peninsula)
- Belarus (Nation)
- Belgium (Nation)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (Nation)
- Bulgaria (Nation)
- Carpathian Mountains (Mountain range)
- Central Europe (General Region)
- Crimea (Disputed Territory)
- Croatia (Nation)
- Cyprus (Nation)
- Czech Republic (Nation)
- Czechoslovakia (Former Nation)
- Denmark (Nation)
- Danish 12 NM (Territorial Sea)
- Danish Coast (Coast)
- Danish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Æbelø Og Kysten Ved Nærå (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Æbelø, Havet Syd For Og Nærå (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Agger Tange (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Agger Tange, Nissum Bredning, Skibsted Fjord Og Agerø (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ålborg Bugt, Nordlige del (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ålborg Bugt, Østlige del (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ålborg Bugt, Randers Fjord Og Mariager Fjord (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Åmose, Tissø, Halleby Å Og Flasken (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Anholt Og Havet Nord For (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bakkebrædt Og Bakkegrund (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Begtrup Vig Og Kystområder Ved Helgenæs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bjergene, diesebjerg Og Bollinge Bakke (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Blåbjerg Egekrat, Lyngbos Hede Og Hennegårds Klitter (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bøchers Grund (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bøjden Nor (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bornholm part of the Baltic Sea (Marine Region)
- Broen (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Centrale Storebælt Og Vresen (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Danish 12 NM (Territorial Sea)
- Danish 24 NM (Contiguous zone)
- Danish Internal Waters (Internal waters)
- Danish part of the Baltic Sea (Marine Region)
- Danish part of the Kattegat (Marine Region)
- Danish part of the North Sea (Marine Region)
- Danish part of the Skagerrak (Marine Region)
- Davids Banke (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dueodde (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ebbeløkkerev (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Egernæs Med Holme Og Fuglsø (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ejstrup Klit Og Egvands Bakker (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ertholmene (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Fanø (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Farvandet Mellem Skælskør Fjord Og Glænø (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Farvandet Nord For Anholt (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Fiilsø (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Fyns Hoved, Lillegrund Og Lillestrand (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Guldborgsund (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Gule Rev (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Hammeren Og Slotslyngen (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Hanstholm Reservatet (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Hanstholmreservatet, Nors Sø Og Vandet Sø (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Harboøre Tange, Plet Enge Og Gjeller Sø (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Hatterbarn (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Havet Mellem Korshage Og Hundested (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Havet Mellem Romsø Og Hindsholm Samt Romsø (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Havet Og Kysten Mellem Hundested Og Rørvig (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Havet Og Kysten Mellem Karrebæk Fjord Og Knudshoved Odde (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Havet Og Kysten Mellem Præstø Fjord Og Grønsund (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Havet Omkring Nordre Rønner (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Herthas Flak (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Hesselø Med Omliggende Stenrev (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Hirsholmene (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Hirsholmene, Havet Vest Herfor Og Ellinge Å’S Udløb (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Horsens Fjord Og Endelave (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Horsens Fjord, Havet Øst For Og Endelave (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Hvideodde Rev (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Jyske Rev, Lillefiskerbanke (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Kærsgård Strand, Vandplasken Og Liver Å (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Kallesmærsk Hede Og Grærup Langsø (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Kallesmærsk Hede, Grærup Langsø, Fiilsø Og Kærgård Klitplantage (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Kaløskovene Og Kaløvig (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Karrebæk, Dybsø Og Avnø Fjorde (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Kirkegrund (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Klinteskov Kalkgrund (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Klinteskoven (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Klitheder Mellem Stenbjerg Og Lodbjerg (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Knudegrund (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Kobberhage Kystarealer (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Kyndby Kyst (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Kyststrækningen Ved Hyllekrog-Rødsand (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Læsø Trindel Og Tønneberg Banke (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Læsø, Sydlige del (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Lien Med Underlien (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lild Strand Og Lild Strandkær (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lillebælt (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lillebælt (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Løgstør Bredning, Vejlerne Og Bulbjerg (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lønstrup Rødgrund (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lysegrund (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Maden På Helnæs Og Havet Vest For (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mandø (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Marstal Bugt Og den Sydlige del Af Langeland (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Mejl Flak (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Munkegrunde (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Nakskov Fjord (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Nakskov Fjord Og Inderfjord (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Nissum Bredning (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Nissum Fjord (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Nissum Fjord (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Nordby Bakker (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Nordre Rønner (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Odense Fjord (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Ølsemagle Strand Og Staunings Ø (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Præstø Fjord, Ulfshale, Nyord Og Jungshoved Nor (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Råbjerg Mile Og Hulsig Hede (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Randers Og Mariager Fjorde Og Ålborg Bugt, Sydlige del (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ribe Holme Og Enge Med Kongeåens Udløb (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ringkøbing Fjord (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ringkøbing Fjord Og Nymindestrømmen (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Rømø (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Romsø Og Sydkysten Af Hindsholm (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Roskilde Fjord (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Roskilde Fjord, Kattinge Vig Og Kattinge Sø (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Røsnæs, Røsnæs Rev Og Kalundborg Fjord (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Rubjerg Knude Og Lønstrup Klint (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ryegård Dyrehave, Bramsnæs Og Garveriskov (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ryggen (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Saltholm Og Omliggende Hav (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Sandbanker Ud For Thorsminde (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sandbanker Ud For Thyborøn (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Schultz Og Hastens Grund Samt Briseis Flak (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sejerø Bugt Og Saltbæk Vig (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sejrø Bugt Og Nekselø (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Skælskør Fjord Og Havet Og Kysten Mellem Agersø Og Glænø (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Skælskør Nor, Skælskør Fjord Og Gammelsø (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Skallingen Og Langli (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Skove Langs Nordsiden Af Vejle Fjord (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Skovområde Ved Vejle Fjord (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Smålandsfarvandet Nord For Lolland, Guldborg Sund, Bøtø Nor Og Hyllekrog-Rødsand (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Smålandshavet Nord For Lolland (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Sprogø Og Halskov Rev (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Stavns Fjord (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Stavns Fjord, Samsø Østerflak Og Nordby Hede (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Stenrev Sydøst For Langeland (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Stevns Rev (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Store Rev (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Strandenge På Læsø Og Havet Syd Herfor (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Svinkløv Klitplantage Og Grønne Strand (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sydfynske Øhav (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Sydfynske Øhav (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Thurø Rev (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Thyborøn Stenvolde (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Udby Vig (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Uggerby Klitplantage Og Uggerby Å’S Udløb (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ulvsund, Grønsund Og Farø Fjord (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Vangså Hede (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Vestamager Og Havet Syd For (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Vresen Og Havet Mellem Fyn Og Langeland (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Gilleleje Flak Og Tragten (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Danish Internal Waters (Internal waters)
- DK-06 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Fællesstrand (Lagoon)
- Giber River (River)
- Hovedstaden (Region)
- Midtjylland (Region)
- Nordjylland (Region)
- Sjælland (Region)
- Skagen (Light(house))
- Syddanmark (Region)
- Eastern Atlantic Coast (Coast)
- Eastern Europe (General Region)
- Estonia (Nation)
- European Turkey (General Region)
- Faeroe (Dependent State)
- Finland (Nation)
- Former USSR (Former Nation)
- Former Yugoslavia (Former Nation)
- France (Nation)
- Georgia (Nation)
- Germany (Nation)
- Gibraltar (Dependent State)
- Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Nation)
- Greece (Nation)
- Guernsey (Dependent State)
- Hungary (Nation)
- Iberian Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Iceland (Nation)
- Ireland (Nation)
- Isle of Man (Dependent State)
- Italy (Nation)
- Jersey (Dependent State)
- Kingdom of the Netherlands (General Region)
- Latvia (Nation)
- Liechtenstein (Nation)
- Lithuania (Nation)
- Malta (Nation)
- Moldova (Nation)
- Monaco (Nation)
- Montenegro (Nation)
- North Europe (General Region)
- North Macedonia (Nation)
- North Mediterranean (General Region)
- North West Europe (General Region)
- Norway (Nation)
- Poland (Nation)
- Portugal (Nation)
- Romania (Nation)
- San Marino (Nation)
- Scandinavia (General Region)
- Serbia (Nation)
- Serbia and Montenegro (Former Nation)
- Slovakia (Nation)
- Slovenia (Nation)
- South West Europe (General Region)
- Southeast Europe (General Region)
- Southern Europe (General Region)
- Sozh (River)
- Spain (Nation)
- Svalbard (Dependent State)
- Sweden (Nation)
- Switzerland (Nation)
- Ukraine (Nation)
- United Kingdom (Nation)
- Vatican City (Nation)
- Waddengebied (Natural Reserve)
- Western Europe (General Region)
- Yugoslavia (Former Nation)
- North America (Continent)
- Oceania (Continent)
- South America (Continent)
- World Oceans (World)