Marine Gazetteer browser | |||||||||
- Planet (Planet)
- World (World)
- Africa (Continent)
- Antarctica (Continent)
- Asia (Continent)
- Europe (Continent)
- Albania (Nation)
- Andorra (Nation)
- Atlantic Europe (General Region)
- Austria (Nation)
- Balkan peninsula (Peninsula)
- Belarus (Nation)
- Belgium (Nation)
- Basse-Sambre (Basin)
- Belgian 12 NM (Territorial Sea)
- Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Belgian Internal Waters (Internal waters)
- Belgian part of the North Sea (Marine Region)
- Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest (Region)
- Brussels–Scheldt Maritime Canal (Canal)
- Geul (River)
- Scheldebekken (Basin)
- Vlaanderen (Region)
- Antwerpen (Province (administrative))
- Grote Hoofdgracht (River)
- Grote Losting (River)
- Kanaal Brussel-Rupel (Canal)
- Kleine Hoofdgracht (River)
- Kleine Losting (River)
- Limburg (Province (administrative))
- Oost-Vlaanderen (Province (administrative))
- Aalst (Arrondissement)
- Barbierbeek (River)
- Belselebeek (Stream)
- Burreken (Natural Reserve)
- De Putten (Bird Directive Area)
- Dendermonde (Arrondissement)
- Eeklo (Arrondissement)
- Gent (Arrondissement)
- Grote Geule (Lake)
- Kalkense Meersen (Natural Reserve)
- Kanaal van Gent naar Terneuzen (Canal)
- Lede (Stream)
- Meetjesland (General Region)
- Moervaart (Canal)
- Neerschelde (Stream)
- Oudenaarde (Arrondissement)
- Pauwelsbeek (Stream)
- Sint-Niklaas (Arrondissement)
- Beveren (Town)
- Kruibeke (Town)
- Lokeren (Town)
- Sint-Gillis-Waas (Town)
- Sint-Niklaas (Town)
- Belsele (Deelgemeente)
- Fondatie van Boudelo (Natural Reserve)
- Nieuwkerken-Waas (Deelgemeente)
- Sinaai (Deelgemeente)
- De Heirnisse (Forest)
- Stekene (Town)
- Temse (Town)
- Waaslandhaven (Harbour)
- Zuidlede (River)
- Vlaams-Brabant (Province (administrative))
- West-Vlaanderen (Province (administrative))
- Wallonie (Region)
- Zwin (Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Convention))
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (Nation)
- Bulgaria (Nation)
- Carpathian Mountains (Mountain range)
- Central Europe (General Region)
- Crimea (Disputed Territory)
- Croatia (Nation)
- Cyprus (Nation)
- Czech Republic (Nation)
- Czechoslovakia (Former Nation)
- Denmark (Nation)
- Eastern Atlantic Coast (Coast)
- Eastern Europe (General Region)
- Estonia (Nation)
- European Turkey (General Region)
- Faeroe (Dependent State)
- Finland (Nation)
- Former USSR (Former Nation)
- Former Yugoslavia (Former Nation)
- France (Nation)
- Georgia (Nation)
- Germany (Nation)
- Gibraltar (Dependent State)
- Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Nation)
- Greece (Nation)
- Guernsey (Dependent State)
- Hungary (Nation)
- Iberian Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Iceland (Nation)
- Ireland (Nation)
- Isle of Man (Dependent State)
- Italy (Nation)
- Jersey (Dependent State)
- Kingdom of the Netherlands (General Region)
- Latvia (Nation)
- Liechtenstein (Nation)
- Lithuania (Nation)
- Malta (Nation)
- Moldova (Nation)
- Monaco (Nation)
- Montenegro (Nation)
- North Europe (General Region)
- North Macedonia (Nation)
- North Mediterranean (General Region)
- North West Europe (General Region)
- Norway (Nation)
- Poland (Nation)
- Portugal (Nation)
- Romania (Nation)
- San Marino (Nation)
- Scandinavia (General Region)
- Serbia (Nation)
- Serbia and Montenegro (Former Nation)
- Slovakia (Nation)
- Slovenia (Nation)
- South West Europe (General Region)
- Southeast Europe (General Region)
- Southern Europe (General Region)
- Sozh (River)
- Spain (Nation)
- Svalbard (Dependent State)
- Sweden (Nation)
- Switzerland (Nation)
- Ukraine (Nation)
- United Kingdom (Nation)
- Vatican City (Nation)
- Waddengebied (Natural Reserve)
- Western Europe (General Region)
- Yugoslavia (Former Nation)
- North America (Continent)
- Oceania (Continent)
- South America (Continent)
- World Oceans (World)