Marine Gazetteer browser | |||||||||
- Planet (Planet)
- World (World)
- Africa (Continent)
- Antarctica (Continent)
- Asia (Continent)
- Europe (Continent)
- Albania (Nation)
- Andorra (Nation)
- Atlantic Europe (General Region)
- Austria (Nation)
- Balkan peninsula (Peninsula)
- Belarus (Nation)
- Belgium (Nation)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (Nation)
- Bulgaria (Nation)
- Carpathian Mountains (Mountain range)
- Central Europe (General Region)
- Crimea (Disputed Territory)
- Croatia (Nation)
- Cyprus (Nation)
- Czech Republic (Nation)
- Czechoslovakia (Former Nation)
- Denmark (Nation)
- Eastern Atlantic Coast (Coast)
- Eastern Europe (General Region)
- Estonia (Nation)
- European Turkey (General Region)
- Faeroe (Dependent State)
- Finland (Nation)
- Former USSR (Former Nation)
- Former Yugoslavia (Former Nation)
- France (Nation)
- Georgia (Nation)
- Germany (Nation)
- Gibraltar (Dependent State)
- Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Nation)
- Greece (Nation)
- Guernsey (Dependent State)
- Hungary (Nation)
- Iberian Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Iceland (Nation)
- Ireland (Nation)
- Isle of Man (Dependent State)
- Italy (Nation)
- Jersey (Dependent State)
- Kingdom of the Netherlands (General Region)
- Latvia (Nation)
- Liechtenstein (Nation)
- Lithuania (Nation)
- Malta (Nation)
- Moldova (Nation)
- Monaco (Nation)
- Montenegro (Nation)
- North Europe (General Region)
- North Macedonia (Nation)
- North Mediterranean (General Region)
- North West Europe (General Region)
- Norway (Nation)
- Poland (Nation)
- Portugal (Nation)
- Romania (Nation)
- San Marino (Nation)
- Scandinavia (General Region)
- Serbia (Nation)
- Serbia and Montenegro (Former Nation)
- Slovakia (Nation)
- Slovenia (Nation)
- South West Europe (General Region)
- Southeast Europe (General Region)
- Southern Europe (General Region)
- Sozh (River)
- Spain (Nation)
- Svalbard (Dependent State)
- Sweden (Nation)
- Switzerland (Nation)
- Ukraine (Nation)
- United Kingdom (Nation)
- Blakeney salt marsh (Salt Marsh)
- Britain (General Region)
- British 12 NM (Territorial Sea)
- British Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- British Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- British Internal Waters (Internal waters)
- British Isles (Archipelago)
- Channel Islands (Archipelago)
- East Britain (General Region)
- England (Country)
- Isle of Man (Dependent State)
- Joint regime area France / United Kingdom / Ireland / Spain (CLCS Recommendation) (Extended Continental Shelf (Joint CLCS Recommendation))
- Northern Ireland (Country)
- Overlapping claim: Denmark (Faeroe) (CLCS Submission) / United Kingdom (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- River Dee (River)
- Scotland (Country)
- United Kingdom Coast (Coast)
- Wales (Country)
- Vatican City (Nation)
- Waddengebied (Natural Reserve)
- Western Europe (General Region)
- Yugoslavia (Former Nation)
- North America (Continent)
- Oceania (Continent)
- South America (Continent)
- World Oceans (World)
- Arctic Ocean (IHO Sea Area)
- Atlantic Ocean (General Sea Area)
- Alnmouth Bay (Bay)
- Amphiatlantic (General Sea Area)
- Angra de Cintra (Bay)
- Angra Pequena (Bay)
- Annobon (Island)
- Antarctic Bottom Water (Water mass)
- Antarctic Deep Water (Water mass)
- Antarctic Intermediate Water (Water mass)
- Ar-Men (Light(house))
- Atlantic Intermediate Water (Water mass)
- Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean (General Sea Area)
- Atol das Rocas (Atoll)
- Baia de Santa Marta (Bay)
- Baie de Bourgneuf (Bay)
- Baie du Levrier (Bay)
- Bight of Bonny (Bight)
- Bioko (Island)
- Bird Island (Island)
- Boreal Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Borgundfjorden (Fjord)
- Buffels Bay (Bay)
- Buzzards Bay (Bay)
- Cape Cod Bay (Bay)
- Central Atlantic Ocean (General Sea Area)
- Chesapeake Bay (Bay)
- Common Water (Water mass)
- Dassen Island (Island)
- East Atlantic Subarctic Intermediate Water (Water mass)
- Eastern Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Equatorial Countercurrent (Current)
- Equatorial Undercurrent (Current)
- Fernando de Noronha (Island)
- Florida Strait (Strait)
- Grand Bank (Bank)
- Guiana Basin (Basin)
- Guinea Basin (Basin)
- Gulf of Venezuela (Gulf)
- Hann (Bay)
- Hout Bay (Bay)
- Iberian Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Iberian Basin (Basin)
- Île Kassa (Island)
- Irvine Bay (Bay)
- Lee Stocking Island (Island)
- Mediterranean Intermediate Water (Water mass)
- Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Ridge)
- Middle Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- North Atlantic Bottom Water (Water mass)
- North Atlantic Central Water (Water mass)
- North Atlantic Deep Water (Water mass)
- North Atlantic Ocean (IHO Sea Area)
- Abaco Islands (Archipelago)
- Abbott Rock (Rock)
- Acantilado Costero de Los Perros (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Acantilado de Las Traviesas (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Acantilados de Alajeró, La dama Y Valle Gran Rey (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Acantilados de Santo Domingo (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Accomac Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Achill Head (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Açor Bank (Bank)
- Açores Este Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Adamant Rock (Rock)
- Adamant Shoal (Shoal)
- Aegis Spur (Spur)
- Afen region (Continental Margin)
- Agadir Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Agapova Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Agassiz Valleys (Submarine valley(s))
- Agostinho Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Akeragh, Banna and Barrow Harbour (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Albacora Caldera (Caldera)
- Albany Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Albemarle Shelf Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Albert de Monaco Ridge (Ridge)
- Alcor Rock (Rock)
- Algerine Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Allegheny Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Allen Bank (Bank)
- Allen Rock (Rock)
- Allen Shoal (Rock)
- Almeida Carvalho Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Altair Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Alvaro Martins Hill (Hill(s))
- Alvin Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Amazon Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Amazon Cone (Fan)
- Amazon Sea Channel (Seachannel)
- Ambrose Rock (Rock)
- Ammen Basin (Basin)
- Ammen Rock (Reef)
- Ammen Swell (Rise)
- Ampère Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Amphitheaters Basin (Basin)
- Amphitheatre Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Amphitheatre Spur (Spur)
- Anaga (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Anaga (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Anchor Shoal (Shoal)
- Andiroba Hill (Hill(s))
- Andrews Shoal (Shoal)
- Andromeda Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Andros (Island)
- Anegada Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Angus Shoal (Shoal)
- Anita Conti Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Antialtair Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Antiguan and Barbudan part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Antilles Sea (Sea)
- Anton Dohrn Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Antonio de Freitas Hill (Hill(s))
- Apple Rock (Rock)
- Aran Island (Donegal) Cliffs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Archipiélago Chinijo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ardbear Bay (Bay)
- Ardboline Island and Horse Island Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Área Marina de La Isleta (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Arecibo Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Arguin Bank (Bank)
- Arguin Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Arguin Spur (Spur)
- Arkhangelskiy Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Armoricain Fan (Fan)
- Armoricain Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Arnold Shoal (Shoal)
- Arosa Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Arquipélago da Berlenga (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Arrabida (Marine Protected Area (MPA))
- Arrábida/Espichel (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Arroyo Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Artimon Bank (Bank)
- Ashton Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Asterias Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Atlantic coast of Morocco (Coast)
- Atlantis Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Atlantis Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Atlantis II Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Atlantis Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Atobá Ridge (Ridge)
- Aughris Head Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Aughrusbeg Machair and Lake (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Auriga Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Austell Spur (Spur)
- Avalon Channel (Trough)
- Aveiro Continental Shelf (Continental Shelf (Physical))
- Aveiro Valley (Valley)
- Avery Shoal (Shoal)
- Avondale Reef (Reef)
- Azores (Archipelago)
- Azores Countercurrent (Current)
- Azores Plateau (Plateau)
- Azores-Biscay Rise (Rise)
- Azores-Gibraltar Ridge (Ridge)
- Babin Shoal (Shoal)
- Babylon Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Baccaro Bank (Bank)
- Back Shoal (Shoal)
- Backmans Shoal (Reef)
- Bad Neighbour Shoal (Shoal)
- Badger Rock (Rock)
- Badger Rock (Rock)
- Baffin Current (Current)
- Bahama Basin (Basin)
- Bahama Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Bahama Ridge (Ridge)
- Bahamas (Nation)
- Bahamian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Bahamian Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Bahamian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Bahia de Cadiz (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Bahía de Gando (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bahía del Confital (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Baixa Do Sul (Canal Do Faial) (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Baixo Miño (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bajo Guadalquivir (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Balanus Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Bald Head Shoal (Shoal)
- Bald Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Bald Rock Bull (Rock)
- Baldaque da Silva Passage (Passage)
- Ballard Bank (Bank)
- Ballinskelligs Bay and Inny Estuary (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ballysadare Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ballysadare Bay Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Baltee Shoal (Shoal)
- Baltimore Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Banc d'Arguin National Park (World Marine Heritage Site)
- Banc du Séminole (Bank)
- Banc Nickerson (Shoal)
- Banco D. João de Castro (Canal Terceira - S. Miguel) (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bank Rock (Rock)
- Banquereau (Bank)
- Bantam Banks (Bank)
- Bantam Shoal (Shoal)
- Bantry Bay (Bay)
- Bar Haven Bank (Bank)
- Barachois Shoal (Shoal)
- Barbadian Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation))
- Barbadian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Barra Fan (Fan)
- Barracuda Plain (Plain)
- Barracuda Ridge (Ridge)
- Barranco de Argaga (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Barranco de Erques (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Barranco de Las Angustias (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Barranco del Jorado (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Barrett Rock (Rock)
- Barse Ground (Rock)
- Barse Rock (Rock)
- Barse Rock (Rock)
- Basque Reef (Reef)
- Basque Shoal (Shoal)
- Bass Rock (Rock)
- Bastard (Rock)
- Bateau Bank (Bank)
- Bathymetrists Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Bay of Biscay (IHO Sea Area)
- Bay of Fundy (IHO Sea Area)
- Bay of Rio de Oro (Bay)
- Bay Shoal (Shoal)
- Bay Shoal (Shoal)
- Beachgrass Head Rock (Rock)
- Bear Cove Shoal (Shoal)
- Bear Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Bear Shoal (Shoal)
- Beara Peninsula Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Beaufort Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Beaver Tail (Shoal)
- Beckford Shoal (Shoal)
- Beiral de Viana Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Belgica Mound Province (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bell Rock (Rock)
- Bella Shoal (Shoal)
- Belle Isle, Strait of (Strait)
- Belousov Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Bend Breaker (Reef)
- Bennett Bank (Bank)
- Beothuk Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Berkeley Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Berlenga (Island)
- Bermuda Rise (Rise)
- Berrio Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Bérrio Saddle (Saddle)
- Bertraghboy Bay (Bay)
- Berufjarðaráll (Submarine valley(s))
- Betancuria (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Bethel Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Fish Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Hawbolt Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Hurley Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Nest (Rock)
- Big Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Shoal (Shoal)
- Big Sunker (Rock)
- Big Sunker Rocks (Rocks)
- Big Tobacco Rock (Rock)
- Bigfish Shoal (Shoal)
- Bight Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Bijagós Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Bill Baileys Bank (Seamount(s))
- Bill Bailey's Bank (Bank)
- Bill Giffin Shoal (Shoal)
- Bill Myer Shoal (Shoal)
- Bill White Rock (Rock)
- Billies Rock (Rock)
- Bills Rocks Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Bingham Shoal (Shoal)
- Bingly Shoal (Shoal)
- Birch Shoal (Reef)
- Birma Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Biscay Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Biscayne Bay (Bay)
- Bissau Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Bissau-Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Bissau-Guinean part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Black Breaker Rock (Rock)
- Black Head Rock (Rock)
- Black Head Shoal (Shoal)
- Black Head-Poulsallagh Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Black Horse Rock (Rock)
- Black Mud Levee (Levee)
- Blackman Shoal (Shoal)
- Blacks Basin (Basin)
- Blacksod Bay (Bay)
- Blacksod Bay/Broad Haven Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Blake Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Blake Basin (Basin)
- Blake Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Blake Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Blake Plateau (Plateau)
- Blake Ridge (Ridge)
- Blake Spur (Spur)
- Blandford Shoal (Shoal)
- Blasket Islands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Blasket Islands Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Blind Sister (Rock)
- Block Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Block Island Ridge (Ridge)
- Block Island Shelf Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Block Island Sound (Bay)
- Blow Breaker (Shoal)
- Blow Me Down Sunker (Rock)
- Bluff Head Shoal (Shoal)
- Boa Vista (Island)
- Boa Vista Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Boat Shoal (Shoal)
- Bobby Rock (Rock)
- Bobby Rock (Rock)
- Bobs Rock (Rock)
- Bobs Shoal (Rock)
- Bogdanov Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Bogy Ledge (Shoal)
- Bogy Reef (Shoal)
- Bonavista Bay (Bay)
- Bonnécamps Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Boom Rock (Rock)
- Bootes Bank (Bank)
- Borda Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Borgles Shoal (Shoal)
- Bosísio Basin (Basin)
- Bourée Hole (Hole)
- Bow and Arrow Shoal (Shoal)
- Bowditch Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Bowdridge Shoal (Shoal)
- Bower Patch (Shoal)
- BR-01 (HAB monitoring grid)
- BR-02 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Branco (Island)
- Brandon Bay (Bay)
- Brandy Rocks (Rocks)
- Brava (Island)
- Brazil Rock (Rock)
- Brazilian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Bread and Cheese Rock (Rock)
- Breeches Rock (Rock)
- Breidafjordur (Bay)
- Breiðamerkurdjúp (Submarine valley(s))
- Brekhovskih Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Brier Shoal (Shoal)
- Brier Shoals (Shoal)
- Brig Rock (Rock)
- Brig Rock (Rock)
- Brig Shoal (Shoal)
- Bristol Channel (IHO Sea Area)
- British Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Aberdaron Coast and Bardsey Island (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ailsa Craig (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Aird & Borve, Benbecula (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Anglesey Coast: Saltmarsh (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ardmeanach (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ardvar and Loch A`Mhuilinn Woodlands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ascrib, Isay and Dunvegan (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Auskerry (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Barry Links (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Beast Cliff – Whitby (Robin Hood`S Bay) (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Belfast Lough (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Belfast Lough Open Water (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Benacre To Easton Bavents (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Benfleet and Southend Marshes (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Blackwater Estuary (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 4) (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Braemar Pockmarks (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Braunton Burrows (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Brenot Spur (Spur)
- Bridgend Flats, Islay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- British 12 NM (Territorial Sea)
- British 24 NM (Contiguous zone)
- British Internal Waters (Internal waters)
- British part of the Bristol Channel (Marine Region)
- British part of the Celtic Sea (Marine Region)
- British part of the English Channel (Marine Region)
- Pagham Harbour (Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Convention))
- Poole Harbour (Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Convention))
- Portsmouth Harbour (Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Convention))
- Solent and Southampton Water (Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Convention))
- British part of the Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland (Marine Region)
- British part of the Irish Sea and St. George's Channel (Marine Region)
- British part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- British part of the North Sea (Marine Region)
- British part of the Norwegian Sea (Marine Region)
- Buache Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Buchan Ness To Collieston (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Buchan Ness To Collieston Coast (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Burry Inlet (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Caithness and Sutherland Peatlands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Caithness and Sutherland Peatlands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Calf Of Eday (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Canna and Sanday (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cape Wrath (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cape Wrath (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Cardigan Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Carmarthen Bay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Carmarthen Bay Dunes (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Castlemartin Coast (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cemlyn Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Chesil and The Fleet (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Chichester and Langstone Harbours (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Claish Moss and Kentra Moss (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Clogwyni Pen Llyn (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Cnuic Agus Cladach Mhuile (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Coll (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Coll Machair (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Colne Estuary (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 2) (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Conon Islands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Copeland Islands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Copinsay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Coquet Island (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cromarty Firth (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cuillins (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Culbin Bar (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dangeart Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Darwin Mounds (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dawlish Warren (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Day Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Dee Estuary (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dengie (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 1) (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Dogger Bank (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dornoch Firth and Loch Fleet (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Dornoch Firth and Morrich More (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dorset Heathlands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Dorset Heaths (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dorset Heaths (Purbeck and Wareham) and Studland Dunes (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dover To Kingsdown Cliffs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Drigg Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Duddon Estuary (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Dungeness (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dungeness To Pett Level (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Durham Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Durness (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- East Caithness Cliffs (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- East Caithness Cliffs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- East Mingulay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- East Sanday Coast (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Eddystone Lighthouse (Light(house))
- Eileanan Agus Sgeiran Lios Mór (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Eoligarry, Barra (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Essex Estuaries (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Exe Estuary (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Exmoor and Quantock Oakwoods (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Exmoor Heaths (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Fair Isle (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Fair Isle (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Fal and Helford (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Faray and Holm Of Faray (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Farne Islands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Fetlar (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Firth Of Forth (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Firth Of Lorn (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Firth Of Tay & Eden Estuary (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Firth Of Tay & Eden Estuary (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Flamborough Head (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Flamborough Head and Bempton Cliffs (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Flannan Isles (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Forth Islands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Foula (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Foulness (Mid-Essex Coast Phase 5) (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Fowlsheugh (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Garron Point (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Gibraltar Point (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Glac Na Criche (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Glas Eileanan (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Glen Beasdale (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Glen Creran Woods (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Glen etive and Glen Fyne (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Godrevy Head To St Agnes (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Gower Ash Woods (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Gower Commons (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Grassholm (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Great Orme`S Head/ Pen Y Gogarth (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Gruinart Flats, Islay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Haig Fras (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Haisborough, Hammond and Winterton (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Hamford Water (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Handa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Hascosay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Hermaness, Saxa Vord and Valla Field (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Holy Island Coast (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Holy Island Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Hoy (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Hoy (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Humber Estuary (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Humber Estuary (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Imperial Dock Lock, Leith (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inner Clyde Estuary (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inner Dowsing, Race Bank and North Ridge (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Inner Moray Firth (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inverasdale Peatlands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Inverpolly (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Isle Of May (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Isle Of Portland To Studland Cliffs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Isle Of Wight Downs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Isles Of Scilly (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Isles Of Scilly Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Jura, Scarba and The Garvellachs (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Kenfig (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Kilpheder To Smerclate, South Uist (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Kinloch and Kyleakin Hills (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Laggan, Islay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Lands End and Cape Bank (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lavan Sands, Conway Bay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Lewis Peatlands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Limestone Coast Of South West Wales (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lindisfarne (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Liverpool Bay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Lizard Point (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lleyn Peninsula and The Sarnau (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Loch Creran (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Loch etive Woods (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Loch Maree Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Loch Moidart and Loch Shiel Woods (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Loch Nam Madadh (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Loch Of Inch and Torrs Warren (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Loch Of Strathbeg (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Loch Roag Lagoons (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lochs Duich, Long and Alsh Reefs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lough Foyle (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Lower River Spey – Spey Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Luce Bay and Sands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lundy (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lyme Bay and Torbay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Magilligan (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Margate and Long Sands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Marwick Head (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Medway Estuary and Marshes (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Menai Strait and Conwy Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mendip Limestone Grasslands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mersey Estuary (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Mingulay and Berneray (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Moidart and Ardgour (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Mòine Mhór (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Monach Islands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Monach Isles (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Montrose Basin (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Moray and Nairn Coast (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Moray Firth (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Morecambe Bay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Morecambe Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Morfa Harlech A Morfa Dyffryn (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Morvern Woods (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mousa (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mousa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Mull Oakwoods (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mull Of Galloway (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Murlough (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mynydd Cilan, Trwyn Y Wylfa Ac Ynysoedd Sant Tudwal (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- North Antrim Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- North Caithness Cliffs (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- North Colonsay and Western Cliffs (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- North Fetlar (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- North Harris (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- North Harris Mountains (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- North Norfolk Coast (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- North Norfolk Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- North Northumberland Dunes (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- North Rona (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- North Rona and Sula Sgeir (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- North Sutherland Coastal Islands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- North Uist Machair (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- North Uist Machair and Islands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- North West Rockall Bank (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Northumbria Coast (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Noss (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Oldshoremore and Sandwood (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Oronsay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Oronsay and South Colonsay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Otterswick and Graveland (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Outer Ards (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Outer Thames Estuary (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Pagham Harbour (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Papa Stour (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Papa Stour (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Papa Westray (North Hill and Holm) (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Pembrokeshire Marine/ Sir Benfro Forol (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Penhale Dunes (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Pentland Firth Islands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Petite Sole Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Petite Sole Valley (Valley)
- Plymouth Sound and Estuaries (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Poole Harbour (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Portsmouth Harbour (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Priest Island (Summer Isles) (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Puffin Island (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ramna Stacks and Gruney (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ramsey and St David`s Peninsula Coast (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Rathlin Island (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Rathlin Island (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Red Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ribble and Alt Estuaries (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Rigg – Bile (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Rinns Of Islay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Rinns Of Islay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- River dee (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- River Spey (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- River Wye (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Rockall Bank (Bank)
- Ronas Hill – North Roe and Tingon (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Rousay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Rum (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Rum (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Saltfleetby–Theddlethorpe Dunes and Gibraltar Point (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sanday (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sands Of Forvie (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Scanner Pockmark (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sefton Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Severn Estuary (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Severn Estuary (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Sheep Island (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Shell Flat and Lune deep (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sidmouth To West Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Skokholm and Skomer (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Sléibhtean Agus Cladach Thiriodh (Tiree Wetlands and Coast) (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Solent and Isle Of Wight Lagoons (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Solent and Southampton Water (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Solent Maritime (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Solway Firth (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sorlingues Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Sound Of Arisaig (Loch Ailort To Loch Ceann Traigh) (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- South devon Shore Dock (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- South Hams (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- South Uist Machair (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- South Uist Machair and Lochs (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- South Wight Maritime (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- South-East Islay Skerries (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- St Abb`S Head To Fast Castle (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- St Abb`S Head To Fast Castle (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- St Albans Head To Durlston Head (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- St David`s (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- St Kilda (World Marine Heritage Site)
- St Kilda (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- St Kilda (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Stanton Banks (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Start Point To Plymouth Sound & Eddystone (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Stour and Orwell Estuaries (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Strangford Lough (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Strangford Lough (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Strathy Point (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Stromness Heaths and Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sule Skerry and Sule Stack (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Sullom Voe (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sumburgh Head (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Sunart (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Switha (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Tamar Estuaries Complex (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Tarbert Woods (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Taynish and Knapdale Woods (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tayvallich Juniper and Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Thames Estuary and Marshes (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Thanet Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Thanet Coast and Sandwich Bay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- The Dee Estuary (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- The Lizard (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- The Oa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- The Shiant Isles (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- The Swale (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- The Wash (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- The Wash and North Norfolk Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tingon (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tintagel–Marsland–Clovelly Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tiree Machair (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tràigh Na Berie (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Treshnish Isles (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Treshnish Isles (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Troup, Pennan and Lion`S Heads (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Tweed Estuary (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Upper Solway Flats and Marshes (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- West Shetland CDS (Contourite Depositional System)
- West Westray (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Wyville Thomson Ridge (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Y Twyni O Abermenai I Aberffraw (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Yell Sound Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ynys Feurig, Cemlyn Bay and The Skerries (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ythan Estuary, Sands Of Forvie and Meikle Loch (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- British Exclusive Economic Zone (Bermuda) (EEZ)
- British Exclusive Economic Zone (Turks and Caicos Islands) (EEZ)
- British Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- British Isles (Archipelago)
- British part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- British part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Anguilla) (Marine Region)
- British part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Bermuda) (Marine Region)
- British part of the North Atlantic Ocean (British Virgin Islands) (Marine Region)
- British part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Turks and Caicos Islands) (Marine Region)
- Broad Bank (Reef)
- Broad Breaker (Rock)
- Broad Shoal (Reef)
- Broad Shoal (Shoal)
- Broad Shoal (Shoal)
- Broadhaven Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Brook Rock (Rock)
- Brow Rock (Rock)
- Brown Bank (Bank)
- Browns Bank (Bank)
- Browns Bank (Sampling Station)
- Brule Shoal (Shoal)
- Brunette Bank (Shoal)
- Bryant Shoal (Shoal)
- Bryony Bank (Bank)
- Buchanan Ridge (Ridge)
- Bucksport Shoal (Shoal)
- Budget Rock (Rock)
- Budget Rock (Rock)
- Buell Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Buffett Bank (Bank)
- Bugdens Rock (Rock)
- Bull Rock (Rock)
- Bull Rock (Rock)
- Bull Rock (Rock)
- Bull Rock (Rock)
- Bull Shoal (Shoal)
- Bullhead Bantam (Bank)
- Bulls Scarp (Escarpment)
- Bunduff Lough and Machair/Trawalua/Mullaghmore (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bunowen Bay (Bay)
- Burgeo Ground (Shoal)
- Burin Bank (Bank)
- Burke Shoal (Shoal)
- Burns Head Rock (Rock)
- Burns Rock (Rock)
- Burns Shoal (Shoal)
- Burnt Ground (Reef)
- Butler Rock (Rock)
- CA-16 (HAB monitoring grid)
- CA-17 (HAB monitoring grid)
- CA-18 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Cabinet Shoal (Shoal)
- Cabo Espichel (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cabo Udra (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Caboclo Basin (Basin)
- Cadamosto Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Cadiz Gulf (Gulf)
- Cagafrecho (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Caicos Bank (Bank)
- Caicos Islands (Archipelago)
- Caithness and Sutherland Peatlands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Caithness and Sutherland Peatlands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Caldeira E Capelinhos - Ilha Do Faial (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Calf Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Calf Of Eday (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Calf Rock (Rock)
- Caloosahatchee Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Caloura-Ponta da Galera - Ilha de S. Miguel (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Camarón Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Cameron Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Camões Bank (Bank)
- Camões Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Camp Rock (Rock)
- Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone [Atlantic part] (Marine Region)
- Canadian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Canary Basin (Basin)
- Canary Islands (Archipelago)
- Canary Ridge (Ridge)
- Canary Sea (Sea)
- Canso Bank (Bank)
- Cantabria Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Cape Breaker (Rock)
- Cape Fear Terrace (Terrace)
- Cape Ledge (Shoal)
- Cape Lookout Shoals (Shoal)
- Cape Palmas Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Cape Rock (Rock)
- Cape Verde (Archipelago)
- Cape Verde Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Cape Verde Basin (Basin)
- Cape Verde Plateau (Plateau)
- Cape Verde Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Cape Verdean Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Cape Verdean part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Captain Ball Rock (Shoal)
- Caribbean Sea (IHO Sea Area)
- Caribou Rock (Rock)
- Carlos Ribeiro Passage (Passage)
- Carnota - Monte Pindo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Carousse Bank (Bank)
- Carpathia Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Carron Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Carrowmore Point To Spanish Point and Islands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Carson Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Carstens Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Carter Seamount (Seamount Chain)
- Carteret Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Carvalho Araújo Passage (Passage)
- Caryn Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Cascais Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Cashes Basin (Basin)
- Cashes Ledge (Ridge)
- Castle Rock Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Castlemaine Harbour (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Castlemaine Harbour Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Castro Terrace (Terrace)
- Cat Gap (Gap)
- Cay Sal Bank (Bank)
- Cay Sal Drift (Drift)
- Cayar Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Ceará Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Ceará Ridge (Ridge)
- Celtic Sea (IHO Sea Area)
- Celtique Seachannel (Seachannel)
- Central North Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Chain Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Chain Rocks (Rocks)
- Challenger Bank (Tablemount)
- Channel Rock (Rock)
- Channel Shoal (Shoal)
- Channel Shoal (Shoal)
- Chapel Shoal (Shoal)
- Charco de Cieno (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Charco del Conde (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Charcot Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Charleston Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Charley Rock (Rock)
- Charley Rock (Rock)
- Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Charlos Reef (Reef)
- Chaucer Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Chaves Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Chebacco Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Chebogue Ledge (Shoal)
- Chebogue Point Shoal (Shoal)
- Chenal de Saint-Pierre (Trough)
- Cherkis Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Chester Rock (Rock)
- Chicks Rock (Rock)
- Chimney Rocks (Rocks)
- Choffat Valley (Valley)
- Christian Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Chtoukane Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Chubb Rock (Rock)
- Cima (Island)
- Cindy Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Clare Island Cliffs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Clare Island Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Clarion Bank (Bank)
- Cleopatra Shoal (Shoal)
- Clew Bay (Bay)
- Clew Bay Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Clifford Smith Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Cliffs Of Moher Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Clipper Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Cloué Rock (Shoal)
- Cockawee Shoal (Shoal)
- Cockle Rock (Rock)
- Codray Shoal (Shoal)
- Cole Ledge (Shoal)
- Collier Rock (Rock)
- Colón Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Colorado Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Colt Shoal (Shoal)
- Columbia Ledge (Reef)
- Columbia Rock (Rock)
- Complexo Húmido de Corrubedo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Complexo Intermareal Umia - O Grove, A Lanzada, Punta Carreirón E Lagoa Bodeira (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Complexo Litoral de Corrubedo (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Complexo Ons - O Grove (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Conception Bank (Bank)
- Congress Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Congress Shoal (Shoal)
- Connemara Bog Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Connemara Coast (Coast)
- Connor Reef (Reef)
- Connors Ridge (Ridge)
- Constituição Basin (Basin)
- Cooks Ledge (Reef)
- Cooks Rock (Rock)
- Coombes Rock (Rock)
- Cooper Bank (Bank)
- Cooper Shoal (Shoal)
- Cooper Shop Shoal (Rock)
- Coote Shoal (Shoal)
- Coral Patch Bank (Bank)
- Corbin Head Shoal (Shoal)
- Cordero Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Cork Rock (Rock)
- Corner Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Corner Shoal (Shoal)
- Cornwall Rock (Rock)
- Corralejo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Corrales de Rota (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Corraun Plateau (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Corsair Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Corveiro Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Costa Ártabra (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa da Morte (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa da Morte (Norte) (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Costa da Vela (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa das Quatro Ribeiras - Ilha da Terceira (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa de Ferrolterra - Valdoviño (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Costa de Garafía (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa de Hiscaguán (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa de Los Órganos (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa de Majona, El Águila Y Avalo (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Costa de San Juan de La Rambla (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa de Sardina del Norte (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa del Norte de Fuerteventura (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Costa E Caldeirão - Ilha Do Corvo (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Costa E Caldeirão - Ilha Do Corvo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa Ne E Ponta Do Topo - Ilha de S. Jorge (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa Nordeste - Ilha das Flores (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa Sudoeste (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Costa Sudoeste (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Country Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Cow and Calf Ledge (Reef)
- Cow Rock (Rock)
- Cow Rock (Rock)
- Cowley Rock (Rock)
- Cox Ledge (Bank)
- Crab Rock (Rock)
- Cranten Rock (Rock)
- Creek Shoal (Shoal)
- Cregduff Lough (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Crescent Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Cripple Rock (Rock)
- Croaghaun/Slievemore (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Croney Rock (Rock)
- Croney Shoal (Shoal)
- Cronie Reef (Reef)
- Crooks Rock (Rock)
- Cross Ledge (Shoal)
- Cross Point Shoal (Shoal)
- Crotch Ground (Bank)
- Croucher Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Crow Bunch Shoal (Shoal)
- Crowell Basin (Basin)
- Cruagh Island Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cruiser Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Crumb Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Cuban part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Cueva de Lobos (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Cultivator Shoal (Shoal)
- Cumbres Y Acantilados del Norte de La Palma (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cummeen Strand Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cummeen Strand/Drumcliff Bay (Sligo Bay) (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Cunningham Reef (Reef)
- Currys Breaker (Rock)
- Curtis's Rock (Rock)
- Cuslett Rock (Rock)
- Dacia Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Dakar Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Daly Rock (Rock)
- Danells Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Dangeart Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Daniel Shoal (Shoal)
- Danielsen Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Danish Extended Continental Shelf (Faeroe) (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Danish part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Faeroe) (Marine Region)
- Danish part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Greenland) (Marine Region)
- Darby Bank (Bank)
- Darwin Mounds (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Daves Rock (Rock)
- David Rock (Rock)
- Davis Bank (Shoal)
- Davis Basin (Basin)
- Dawson Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Day Canyon (Canyon(s))
- De Guerne Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Dead Cow Shoals (Shoal)
- Deenish Island and Scariff Island Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Deep Water Bank (Bank)
- Deep Western Boundary Current (Current)
- Deepwater Bank (Shoal)
- Deepwater Ledge (Shoal)
- Delaney Rock (Rock)
- Demerara Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Demerara Plateau (Plateau)
- Demerara Plateau CDS (Contourite Depositional System)
- Denmark Strait (Strait)
- Denys Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Desbarres Canyon (Canyon(s))
- DesBarres Spur (Spur)
- Descobridores Hills (Hill(s))
- Desertas (Archipelago)
- Devastation Shoal (Shoal)
- Devereux Shoal (Shoal)
- Diamond Shoals (Shoal)
- Diana Bank (Bank)
- Dick Burns Rock (Rock)
- Dingle Bay (Bay)
- Dingle Peninsula Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Diogo de Silves Hole (Hole)
- Diogo de Teive Hills (Hill(s))
- Dipper Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Discovery Ridge (Ridge)
- Djúpáll (Submarine valley(s))
- Dmitriev Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Doane Rock (Rock)
- Dock Island Sunker (Rock)
- Dodding Rock (Rock)
- Doddys Shoal (Shoal)
- Dogbody Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Dogfish Ground (Shoal)
- Dog's Bay (Bay)
- Dog'S Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dohrn Bank (Bank)
- Doldrums Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Dollabarat Reef (Reef)
- Dollard Rock (Rock)
- Dom João de Castro Bank (Bank)
- Dominican part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Dominican part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Republic) (Marine Region)
- Doñana (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Donegal Bay (Bay)
- Donegal Bay (Murvagh) (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Donegal Bay Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Donegal Fan (Fan)
- Doogort Machair/Lough Doo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dorr Shoal (Shoal)
- Dos Niños Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Dos Niños Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Dough Ball Shoals (Shoal)
- Douglas's Shoal (Shoal)
- Dover Shoals (Shoal)
- Downing Basin (Trough)
- Dragon Bank (Bank)
- Drumcliff Bay Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Duarte Pacheco Spur (Spur)
- Duck Bank (Bank)
- Duck Rock (Rock)
- Duck Rock (Rock)
- Duck Rock Shoal (Rock)
- Duck Rock Sunker (Rock)
- Duck Shoal (Shoal)
- Duck Shoal (Shoal)
- Duck Shoal (Shoal)
- Duck Shoal (Shoal)
- Duck Shoals (Shoal)
- Dunas de Corralejo E Isla de Lobos (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Dunas de Mira, Gândara E Gafanhas (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Duncan Reef (Reef)
- Duncan Shoals (Shoal)
- Dunmanus Bay (Bay)
- Durnesh Lough (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Durness (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dursey Sound (Sound)
- Duvillaun Islands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Duvillaun Islands Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- East Azores Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- East Bar (Shoal)
- East Bear Point Ledge (Shoal)
- East Breakwater Bank (Bank)
- East Bull (Rock)
- East Bull (Rock)
- East Burren Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- East Canary Islands (General Region)
- East Gilley Shoal (Shoal)
- East Greenland Current (Current)
- East Point Rock (Rock)
- East Pollock (Shoal)
- East Shoal (Shoal)
- East Shoal (Shoal)
- East Thulean Rise (Rise)
- East Tillies Trough (Trough)
- Eastern Crozon Levee (Levee)
- Eastern Hummock (Shoal)
- Eastern North Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Eastern Patch Rock (Rock)
- Eastern Ridge (Shoal)
- Eastern Rock (Rock)
- Eastern Rock (Rock)
- Eastern Shoal (Shoal)
- Eastern Shoal (Shoal)
- Eastern Shoals (Shoal)
- Eastward Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Echo Bank (Bank)
- Ede Rock (Rock)
- Edoras Bank (Bank)
- Egas Moniz Hills (Hill(s))
- Eirik Ridge (Ridge)
- El Arraiche CDS (Contourite Depositional System)
- El Ferrol Canyon (Canyon(s))
- El Hierro (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Elbow Rock (Shoal)
- Elena Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Eleuthera Valley (Valley)
- Elizabeth Basin (Basin)
- Emberly Rock (Rock)
- Emerald Bank (Bank)
- Emerald Basin (Basin)
- Emerald Shoal (Shoal)
- Emery Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Emmeline Shoal (Shoal)
- Enebrales de Punta Umbria (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Engaño Apron (Apron)
- Engaño Bank (Bank)
- Engaño Canyon (Canyon(s))
- English Channel (IHO Sea Area)
- Anse de Landemer (Bight)
- Anse de Vauville (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Anse du Cul-de-Loup (Bight)
- Archipel des Sept-Îles (Archipelago)
- Baie de Canche et Couloir des Trois Estuaires (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Baie de Lancieux (Bay)
- Baie de Lancieux, Baie de L'Arguenon, Archipel de Saint Malo et dinard (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Baie de Morlaix (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Baie de Morlaix (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Baie de Paimpol (Bay)
- Baie de Saint-Brieuc (Bay)
- Baie de Saint-Brieuc - Est (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Baie de Saint-Brieuc - Est (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Baie de Seine Occidentale (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Baie de Seine Occidentale (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Baie de Seine Orientale (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Baie de Tocquebœuf (Bay)
- Baie d'Écalgrain (Bay)
- Baie des veys (Bay)
- Baie Du Mont Saint Michel (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Baie Du Mont Saint-Michel (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Banc et Récifs de Surtainville (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Basses Vallées Du Cotentin et Baie des Veys (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Bassurelle (Shoal)
- Bassurelle Sandbank (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Bay of Morlaix (Bay)
- Bay of the Somme (Bay)
- BENTHOBS Boulogne sur Mer (Sampling Station)
- BENTHOBS Ebihens (Sampling Station)
- British part of the English Channel (Marine Region)
- British part of the English Channel (Guernsey) (Marine Region)
- British part of the English Channel (Jersey) (Marine Region)
- Canche Estuary (Estuary)
- Cap de Carteret (Cape)
- Cap de la Hague (Cape)
- Cap D'Erquy-Cap Frehel (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Cap D'Erquy-Cap Fréhel (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cap Gris-Nez (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cap Gris-Nez (Cape)
- Cap Lévi (Cape)
- Ceinture Dorée (Coast)
- Channel Islands (Archipelago)
- Chausey (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Chausey (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Chesil and The Fleet (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Chichester and Langstone Harbours (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Christchurch Bay (Bay)
- Côte d'Albâtre (Coast)
- Cote de Cancale A Parame (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Côte de Grâce (Coast)
- Côte de Granit Rose-Sept Iles (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Cote de Granit Rose-Sept-Iles (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Côte de Granite rose (Coast)
- Côte de Nacre (Coast)
- Côte de Penthièvre (Coast)
- Côte d'Émeraude (Coast)
- Côte des Havres (Coast)
- Côte des Isles (Coast)
- Côte des Légendes (Coast)
- Côte du Goëlo (Coast)
- Côte du parc du Marquenterre (Coast)
- Côte Fleurie (Coast)
- Côte picarde (Coast)
- Dawlish Warren (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dorset Heathlands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Dorset Heaths (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dorset Heaths (Purbeck and Wareham) and Studland Dunes (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dover Strait (Strait)
- Dunes de L'Authie et Mollieres de Berck (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dungeness (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Dungeness To Pett Level (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- East Wear Bay (Bay)
- Eastern Channel (General Sea Area)
- Estuaire de La Canche (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Estuaire de La Canche, Dunes Picardes Plaquees Sur L'Ancienne Falaise, Foret D'Hardelot et Falaise D'Equihen (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Estuaire de La Rance (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Estuaire de La Seine (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Estuaire de L'Orne (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Estuaire et Marais de La Basse Seine (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Estuaires et Littoral Picards (Baies de Somme et D'Authie) (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Estuaires picards (Estuary)
- Estuaires Picards : Baie de Somme et D'Authie (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Exe Estuary (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Fal and Helford (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Falaise Du Bessin Occidental (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Falaises Du Cran Aux Oeufs et Du Cap Gris-Nez, Dunes Du Chatelet, Marais de Tardinghen et Dunes de Wissant (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Falaises et Dunes de Wimereux, Estuaire de La Slack, Garennes et Communaux D'Ambleteuse-Audresselles (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- FR-01 (HAB monitoring grid)
- FR-02 (HAB monitoring grid)
- FR-03 (HAB monitoring grid)
- FR-04 (HAB monitoring grid)
- FR-05 (HAB monitoring grid)
- French part of the English Channel (Marine Region)
- GB-06 (HAB monitoring grid)
- GB-07 (HAB monitoring grid)
- GB-08 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Golfe Normano-Breton (Gulf)
- Gulf of Saint-Malo (Bay)
- Havre de La Sienne (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Havre de Saint-Germain-Sur-Ay et Landes de Lessay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Hurd Deep (Submarine valley(s))
- Île Callot (Island)
- Iles de La Colombière, de La Nellière et des Haches (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ilots Notre-dame et Chevret (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Isle Of Portland To Studland Cliffs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Isle of Wight (Island)
- Isle Of Wight Downs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Landes et Dunes de La Hague (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Langstone Harbour (Bay)
- Les Ridens (Sandbank System)
- Littoral Augeron (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Littoral Cauchois (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Littoral Ouest Du Cotentin de Brehal A Pirou (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Littoral Ouest Du Cotentin de Saint-Germain-Sur-Ay Au Rozel (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Littoral Seino-Marin (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Lizard Point (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- L'Yeres (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lyme Bay (Bay)
- Lyme Bay and Torbay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Marais Arriere-Littoraux Du Bessin (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Marais Du Cotentin et Du Bessin - Baie des Veys (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Marais Vernier et Basse Vallee de La Risle (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Massif Dunaire de Heauville A Vauville (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mont Saint-Michel Bay (Bay)
- Mounts Bay (Bay)
- Pagham Harbour (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- PHYTOBS At-So (Sampling Station)
- PHYTOBS Boulogne (Sampling Station)
- PHYTOBS Les Ébihens (Sampling Station)
- PHYTOBS Loguivy (Sampling Station)
- PHYTOBS Wimereux Point C (Sampling Station)
- Plymouth Sound (Sound)
- Plymouth Sound and Estuaries (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Poole Bay (Bay)
- Poole Harbour (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Portsmouth Harbour (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Rade de Boulogne-sur-Mer (Bay)
- Rade de Caen (Bay)
- Rade de Cherbourg (Bay)
- Récifs et Landes de La Hague (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Récifs et Marais Arrière-Littoraux Du Cap Lévi À La Pointe de Saire (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Recifs Gris-Nez Blanc-Nez (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ridens et Dunes Hydrauliques Du detroit Du Pas-de-Calais (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Riviere Leguer, Forets de Beffou, Coat An Noz et Coat An Hay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Rye Bay (Bay)
- Seine Bay (Bay)
- Shipwash (Shoal)
- Sidmouth To West Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Solent and Isle Of Wight Lagoons (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Solent and Southampton Water (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Solent Maritime (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- South Basserelle (Valley)
- South devon Shore Dock (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- South Hams (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- South Wight Maritime (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- St Albans Head To Durlston Head (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Start Point To Plymouth Sound & Eddystone (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tamar Estuaries Complex (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Tatihou - Saint-Vaast-La-Hougue (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- The Lizard (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- The Solent (Strait)
- Tregor Goëlo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Trégor Goëlo (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ushant Front (Front)
- Vergoyer (Shoal)
- Western Channel (General Sea Area)
- Weymouth Bay (Bay)
- Whitesand Bay (Bay)
- Whitsand Bay (Bay)
- Enseada de San Simón (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Equatorial Guinean part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Eriador Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Ericeira Terrace (Terrace)
- Erris Head (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- ES-05 (HAB monitoring grid)
- ES-06 (HAB monitoring grid)
- ES-07 (HAB monitoring grid)
- ES-08 (HAB monitoring grid)
- ES-09 (HAB monitoring grid)
- ES-10 (HAB monitoring grid)
- ES-11 (HAB monitoring grid)
- ES-28 (HAB monitoring grid)
- ES-29 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Essaouira Promontory (Promontory)
- Essaouira Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Esteiro Do Miño (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Esteiro Do Tambre (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Estremadura Promontory (Promontory)
- Estuario del Rio Piedras (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Estuario del Rio Tinto (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Estuário Do Sado (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Estuário Do Sado (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Estuário Do Tejo (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Estuário Do Tejo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Estuários Dos Rios Minho E Coura (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ételle Ledge (Shoal)
- European Marine Waters (General Sea Area)
- Evlanov Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Exuma Trough (Trough)
- Faeroe Islands (Archipelago)
- Faial Passage (Passage)
- Faial-Pico Channel (Channel)
- False Cay (Rock)
- False Girdle (Rock)
- Fangorn Bank (Bank)
- Fanning Rock (Rock)
- Fanning Shoal (Shoal)
- Faraday Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Faraday Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Faray and Holm Of Faray (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Farm Ledge (Shoal)
- Faro Rock (Rock)
- Faroe Bank (Bank)
- Faroe Bank Seachannel (Seachannel)
- Faroe Shelf (Shelf)
- Faroe-Shetland Seachannel (Seachannel)
- Farranamanagh Lough (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Father Penney (Rock)
- Faulkners Shoal (Shoal)
- Feni Ridge (Ridge)
- Fermeuse Bantam (Bank)
- Fernandes Lopes Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Fernão Barreto Ridge (Ridge)
- Fernão Oulmo Ridge (Ridge)
- Ferradura Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Fersman Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Fifteen Bank (Bank)
- Fifteen-Twenty Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Filebottom Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Filipe Folque Spur (Spur)
- Finchley Shoal (Shoal)
- Finisterre Valley (Valley)
- Fippennies Ledge (Bank)
- Fish Rock (Shoal)
- Fishers Island Furrow (Furrow)
- Fishers Island Ridge (Ridge)
- Fishing Rip (Shoal)
- Five Eyed Bulls (Rocks)
- Five Finger Shoal (Shoal)
- Flake Shoal (Shoal)
- Flanagan Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Flannan Isles (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Flat Shoal (Shoal)
- Flatroof Shoal (Rock)
- Fleck Shoal (Shoal)
- Flemish Cap (Bank)
- Flemish Cap (Sampling Station)
- Flemish Pass (Passage)
- Florida Gap (Gap)
- Florida Keys (Archipelago)
- Florida Valley (Valley)
- Florida-Hatteras Slope (Slope)
- Flower Shoal (Rock)
- Flying Point Shoals (Shoal)
- FO-01 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Focinho Peak (Peak)
- Fogo (Island)
- Fogo Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Fondos Marinos de Bahia de Cadiz (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Foots Cape (Shoal)
- Formigas Bank (Bank)
- Formigas Hill (Hill(s))
- Formigas Hole (Hole)
- Foster Ridge (Ridge)
- Foul Ground (Reef)
- Foula (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Fouqué Bank (Bank)
- Four Fathom Shoal (Rock)
- Fox Rock (Rock)
- Franja Marina de Fuencaliente (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Franja Marina de Mogán (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Franja Marina Santiago-Valle Gran Rey (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Franja Marina Teno-Rasca (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Frank Rock (Rock)
- Frankfurt Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Franklin Basin (Basin)
- Franklin Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Franklin Swell (Rise)
- Freels Rock (Rock)
- Freen Trough (Trough)
- Freire de Andrade Spur (Spur)
- French Bank (Bank)
- French Exclusive Economic Zone (French Guiana) (EEZ)
- French Extended Continental Shelf (French Antilles) (CLCS Recommendation) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation))
- French Extended Continental Shelf (French Guiana) (CLCS Recommendation) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation))
- French part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- French part of the North Atlantic Ocean (French Guiana) (Marine Region)
- French part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Guadeloupe) (Marine Region)
- French part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Martinique) (Marine Region)
- French part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Saint-Barthélemy) (Marine Region)
- French part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Saint-Pierre and Miquelon) (Marine Region)
- French Rock (Rock)
- French Rock (Rock)
- Freshwater Ledge (Reef)
- Fripp Shoal (Shoal)
- Frog Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Frontera (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Frying Pan Shoals (Shoal)
- Fundian Valley (Valley)
- Furnas / Sto.António - Ilha Do Pico (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Gago Coutinho Rise (Rise)
- Gaillard Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Galicia Bank (Bank)
- Galicia Bank Region (Extended Continental Shelf (Area of Common Interest))
- Galicia Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Galloper Rock (Rock)
- Galway Bay (Bay)
- Galway Bay Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Gambia Basin (Basin)
- Gambian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Gambian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Gannet Shoal (Shoal)
- Gannet South Shoal (Shoal)
- Gannet Southwest Shoal (Shoal)
- Garcia Knoll (Knoll(s))
- García Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Gardar Ridge (Ridge)
- Garden Bank (Reef)
- Garrett Rock (Shoal)
- Gatas Bay (Bay)
- GB-18 (HAB monitoring grid)
- GB-19 (HAB monitoring grid)
- GB-21 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Geba Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Geddes Shoal (Reef)
- Gentry Bank (Bank)
- George Bligh Bank (Bank)
- George Pyes Shoal (Shoal)
- George Rock (Rock)
- George Rock (Shoal)
- George Seamount (Seamount(s))
- George True Rock (Rock)
- Georges Bank (Bank)
- Georges Basin (Basin)
- Georges Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Georges Mark (Shoal)
- Georges Shoal (Shoal)
- Georges Spot (Shoal)
- Georgia Shelf (Slope)
- Georgij Leonov Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Georgiy Zima Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Gerda Seamount (Seamount(s))
- German Bank (Bank)
- Gettysburg Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Ghanaian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Gibbs Shoal (Shoal)
- Gibraltar Rock (Rock)
- Gil Vicente Spur (Spur)
- Gilbert Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Gilg Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Gilliss Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Ginsburg Hill (Hill(s))
- Girard Ridge (Ridge)
- Glenamoy Bog Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Glengarriff Harbour and Woodland (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Gloria Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Gloria Rise (Rise)
- Gnitsevich Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Gob Rock (Rock)
- Goban Spur (Spur)
- Gonçalves Zarco Peak (Peak)
- Gondor Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Gonzalo Velho Cabral Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Goose Point Shoal (Shoal)
- Goose Shoal (Rock)
- Gorée (Island)
- Gorreta Y Salmor (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Gorringe Ridge (Ridge)
- Gosnold Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Graciosa Terrace (Terrace)
- Graham Shoal (Shoal)
- Gramberg Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Grand Banks of Newfoundland (Bank)
- Grand Cess Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Grand Manan Banks (Bank)
- Gravel Shoal (Shoal)
- Graves Shoal (Shoal)
- Great Abaco Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Great Bahama Bank (Bank)
- Great Bahama Bank Drift (Drift)
- Great Bahama Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Great Meteor Bank (Bank)
- Great North (Bank)
- Greater Antilles Ridge (Ridge)
- Green Bank (Bank)
- Green Island Ledge (Rock)
- Green Island Rock (Rock)
- Green Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Green Point Rock (Rock)
- Green Point Shoal (Shoal)
- Green Point Shoal (Shoal)
- Green Shoal (Shoal)
- Greenland-Iceland Rise (Rise)
- Greet Rock (Rock)
- Gregg Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Gregory Rock (Rock)
- Grimaldi Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Grime Rock (Rock)
- Grindavíkurdjúp (Submarine valley(s))
- Grizzle Rock (Rock)
- Guajataca Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Guaraná Hill (Hill(s))
- Guelguén (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Guiana Plateau (Plateau)
- Güigüí (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Guilcher Levee (Levee)
- Guinea Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Guinea Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Guinea Terrace (Terrace)
- Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Guinean Islands (Archipelago)
- Guinean part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Gulf of Guinea (IHO Sea Area)
- Gulf of Mexico (IHO Sea Area)
- Gulf of Saint Lawrence (IHO Sea Area)
- Gulf Stream (Current)
- Gull Island Ground (Shoal)
- Gull Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Gull Ledge (Rock)
- Gull Nest (Shoal)
- Gull Rock (Rock)
- Gull Shoal (Shoal)
- Gull Shoal (Shoal)
- Gurupi Guyot (Guyot)
- Guy Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Guyanese Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Guyanese Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Guyanese part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Haddock Channel (Trough)
- Haddock Shoal (Shoal)
- Haitian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Haldimand Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Halfway Rock (Rock)
- Haliburton Shoal (Shoal)
- Halibut Channel (Trough)
- Halifax Line Station 3 (Sampling Station)
- Ham Shoal (Rock)
- Hansom Shoal (Shoal)
- Hapes Rock (Rock)
- Harbour Rock (Rock)
- Harbour Rock (Rock)
- Harbour Shoal (Shoal)
- Harbour Spit (Spit)
- Harcourt Cameron Ridge (Ridge)
- Hardwood Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Harp Bank (Bank)
- Harper Shoal (Shoal)
- Harrington Hill (Hill(s))
- Harris Ledge (Reef)
- Harris Shoal (Shoal)
- Harry Rock (Rock)
- Harts Point Rock (Rock)
- Harvey Shoal (Shoal)
- Hatch Cove Shoal (Shoal)
- Hatteras Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Hatteras Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Hatteras Ridge (Ridge)
- Hatton Bank (Bank)
- Hatton-Rockall Basin (Basin)
- Haut-fond de Roche (Shoal)
- Hawbolt Rock (Rock)
- Hay Island Bank (Bank)
- Hayes Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Haystack Bank (Bank)
- Head Rock (Rock)
- Head Rock Shoal (Shoal)
- Hebridean Shelf (Shelf)
- Hebrides Terrace Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Hecate Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Heel Tapper Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Heezen Plateau (Plateau)
- Heitor Alvares Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Hendrickson Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Hennessey Bank (Bank)
- Hennessey Rock (Rock)
- Henrique Cardoso Spur (Spur)
- Henry Rock (Rock)
- Henrys Shoal (Shoal)
- Heptige Rock (Rock)
- Hercules Hole (Hole)
- Hero Shoal (Shoal)
- Heron Rock (Rock)
- Herring Shoal (Shoal)
- High Island, Inishshark and davillaun Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- High Seas of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Hillier Rock (Rock)
- Hirondelle Basin (Basin)
- Hirondelle II Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Hirondelle Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Hispaniola Plain (Plain)
- Hispaniola Trough (Trough)
- Hodges Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Hodgson Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Hogsty Reef (Reef)
- Hollett Rock (Rock)
- Hooper Rock (Rock)
- Hopkin Rock (Rock)
- Hornafjarðardjúp (Submarine valley(s))
- Horne Shoal (Shoal)
- Horse Race (Shoal)
- Horse Rock (Rock)
- Horse Rock (Rock)
- Horse Shoal (Shoal)
- Horse Shoal (Shoal)
- Horseshoe Plain (Plain)
- Horseshoe Rock (Shoal)
- Horseshoe Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Houses Ground (Shoal)
- Hovland Mound Province (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Howell Basin (Basin)
- Howell Swell (Rise)
- Hoyles Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Hoyt Hills (Hill(s))
- Hudson Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Hudson Fan (Fan)
- Hudson Shelf Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Hudson Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Hugo de Lacerda Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Hull Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Hume Shoal (Shoal)
- Hungarian Rock (Rock)
- Huskins Reef (Reef)
- Hutt Shoal (Shoal)
- Hydrographer Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Hyères Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Iberian Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Ibero-Moroccan Gulf (Gulf)
- Iceland Basin (Basin)
- Iceland-Faeroe Front (Front)
- Iceland-Faeroe Rise (Rise)
- Icelandic Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Icelandic part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- IE-05 (HAB monitoring grid)
- IE-06 (HAB monitoring grid)
- IE-07 (HAB monitoring grid)
- IE-08 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Ijuana (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ilha do Pessegueiro (Protected Area)
- Ilhas Berlengas (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ilhas desertas (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Ilhas Selvagens (Archipelago)
- Ilhas Selvagens (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Ilhéu da Praia - Ilha Graciosa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ilhéu da Vila E Costa Adjacente - Ilha de Stª. Maria (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ilhéu da Viúva (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ilhéu das Formigas E Recife Dollabarat (Canal S. Miguel - Sta. Maria) (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ilhéu de Baixo - Ilha Graciosa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ilhéu de Baixo - Restinga Ilha Graciosa (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ilhéu Do Topo E Costa Adjacente - Ilha de S. Jorge (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ilhéus da Madalena - Ilha Do Pico (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ilhéus Do Porto Santo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Illa de Ons (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Illancrone and Inishkeeragh Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Illanmaster Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Illas Cíes (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Illas Estelas (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Illaunonearaun Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Imarssuak Sea Channel (Seachannel)
- Independence Knolls (Knoll(s))
- Infante Dom Henrique Hill (Hill(s))
- Infante Dom Pedro Hill (Hill(s))
- Infante Santo Hill (Hill(s))
- Inishbofin and Inishshark (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Inishbofin, Omey Island and Turbot Island Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inishduff Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inisheer Island (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Inishglora and Inishkeeragh Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inishkea Islands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Inishkea Islands Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inishkeel Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inishmaan Island (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Inishmore Island (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Inishmore Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inishmurray Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inner Clearing Shoal (Shoal)
- Inner Galway Bay Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Inner Middle Rock (Rock)
- Inner Pollock (Shoal)
- Inner Rock (Rock)
- Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland (IHO Sea Area)
- Inner Shoal (Shoal)
- Inside Annies Shoal (Shoal)
- Inside Bull Shoal (Shoal)
- Inside Rock (Rock)
- Ireland Reef (Reef)
- Ireland Trough (Trough)
- Irish Exclusive economic Zone (EEZ)
- Irish Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Irish Extended Continental Shelf (DOALOS Deposit) (Extended Continental Shelf (DOALOS Deposit))
- Irish Ledge (Shoal)
- Irish North Coast (General Sea Area)
- Irish part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Irish Sea and St. George's Channel (IHO Sea Area)
- Irish West Coast (General Sea Area)
- Irminger Basin (Basin)
- Irminger Current (Current)
- Irminger Sea (Sea)
- Iron Island Bank (Bank)
- Ironbound Bank (Bank)
- Ironbound Breaker (Rock)
- Irving Seamount (Seamount(s))
- IS-01 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Isaac Rock (Rock)
- Isaac Rock (Rock)
- Isaacs Shoals (Shoal)
- Ísafjarðardjúp (Submarine valley(s))
- Isengard Ridge (Ridge)
- Isla de San Bruno (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Islote de Lobos (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Islotes del Norte de Lanzarote Y Famara (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Iveragh Peninsula Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ivorian Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation))
- Ivorian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Jack Langilles Shoal (Shoal)
- Jackie Shoal (Shoal)
- Jackman Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Jackrock Bank (Bank)
- Jacksonville Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Jacksonville Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Jacksonville Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Jacquards Ridge (Reef)
- Jacques Shoal (Shoal)
- Jacques Swell (Rise)
- Jameos del Agua (Submarine lava tube)
- Jandía (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Jandía (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Jane Seamount (Seamount(s))
- J-Anomaly Ridge (Ridge)
- Jarvis Bank (Bank)
- Jean de Baie Bank (Bank)
- Jeans Rock (Rock)
- Jeans Rock (Rock)
- Jeffreys Bank (Bank)
- Jeffreys Basin (Basin)
- Jeffreys Ledge (Ridge)
- Jerseyman Rock (Rock)
- Jig Rock (Rock)
- João de Lisboa Passage (Passage)
- João Leonardes Hills (Hill(s))
- João Valadão Ridge (Ridge)
- Joao Valente Bank (Shoal)
- Joe Ground (Shoal)
- Joe Ground (Rock)
- Joe Rock (Rock)
- John Bank (Bank)
- John Davies Shoal (Shoal)
- John Nix Shoal (Shoal)
- John Spot (Shoal)
- John Walsh Shoal (Shoal)
- Johns Rock (Rock)
- Johns Rock (Shoal)
- Johns Shoal (Shoal)
- Johns Shoal (Shoal)
- Johs van Hurtere Hills (Hill(s))
- Joint regime area France / United Kingdom / Ireland / Spain (CLCS Recommendation) (Extended Continental Shelf (Joint CLCS Recommendation))
- Joint regime area West Africa (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (Joint CLCS Submission))
- Joint regime area: Barbados / Guyana (Joint regime (EEZ))
- Joint regime area: Barbados / Guyana part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Joint regime area: Iceland / Denmark (Faeroe Islands) (Joint regime (EEZ))
- Joint regime area: Iceland / Denmark (Faeroe Islands) part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Joint regime area: Senegal / Guinea-Bissau (Joint regime (EEZ))
- Joint regime area: Senegal / Guinea-Bissau part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Joint regime area: United Kingdom / Denmark (Faeroe Islands) (Joint regime (EEZ))
- Joint regime area: United Kingdom / Denmark (Faeroe Islands) part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Jökuldjúp (Submarine valley(s))
- Jones Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Jonquière Bank (Bank)
- Josephine Bank (Bank)
- Jukes Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Jumping Jack (Rock)
- Jumping Jack Bank (Bank)
- Justus Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Kamchatka Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Kane Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Kane Passage (Passage)
- Kane Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Kangerlussuaq Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Kangermio Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Kapuskasing Saddle (Saddle)
- Kayar Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Kayar Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Keeper Reef (Reef)
- Keldysh Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Keller Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Kelp Ledge (Shoal)
- Kelp Rocks (Rocks)
- Kelp Shoal (Shoal)
- Kelp Shoal (Shoal)
- Kelp Shoal (Shoal)
- Kelpy Sunker (Rock)
- Kelvin Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Kenmare River (Estuary)
- Kenmare River (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Kerry Head Shoal (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Kerry Head Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Kettle Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Kettlebottom Rock (Rock)
- Keynes Rock (Rock)
- Kilkee Reefs (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Kilkieran Bay (Bay)
- Kilkieran Bay and Islands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Killala Bay/Moy Estuary (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Killala Bay/Moy Estuary Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Killarney National Park, Macgillycuddy'S Reeks and Caragh River Catchment (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Killary Harbour (Bay)
- King Arthur Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Kings Trough (Trough)
- Kinlan Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Kirby Rock (Rock)
- Kitiwiti Shoal (Shoal)
- Kitts Reef (Reef)
- Kiwi Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Knauss Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Knipovich Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Kolluáll (Submarine valley(s))
- Krylov Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Kucherov Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Kurchatov Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- La Corona (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- La Coruña Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- La Coruña Valley (Valley)
- La Geria (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- La Haye Shoal (Shoal)
- La Rambla de Castro (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Labrador Sea (IHO Sea Area)
- Lachlan Shoal (Shoal)
- Lackan Saltmarsh and Kilcummin Head (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lage Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Lages (Flat)
- Lago Sebkha (Lagoon)
- Lagoa da Sancha (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Lagoa de Santo andré (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- LaHave Bank (Bank)
- LaHave Basin (Basin)
- Lajares, Esquinzo Y Costa del Jarubio (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Lajes Do Pico - Ilha Do Pico (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lamb Rock (Shoal)
- Lamjaybir Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Lance Rock (Rock)
- Lang Shoal (Shoal)
- Larkin Shoal (Shoal)
- Latour Rock (Rock)
- Laurentian Channel (Seachannel)
- Laurentian Fan (Fan)
- Laurier Rock (Rock)
- Laurisilva da Madeira (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Lawn Bank (Bank)
- Lawrences Rock (Rock)
- Lawsons Shoal (Shoal)
- Le Gouic Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Leeward Islands (Archipelago)
- Lenc Hill (Hill(s))
- Leonard Canyon (Canyon(s))
- L'Espérance Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- L'Hirondelle Norte Bank (Bank)
- L'Hirondelle Sul Basin (Basin)
- Liar Rock (Rock)
- Liberian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Liberian Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Liberian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Lichfield Shoal (Shoal)
- Lighthouse Bank (Bank)
- Lilly Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Lindenkohl Basin (Basin)
- Lindenkohl Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Lindenkohl Knolls (Knoll(s))
- Lindenows Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Lion Bank (Bank)
- Lisboa Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Liscomb Shoal (Shoal)
- Litoral Norte (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Little Abaco Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Little Badger Rock (Rock)
- Little Bahama Bank (Bank)
- Little Bahama Bank Drift (Drift)
- Little Bald Tusket Shoal (Shoal)
- Little Breaker (Shoal)
- Little Egg Inlet (Bay)
- Little Georges (Shoal)
- Little Green Point Shoal (Shoal)
- Little Hawbolt Shoal (Shoal)
- Little Hope Shoal (Shoal)
- Little Horse Race (Shoal)
- Little Hurley Shoal (Shoal)
- Little Lurcher (Shoal)
- Little Nest (Rock)
- Little Pollock (Shoal)
- Little Rock (Rock)
- Little Shoal (Shoal)
- Little Shoal (Shoal)
- Little Stellwagen Basin (Basin)
- Little Tillies Bank (Bank)
- Little Tom Cod (Shoal)
- Liverpool Ledge (Reef)
- Llanos de La Corona Y Tegala Grande (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Llanos de La Mareta Y Cantil del Rubicón (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Loch Roag Lagoons (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lockwood Rock (Rock)
- Logan Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Loko Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Lombardi Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Lone Rock (Rock)
- Long Island Bank (Bank)
- Long Island Continental Shelf (Continental Shelf (Physical))
- Long Island Sound (bay) (Bay)
- Long Point Shoal (Shoal)
- Long Reef (Reef)
- Long Rocks (Rocks)
- Long Shoal (Shoal)
- Long Shoal (Shoal)
- Lónsdjúp (Submarine valley(s))
- Loop Head Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Lórien Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Lorway Shoal (Shoal)
- Los Acantilados de La Culata (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Los Ajaches (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Los Islotes (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Los Jameos (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Los Órganos (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Los Órganos (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Los Roques de Anaga (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Los Volcanes (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lough Gall Bog (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lough Melvin (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Louisbourg (Sampling Station)
- Loury Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Lousy Bank (Bank)
- Lovetts Shoal (Shoal)
- Lower Bay Shoal (Shoal)
- Lower Big Shoal (Shoal)
- Lower New York Bay (Bay)
- Lower River Shannon (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lucky Strike (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Lucky Strike Hole (Hole)
- Lukin-Lebedev Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Lumpfish Shoal (Shoal)
- Lumsden Shoal (Shoal)
- Lurcher Shoal (Shoal)
- Lydonia Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Lynch Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Lynch Shoal (Shoal)
- Macaronesian Islands (Archipelago)
- MacDermids Rock (Rock)
- Mackay-Bennett Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Mackay-Bennett Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Mackenzie Spot (Bank)
- Mackerel Rock (Rock)
- Mackerel Shoal (Shoal)
- Mackerel Shoal (Shoal)
- MacKinley Shoal (Shoal)
- MacLeans Shoal (Shoal)
- Mad Rock (Rock)
- Madeira (Island)
- Madeira Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Madeira Rise (Rise)
- Magharee Islands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Magharee Islands Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Maimón Basin (Basin)
- Maimón Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Main Ledge (Shoal)
- Maio (Island)
- Maio Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Majona (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Major Shoal (Shoal)
- Mallays Rock (Rock)
- Maloney Ledge (Reef)
- Maloney Shoal (Shoal)
- Malpaís de La Rasca (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mameyes Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Man of War Rock (Rock)
- Man of War Rock (Rock)
- Manatee Bay (Bay)
- Mandingo Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Manning Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Mar de Las Calmas (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Marajó Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Marchant Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Mare Shoal (Shoal)
- Margarethe Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Marietta Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Marismas de Isla Cristina (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Marismas del Odiel (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Marismas del Rio Piedras Y Flecha del Rompido (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Markov Hole (Hole)
- Mars Rock (Rock)
- Marsala Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Marsh Gutter Rock (Rock)
- Martha's Vineyard (Island)
- Martin Behaim Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Marwick Head (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Mary Celeste Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Maryland Shelf (Shelf)
- Massachusetts Bay (Bay)
- Massachusetts Continental Shelf (Slope)
- Matinicus Basin (Basin)
- Maumturk Mountains (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mauritania Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Mauritanian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Maury Channel (Seachannel)
- Mavillette Shoal (Shoal)
- Maxwell Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Mazarovich Seamount (Seamount(s))
- McAlinden Spur (Spur)
- McAlinden Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- McDormand Patch (Shoal)
- McGowan Seamount (Seamount(s))
- McKay Rock (Rock)
- McMaster Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Medio-Atlantica Ridge (Ridge)
- Mediterranean Outflow Water (Water mass)
- Medway Ledge (Reef)
- Meisners Shoal (Shoal)
- Melmoore Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Menez Gwen (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Menner Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Merasheen Bank (Bank)
- Mercury Rock (Rock)
- Meriadzek Terrace (Terrace)
- Merlin Rock (Rock)
- Mey Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Miami Terrace (Terrace)
- Michael Keen Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Michael Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Mid Ledge (Shoal)
- Mid-Clare Coast Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Middle Bank (Bank)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Middle Grounds (Shoal)
- Middle Island Rock (Rock)
- Middle Ledge (Rock)
- Middle Patch (Shoal)
- Middle Point Rock (Rock)
- Middle Rock (Rock)
- Middle Rock (Rock)
- Middle Rock (Rock)
- Middle Rock (Rock)
- Middle Rock (Rock)
- Middle Shoal (Shoal)
- Middle Shoal (Shoal)
- Middle Shoal (Shoal)
- Middle Shoal (Shoal)
- Middle Shoals (Shoal)
- Middle Toms Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Miller Rock (Rock)
- Milne Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Mine Rock (Rock)
- Minia Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Misaine Bank (Bank)
- Mitchell Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Mogador (Island)
- Moll Rock (Rock)
- Molodezhnaya Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Momar (Research Station)
- Mona Passage (Channel)
- Mona Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Mona Spur (Spur)
- Mona Trough (Trough)
- Monach Islands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Monach Isles (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Monaco Deep (Deep)
- Monaco Spur (Spur)
- Monasco Shoal (Shoal)
- Moneen Mountain (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Monks Bank (Bank)
- Monks Ground (Shoal)
- Monroe Rock (Rock)
- Montaña del Cepo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Monte da Guia - Ilha Do Faial (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Monte E Lagoa de Louro (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Montmagny Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Moratties Shoals (Shoal)
- Mor-Bihan Fan (Fan)
- Moroccan Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Moroccan part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Moroccan Reef (Sea)
- Mortier Bank (Bank)
- Mortier Rock (Rock)
- Moser Rock (Rock)
- Moses Rock (Rock)
- Moses Shoal (Shoal)
- Motion Ledges (Spit)
- Mouchoir Bank (Bank)
- Mount Brandon (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mount Temple Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Mountain Shoals (Shoal)
- MR-01 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Mugia Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Muir Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Mullet Peninsula Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Mullet/Blacksod Bay Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Mungo Park Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Munson Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Muratov Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Murchison Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Murdeira bay (Bay)
- Murder Island Bar (Shoal)
- Murphy Rock (Rock)
- Murr Basin (Basin)
- Murray Basin (Basin)
- Murray Shoal (Shoal)
- Mushaboom Shoal (Shoal)
- Musquodoboit Shoal (Shoal)
- Mussel Ledge (Shoal)
- Mussel Rock (Rock)
- Mweelrea/Sheeffry/Erriff Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Myra Crowells Shoal (Shoal)
- Mytilus Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Nadezhda Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Nadir Seamount (Seamount(s))
- NAFO 1F (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 2J (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 3K (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 3L (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 3M (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 3N (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 3O (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 3PS (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 4VN (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 4VS (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 4W (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 4X (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 5Y (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 5ZE (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 5ZW (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 6A (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 6B (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 6C (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 6D (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 6E (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 6F (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 6G (NAFO Area)
- NAFO 6H (NAFO Area)
- Nantucket Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Nares Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Nares Basin (Basin)
- Nashville Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Nauffts Rock (Rock)
- Nautilus Rock (Rock)
- Navidad Bank (Bank)
- Navio Quebrado Bay (Bay)
- Nazaré Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Neddick Basin (Basin)
- Nesdjúp (Submarine valley(s))
- Nest Rock (Rock)
- Net Rock (Rock)
- Net Shoal (Shoal)
- Neva Seachannel (Seachannel)
- Never Fail (Rock)
- Neverfail Rock (Rock)
- Neverfail Shoal (Shoal)
- Neverfail Shoal (Shoal)
- New Bank (Bank)
- New England Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- New Harbour Rock (Shoal)
- New Jersey Shelf (Slope)
- New York Bight (Bight)
- New York Continental Slope (Slope)
- Newellton Reef (Reef)
- Newfoundland Basin (Basin)
- Newfoundland Plain (Plain)
- Newfoundland Ridge (Ridge)
- Newfoundland Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Nick Shoal (Shoal)
- Nickerson Bank (Shoal)
- Nickerson Rock (Rock)
- Nine Fathom Bank (Bank)
- Niños Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Niños Valley (Valley)
- Nixons Mate Shoal (Shoal)
- Noddy Island Bar (Bank)
- Noddy Island Ground (Shoal)
- Nola Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Nonsuch Bank (Bank)
- Norfolk Canyon (Canyon(s))
- North American Basin (Basin)
- North Atlantic Current (Current)
- North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (Current)
- North Atlantic Water (Water mass)
- North Carolina Shelf (Shelf)
- North Charcot Seamount (Seamount(s))
- North East Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- North Equatorial Countercurrent (Current)
- North Equatorial Current (Current)
- North Equatorial Undercurrent (Current)
- North European Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- North Heyes Canyon (Canyon(s))
- North Ledge (Shoal)
- North Polar Front (Front)
- North Rona (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- North Rona and Sula Sgeir (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- North Sea (IHO Sea Area)
- North Sutherland Coastal Islands (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- North West Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- North West Rockall Bank (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Northeast Bank (Bank)
- Northeast Breaker (Rock)
- Northeast Channel (Valley)
- Northeast Coachman (Reef)
- Northeast Newfoundland Rise (Rise)
- Northeast Shoal (Shoal)
- Northeast Shoal (Shoal)
- Northeast Shoal (Shoal)
- Northern North Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Northern Rock (Shoal)
- Northern Spur (Spur)
- Northern Valley (Bank)
- Northward Rock (Rock)
- Northwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Channel (Channel)
- Northwest Breaker (Rock)
- North-West Porcupine Bank (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Northwest Shoal (Shoal)
- Northwest Shoals (Reef)
- Northwest Sunker (Rock)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift M1 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES1 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES10 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES11 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES12 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES13 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES2 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES3 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES4 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES5 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES6 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES7 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES8 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift MES9 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift P1 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift P2 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift P3 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift P4 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift P5 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift P6 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift P7 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift P8 (Drift)
- Northwestern Iberia Margin Drift P9 (Drift)
- Northwestern Shoal (Shoal)
- Norwegian Coastal Current (Current)
- Norwegian Current (Current)
- Nose of the Bank (Bank)
- Nose Shoal (Shoal)
- Nouadhibou Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Nouakchott Canyon (Canyon(s))
- NR-1 Hole (Hole)
- Nublo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Nwayfadh Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Nygren Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Oceanographer Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Oceanographer Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Oderin Bank (Bank)
- Off Achill Head (General Sea Area)
- Off Banjul (General Sea Area)
- Off Bantry Bay (General Sea Area)
- Off Blackrock (General Sea Area)
- Off County Kerry (General Sea Area)
- Off County Mayo (General Sea Area)
- Off Dingle Bay (General Sea Area)
- Off Donegal Bay (General Sea Area)
- Off Dursey Head (General Sea Area)
- Off Eagle Island (General Sea Area)
- Off Kerry Coast (General Sea Area)
- Off Mayo Coast (General Sea Area)
- Off North West (General Sea Area)
- Off Rockall (General Sea Area)
- Off Skelligs (General Sea Area)
- Off Tearaght (General Sea Area)
- Off West Coast (General Sea Area)
- Offer Bank (Bank)
- Offer Ledge (Shoal)
- Offer Rock (Rock)
- Offer Rock (Rock)
- Offer Rock (Rock)
- Old Domestic Building, Dromore Wood (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Old Haman Rock (Rock)
- Old Harry (Rock)
- Old Harry (Rock)
- Old Man Shoal (Shoal)
- Old Man Shoal (Shoal)
- Old Mother Slate Rock (Rock)
- Old Notch (Shoal)
- Old Peter (Rock)
- Old Poe Shoal (Shoal)
- Old South Shoal (Shoal)
- Oldhead Wood (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Olympus Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Orone (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Orphan Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Ortegal Terrace (Terrace)
- Ost Bank (Bank)
- Otter Bank (Bank)
- Otterswick and Graveland (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Oualo Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Outer Bank (Bank)
- Outer Burgeo Ground (Shoal)
- Outer Clearing Shoal (Shoal)
- Outer Farm Ledge (Shoal)
- Outer Hummock (Shoal)
- Outer Middle Ground (Shoal)
- Outer Middle Rock (Rock)
- Outer Rock (Rock)
- Outer Rock (Rock)
- Outer Shoal (Shoal)
- Outside Annies Shoal (Shoal)
- Outside Dry Rock (Rock)
- Outside Wedge Shoal (Shoal)
- Oven Rock (Rock)
- Overlapping claim Wake Island / Enenkio: United States / Marshall Islands (Overlapping claim)
- Overlapping claim Western Sahara: Western Sahara / Morocco (Overlapping claim)
- Overlapping claim Western Sahara: Western Sahara / Morocco part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Overlapping claim: Bahamas (CLCS Submission) / United States (Non-UNCLOS Claim) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Barbados (CLCS Recommendation) / France (French Antilles) (CLCS Recommendation) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Barbados (CLCS Recommendation) / Guyana (CLCS Submission) / Suriname (DOALOS Deposit) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Barbados (CLCS Recommendation) / Guyana (CLCS Submission) / Suriname (DOALOS Deposit) / Trinidad and Tobago (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Barbados (CLCS Recommendation) / Guyana (CLCS Submission) / Trinidad and Tobago (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Barbados (CLCS Recommendation) / Trinidad and Tobago (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Canada (CLCS Submission) / France (Saint-Pierre and Miquelon) (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Canada (CLCS Submission) / United States (Non-UNCLOS Claim) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Denmark (Faeroe) (CLCS Submission) / Ireland (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Denmark (Faeroe) (CLCS Submission) / United Kingdom (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Denmark (Greenland) (CLCS Submission) / Iceland (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: French Guiana (CLCS Recommendation) / Trinidad and Tobago (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Guyana (CLCS Submission) / Suriname (DOALOS Deposit) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Guyana (CLCS Submission) / Suriname (DOALOS Deposit) / Trinidad and Tobago (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Guyana (CLCS Submission) / Trinidad and Tobago (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Guyana / Trinidad and Tobago / Venezuela part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Overlapping claim: Ireland (DOALOS Deposit) / Ireland (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Joint regime area West Africa (CLCS Submission) / Liberia (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Portugal (CLCS Submission) / Spain (Canary Islands) (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Portugal (CLCS Submission) / Spain (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Suriname (DOALOS Deposit) / Trinidad and Tobago (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: United States (Puerto Rico) / Dominican Republic part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Owen Rock (Rock)
- Owls Head Rock (Rock)
- Paddle Rock (Rock)
- Paddle Rocks (Rocks)
- Paddock Shoal (Shoal)
- Paddy Rock (Rock)
- Page Rock (Rock)
- Palmer Ridge (Ridge)
- Pamlico Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Pan Rock (Rock)
- Pan Shoal (Shoal)
- Panama Canal (Canal)
- Pancake Shoal (Shoal)
- Panulirus Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Papa Bank (Bank)
- Papa Stour (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Papa Stour (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Papa Westray (North Hill and Holm) (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Para Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Pará Hill (Hill(s))
- Pardo Bazán Spur (Spur)
- Parfait Bank (Bank)
- Parker Ridge (Ridge)
- Parque Nacional de Timanfaya (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Passage Bull (Rock)
- Passage Ground (Shoal)
- Passage Shoal (Rock)
- Pastouret Spur (Spur)
- Pat Shoal (Shoal)
- Patrick's Rock (Rock)
- Pea Patch (Shoal)
- Peake Trough (Trough)
- Pedro Nunes Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Pendragon Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Peniche / Stª Cruz (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Pennel Shoal (Shoal)
- Perch Rock (Rock)
- Perestrelo Bartolomeu Hill (Hill(s))
- Pêro Correia da Cunha Hill (Hill(s))
- Peter Shoal (Shoal)
- Petite Sole Valley (Valley)
- Petpeswick Shoal (Shoal)
- Petrock Valley (Valley)
- Petrov Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Pettersson Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Petty Harbour Ledges (Ledge(s))
- Peyve Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Phelps Bank (Shoal)
- Phoenix Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Phoenix Shoal (Shoal)
- Physalia Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Pick Ledge (Reef)
- Picket Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Pico Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Pico Trough (Trough)
- Pig Bank (Bank)
- Pig Ledge (Reef)
- Pigeon Basin (Basin)
- Pillsbury Ridge (Ridge)
- Pining Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Pink Rock (Rock)
- Piñones Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Pinzón Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Pioneer Rock (Rock)
- Placentia Bay (Bay)
- Placeway Rock (Rock)
- Plantagenet Bank (Bank)
- Plato Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Platts Bank (Bank)
- Platts Basin (Basin)
- Playa de Sotavento de Jandía (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Playa del Cabrón (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Pleasant Shoal (Shoal)
- Plymouth Bank (Shoal)
- Point Rock (Rock)
- Point Shoal (Shoal)
- Point Spot (Shoal)
- Pollock Ground (Shoal)
- Pollock Ground (Shoal)
- Pollock Ground (Shoal)
- Pollock Shoal (Shoal)
- Pollock Shoal (Shoal)
- Pollock Shoal (Shoal)
- Pollock Shoal (Shoal)
- Pollock Shoal (Shoal)
- Pollux Shoal (Shoal)
- Ponta Branca - Ilha Graciosa (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ponta da Ilha - Ilha Do Pico (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ponta da Ilha - Ilha Do Pico (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ponta das Contendas - Ilha Terceira (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ponta de S. Lourenço (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ponta Do Castelo - Ilha de Sta. Maria (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ponta Dos Rosais - Ilha de S. Jorge (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Pontevedra Obstacle Drift (Drift)
- Poor Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Poor Rock (Rock)
- Popes Rock (Rock)
- Popes Shoals (Shoal)
- Porcupine Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Porcupine Seabight (Submarine valley(s))
- Porpoise Basin (Basin)
- Porter Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Porto Ferreira (Bay)
- Porto Hill (Hill(s))
- Porto Santo (Island)
- Porto Valley (Valley)
- Portugal Current (Current)
- Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (Azores) (EEZ)
- Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (Madeira) (EEZ)
- Portuguese Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Portuguese part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Portuguese part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Azores) (Marine Region)
- Portuguese part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Madeira) (Marine Region)
- Portuguese Shoal (Shoal)
- Portuguese Shoal (Shoal)
- Pot Rock (Rock)
- Pot Rock (Rock)
- Pothorst Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Pouchet Hill (Hill(s))
- Pourtales Drift (Drift)
- Pourtales Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Pourtales Terrace (Terrace)
- Powell Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Powers Rock (Rock)
- Pozo Negro (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Prairie Shoal (Reef)
- Pride Shoal (Shoal)
- Pride Shoal (Shoal)
- Prilyudko Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Prince Albert Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Princesse Alice Bank (Bank)
- Princesse Alice Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Príncipes de Avis Hills (Hill(s))
- Príncipes de Avis Terrace (Terrace)
- Privécoeur Shoal (Shoal)
- PT-01 (HAB monitoring grid)
- PT-02 (HAB monitoring grid)
- PT-03 (HAB monitoring grid)
- PT-04 (HAB monitoring grid)
- PT-05 (HAB monitoring grid)
- PT-06 (HAB monitoring grid)
- PT-07 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Puerto Rico Apron (Apron)
- Puerto Rico Ridge (Ridge)
- Puerto Rico Trench (Trench)
- Puffin Island Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Punta del Mármol (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Purdy Rock (Rock)
- Pushcharovsky Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Pyches Rock (Rock)
- Pyches Shoal (Shoal)
- Quaker Shoal (Shoal)
- Quiberon Ridge (Ridge)
- Quintero Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Ragged Rock (Rock)
- Ragged Rock (Rock)
- Ramna Stacks and Gruney (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Rankin Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Rasca Y Guaza (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Raso (Island)
- Rathlin O'Birne Island (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Rathlin O'Birne Island Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Rattlesnake Shoal (Shoal)
- Rebman Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Red Bank Shoal (Shoal)
- Red Cove Rock (Rock)
- Red Head Rock (Rock)
- Red Island Rock (Rock)
- Red Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Red Scrape Rock (Rock)
- Redman Shoal (Shoal)
- Redwing Shoal (Shoal)
- Reedjones Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Reef Shoal (Reef)
- Reen Point Shingle (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Rehoboth Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Rendezvous Rock (Rock)
- Renews Bantam (Bank)
- Researcher Ridge (Ridge)
- Researcher Seamount (Seamount Chain)
- Restinga (Submarine lava tube)
- Retriever Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Reykjanes Ridge (Ridge)
- Reynisdjúp (Submarine valley(s))
- Rharb Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Rhode Island Continental Shelf (Slope)
- Rhode Island Shelf Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Ria da Coruña (Inlet)
- Ria de Ares-Betanzos (Inlet)
- Ria de Arousa (Inlet)
- Ria de Aveiro (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ría de Betanzos (Estuary)
- Ria de Camariñas (Inlet)
- Ria de Cedeira (Inlet)
- Ria de Corcubíon (Inlet)
- Ria de Corme e Laxe (Inlet)
- Ria de Ferrol (Inlet)
- Ria de Muros e Noia (Inlet)
- Ria de Pontevedra (Inlet)
- Ria Formosa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Ria Formosa/Castro Marim (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Richard Hills (Hill(s))
- Richardson Hills (Hill(s))
- Ringdove Shoal (Shoal)
- Rio Guadiana Y Ribera de Chanza (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Rio Minho (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Risco de La Mérica (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- River Shannon and River Fergus Estuaries Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Roaninish Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Roaring Bull (Rock)
- Robar Rock (Rock)
- Robinsons Ball (Rock)
- Roche Cloué (Shoal)
- Roche Lamb (Shoal)
- Rock of the Point (Rock)
- Rock on the Rip (Rock)
- Rock Shoal (Shoal)
- Rockall (Island)
- Rockall Bank (Bank)
- Rockall Plateau (Plateau)
- Rockall Trough (Trough)
- Rockaway Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Rocket Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Rocky Shoal (Shoal)
- Rodgers Basin (Basin)
- Rodgers Pass (Gap)
- Rodgers Swell (Rise)
- Rodman Rock (Rock)
- Rohan Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Rokel Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Romanche Trench (Trench)
- Rompidas Ledge (Reef)
- Ronas Hill – North Roe and Tingon (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Roque de Garachico (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive))
- Roque de La Playa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Roques de Garafía (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Roques de Salmor (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Rose and Lucys Basin (Basin)
- Rose Shoal (Shoal)
- Rosemary Bank (Bank)
- Rosengarten Bank (Bank)
- Roseway Bank (Bank)
- Roseway Basin (Basin)
- Rosey Rock (Rock)
- Rosroe Bog (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Round Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Round Rock (Rock)
- Round Shoal (Shoal)
- Round Shoal (Shoal)
- Round Shoal (Shoal)
- Round Shoals (Shoal)
- Rous Shoal (Shoal)
- Rousay (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Royal Trough (Trough)
- Rudder Place (Shoal)
- Rune Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Rusheenduff Lough (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Russel Rock (Rock)
- Rutland Island and Sound (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ryan Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Rybin Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Sable Island Bank (Bank)
- Sackville Spur (Spur)
- Saddle Rock (Rock)
- Saharan Fan (Fan)
- Saharan Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Saint George (Channel)
- Saint Helena Shoal (Shoal)
- Saint Lawrence Seaway (Canal)
- Saint M Trough (Trough)
- Saint Magnus Bay (Bay)
- Saint Mary's Bay (Bay)
- Saint Paul Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Saint Rock (Rock)
- Sal (Island)
- Salamander Rock (Rock)
- Sally Rock (Rock)
- Saloum (Estuary)
- Salters Rock (Rock)
- Salvador Correia Passage (Passage)
- Sam Adams Shoal (Shoal)
- Sam Ledge (Reef)
- Samaná, Bahía de (Bay)
- Sambro Bank (Bank)
- Sambro Ledges (Reef)
- Sammys Shoal (Shoal)
- Sampsons Rock (Rock)
- Sams Ground (Shoal)
- Sams Rock (Rock)
- Samson Point Shoal (Shoal)
- San Antao (Island)
- San Juan Canyon (Canyon(s))
- San Pablo Seamount (Seamount(s))
- San Salvador Ridge (Ridge)
- Sanctuary Hill (Hill(s))
- Sand Cove Head Shoal (Shoal)
- Sand Cove Shoal (Shoal)
- Sand Shoal (Shoal)
- Sand Shoal (Shoal)
- Sand Shoal (Shoal)
- Sand Shoal (Shoal)
- Sandy Cove Shoal (Shoal)
- Sandy Hook (Spit)
- Sandy Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Santa Clara bay (Bay)
- Santa Luzia (Island)
- Santa Maria Bay (Bay)
- Santa Maria Hills (Hill(s))
- Santaren Drift (Drift)
- Santiago (Island)
- Santo Antão Ridge (Ridge)
- São Gabriel Valley (Valley)
- São Miguel Hole (Hole)
- Sao Nicolau (Island)
- São Pedro Canyon (Canyon(s))
- São Rafael Canyon (Canyon(s))
- São Toméan part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Sao Vicente (Island)
- São Vicente Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Sapais de Castro Marim (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Saturday Ledge (Shoal)
- Sauerwein Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Saul Island Rock (Rock)
- Saunders Shoal (Shoal)
- Savel'ev Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Scantum Basin (Basin)
- Scatarie Bank (Bank)
- Scotian Shelf (Shelf)
- Scott Rock (Rock)
- Screech Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Scruncheon Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Sculpin Rock (Rock)
- Sculpin Shoal (Shoal)
- Seal Island Ridge (Ridge)
- Seal Island Rocks (Rocks)
- Seal Rock (Rock)
- Sebadal de San andrés (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sebadales de Antequera (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sebadales de Corralejo (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sebadales de Guasimeta (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sebadales de Güigüí (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sebadales de La Graciosa (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sebadales de Playa del Inglés (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sebadales del Sur de Tenerife (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sedlo Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Seewarte Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Seine Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Seine Cove Rock (Rock)
- Seine Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Seminole Bank (Bank)
- Senegalese Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Senegalese part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Senghor Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Sermilik Deep (Deep)
- Setubal Bay (Bay)
- Setúbal Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Sewell Ridge (Rise)
- Shad Bay Breakers (Reef)
- Shag Rock Shoal (Shoal)
- Shag Rocks (Sandbank)
- Shag Roost (Rock)
- Shallop Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Shamrock Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Shamrock Valley (Valley)
- Shannon Estuary (Estuary)
- Sharpshooter Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Sharrer Basin (Basin)
- Sharrer Ridge (Ridge)
- Sheep'S Head (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sheldrake Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Shetland-Faeroe Ridge (Ridge)
- Shinnecock Bay (Bay)
- Shoal Ground (Shoal)
- Shoal Ground (Shoal)
- Shoal Place (Shoal)
- SHOM Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Shortland Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Shotty Ledge (Ledge(s))
- Shredder Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Shut-in Shoals (Shoal)
- Siboney Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Sierra Leone Basin (Basin)
- Sierra Leone Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Sierra Leone Plain (Plain)
- Sierra Leone Rise (Rise)
- Sierra Leonean Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Sierra Leonean part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Sigsbee Basin (Basin)
- Sigsbee Ridge (Ridge)
- Silver Bank (Bank)
- Silver Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Silver Plain (Plain)
- Sinclairs Ledge (Shoal)
- Sintra/Cascais (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sistema Fluvial Ulla - deza (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Siteman Rock (Rock)
- Siteman Rock (Rock)
- Skagerrak (IHO Sea Area)
- Skeiðarárdjúp (Submarine valley(s))
- Skellig Rocks (Archipelago)
- Skelligs Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Skerjadjúp (Submarine valley(s))
- Skjoldungen Bank (Bank)
- Skjoldungen Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Skrælling Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Skrimsli Hills (Hill(s))
- Slaunwhites Shoal (Shoal)
- Sleepy Shoal (Shoal)
- Slieve League (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Slieve Tooey/Tormore Island/Loughros Beg Bay (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Slope Sea (Sea)
- Sly Boots (Rock)
- Slyne Head (Island)
- Slyne Head Islands (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Slyne Head Islands Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Slyne Head Peninsula (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Smerwick Harbour (Bay)
- Smith Rock (Rock)
- Smith Shoal (Shoal)
- Smithson Rock (Rock)
- Snake Spit (Spit)
- Snapper Shoal (Shoal)
- Snodgrass Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Sohm Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Soldiers Ledge (Reef)
- Sorensen Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Soup Rock (Rock)
- South Angle Ledge (Shoal)
- South Charcot Seamount (Seamount(s))
- South eastern North Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- South Gooseberry Shoal (Shoal)
- South Heyes Canyon (Canyon(s))
- South Ledge (Shoal)
- South Rock (Rock)
- South Rock (Rock)
- South Shoal (Shoal)
- South Shoal (Shoal)
- South Shoal (Shoal)
- South Shoal (Shoal)
- South Sunker (Rock)
- South Toms Canyon (Canyon(s))
- South Uist Machair (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- South Vries Canyon (Canyon(s))
- South Western North Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- South Wilmington Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Southeast Breaker (Rock)
- Southeast Grand Bank (Sampling Station)
- Southeast Grand Banks Rise (Rise)
- Southeast Grand Banks Slope (Slope)
- Southeast Reef (Reef)
- Southeast Shoal (Shoal)
- Southeast Shoal (Shoal)
- Southeast Shoal (Shoal)
- Southeast Shoal (Shoal)
- Southeast Shoal (Shoal)
- Southeast Shoal (Shoal)
- Southeast Shoal (Shoal)
- Southeast Shoals (Shoal)
- Southern Ridge (Reef)
- Southern Rock (Shoal)
- Southern Shoal (Shoal)
- Southwest Bank (Bank)
- Southwest Breaker (Rock)
- Southwest Bull (Rock)
- Southwest Coachman (Rock)
- Southwest Cove Shoal (Shoal)
- Southwest Grand Banks Rise (Rise)
- Southwest Grand Banks Slope (Slope)
- Southwest Ledge (Rock)
- Southwest Ledge (Reef)
- Southwest Peak (Spur)
- South-West Porcupine Bank (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Southwest Rock (Rock)
- Southwest Rock (Rock)
- Southwest Rock (Reef)
- Southwest Shoal (Shoal)
- Southwest Shoal (Shoal)
- Southwest Shoal (Reef)
- Southwest Tuffin Breaker (Rock)
- Spain - Demarcación Marina Canaria (MSFD Marine subregions)
- Spain - Demarcación Marina Sudatlántica (MSFD Marine subregions)
- Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone (Canary Islands) (EEZ)
- Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone [Atlantic part] (Marine Region)
- Spanish Extended Continental Shelf (Canary Islands) (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Spanish Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Spanish part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Spanish part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Canary Islands) (Marine Region)
- Spectacle Ledge (Shoal)
- Spectacle Ledge (Shoal)
- Spectacle Shoal (Shoal)
- Spectacle Shoals (Shoal)
- Spencer Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Spicer Rock (Rock)
- Spjældebod Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Spritsail Ledge (Shoal)
- St Kilda (World Marine Heritage Site)
- St Kilda (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- St Kilda (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- St Marys Bank (Bank)
- St Pierre Bank (Bank)
- St Pierre Channel (Trough)
- St. John'S Point (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- St. Peter Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Stags Of Broad Haven Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Stanley Shoals (Shoal)
- Stapleton Rock (Rock)
- Stapleton Rock (Rock)
- Starling Rock (Rock)
- Station 2 (SS2) (Sampling Station)
- Stellwagen Bank (Bank)
- Stellwagen Basin (Basin)
- Stetson Mesa (Mesa)
- Stevens Rock (Rock)
- Steves Shoal (Shoal)
- Stickland Rock (Rock)
- Stone Horse (Shoal)
- Stone Rock (Rock)
- Stonehorse Rock (Rock)
- Stoney Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Stoney Ridge (Reef)
- Stony Rock (Rock)
- Storfjord Deep (Deep)
- Stout Swell (Rise)
- Strakhov Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Strathy Point (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Strede Bank (Bank)
- Streedagh Point Dunes (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Stromness Heaths and Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Subtropical North Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Suhm Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Suhm Hills (Hill(s))
- Sule Skerry and Sule Stack (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Sullom Voe (Inlet)
- Sullom Voe (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Sunken Rock (Rock)
- Sunken Rock (Rock)
- Sunken Rock Reef (Reef)
- Sunker Rock (Rock)
- Surinamese Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Surinamese Extended Continental Shelf (DOALOS Deposit) (Extended Continental Shelf (DOALOS Deposit))
- Surinamese part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Surtsey (World Marine Heritage Site)
- Swaines Mark (Shoal)
- Swallow Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Tabou Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Tagore Ridge (Ridge)
- Tagore Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Taguluche (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tagus Plain (Plain)
- Tail of the Bank (Bank)
- Tamadaba (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tamadaba (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Tamanca (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tangier Shoal (Shoal)
- Tanoûdêrt Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Tantallon Spur (Spur)
- Taylor Shoal (Shoal)
- Taylor's Bay Rock (Rock)
- Taylor's Bay Shoal (Shoal)
- Teal Pond Shoals (Shoal)
- Tejo Basin (Basin)
- Telegraph Rock (Rock)
- Teno (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Teno (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Termon Strand (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Teselinde-Cabecera de Vallehermoso (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- The Bantam (Shoal)
- The Blazes (Rock)
- The Breakwater (Bank)
- The Bull and The Cow Rocks Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- The Bull Pen (Basin)
- The Bulldog (Reef)
- The Burr (Rocks)
- The Chimney (Rock)
- The Cow Pen (Basin)
- The Elbow (Shoal)
- The Frenchman (Shoal)
- The Grampus (Shoal)
- The Gully Canyon (Canyon(s))
- The Hay Cock (Shoal)
- The Heart (Basin)
- The Hummocks (Rocks)
- The Hummocks (Reef)
- The Lone Star (Shoal)
- The Lump (Shoal)
- The Lump (Rock)
- The Nubble (Shoal)
- The Nubbles (Shoal)
- The Off Ground (Bank)
- The Overfall (Shoal)
- The Owl (Bank)
- The Paps Seamount (Seamount(s))
- The Patch (Bank)
- The Peak (Shoal)
- The Pinnacle (Rock)
- The Puffer (Rock)
- The Reef (Reef)
- The Reef (Reef)
- The Ridge (Shoal)
- The Rocher (Rock)
- The Rockpile (Bank)
- The Shoals (Shoal)
- The Slipper (Bank)
- The Spot (Shoal)
- The Squince (Rock)
- The Stone Fence (Escarpment)
- The Sunker (Rock)
- The Twelve Bens/Garraun Complex (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- The Washerwoman (Shoal)
- The Whale (Rock)
- The White Horse (Rock)
- Theta Passage (Passage)
- Thomas Rock (Rock)
- Thorn Shoal (Shoal)
- Thoulet Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Three Castle Head To Mizen Head (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Three Dory Ridge (Ridge)
- Thrumcap Reef (Reef)
- Thrumcap Rock (Rock)
- Thrumcap Shoal (Shoal)
- Thrumcap Shoal (Shoal)
- Tibataje (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tickeys Shoal (Shoal)
- Tilbury Reef (Reef)
- Tim Barrett Rock (Rock)
- Timijiraque (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tingon (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tinker Bank (Bank)
- Tinker Rock (Rock)
- Titanic Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Tobin's Point (Lobe)
- Tom Bank (Bank)
- Tom Cod Shoals (Shoal)
- Tom Dimmers Rock (Rock)
- Tom Holt (Rock)
- Tom Pyes Bank (Bank)
- Tom Sheaves Rock (Rock)
- Tomfool Shoals (Shoal)
- Tommy Rock (Shoal)
- Toms Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Tongue of the Ocean Trough (Trough)
- Toots Shoal (Shoal)
- Tor Bay Ledges (Shoal)
- Tore Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Tory Island (Island)
- Tory Island Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Touten Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Tràigh Na Berie (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tralee Bay (Bay)
- Tralee Bay and Magharees Peninsula, West To Cloghane (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Tralee Bay Complex Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Trappeans Shoal (Shoal)
- Trevelyan Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Treworgie Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Tribune Shoal (Shoal)
- Trident Ridge (Ridge)
- Trinidad Rock (Rock)
- Trinidadian and Tobagonian Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Trinidadian and Tobagonian part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Trinity Bay (Bay)
- Tripper Rock (Rock)
- Trold Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Tropic Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Tropical North Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Truxton Basin (Basin)
- Truxton Swell (Rise)
- Tucker Island Ledge (Reef)
- Tucumã Hill (Hill(s))
- Tuffin Bank (Bank)
- Turbine Shoal (Shoal)
- Turners Shoal (Shoal)
- Tusket Basin (Basin)
- Uchupi Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Uncle Charlies Shoal (Shoal)
- Uncle Dickies Burr (Rock)
- Unicorn Bank (Bank)
- United States part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- United States part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Puerto Rico) (Marine Region)
- United States part of the North Atlantic Ocean (United States Virgin Islands) (Marine Region)
- Upper Bay Shoal (Shoal)
- Upper Big Shoal (Shoal)
- Upper Pinnacle (Rock)
- US Shelf off New York (Slope)
- US-01 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-02 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-03 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-04 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-05 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-06 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-07 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-08 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-09 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-10 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-11 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-13 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-14 (HAB monitoring grid)
- US-15 (HAB monitoring grid)
- Vache Shoals (Shoal)
- Valencia Harbour/Portmagee Channel (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Valencia Island (Island)
- Valle Inclan Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Valle-Inclán Saddle (Saddle)
- Vanguard Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Vasco da Gama Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Vasco Gil Sodre Basin (Basin)
- Vayda Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Veatch Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Vema Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Vema Gap (Gap)
- Vema Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Venezuelan part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
- Vermont Rock (Rock)
- Vernadsky Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Verrill Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Vestal Rock (Rock)
- Vidal Plain (Plain)
- Vidal Seachannel (Seachannel)
- Vigo Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Vikuráll (Submarine valley(s))
- Virgin Rocks (Reef)
- Vogel Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Wake Island (Island)
- Wards Rock (Rock)
- Wareham Rock (Rock)
- Warr Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Warrens Shoal (Shoal)
- Washington Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Webb Rock (Rock)
- Webb Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Webber Shoal (Shoal)
- Webbs Shoal (Shoal)
- Wedge Shoal (Shoal)
- Welker Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Wellesly Rock (Rock)
- West Bar (Shoal)
- West Bull (Shoal)
- West Bull (Rock)
- West Canary Islands (General Region)
- West Clew Bay (General Sea Area)
- West Donegal Coast Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- West Donegal Islands Spa (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- West European Basin (Basin)
- West Gilley Shoal (Shoal)
- West Indies (Archipelago)
- West Of Ardara/Maas Road (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- West Rock (Rock)
- West Shannon (General Sea Area)
- West Shoals (Shoal)
- West Thulean Rise (Rise)
- West Westray (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive))
- Western Bank (Bank)
- Western Boundary Current (Current)
- Western Edge (Escarpment)
- Western Ground (Shoal)
- Western Grounds (Shoal)
- Western Gully (Valley)
- Western Head Rock (Rock)
- Western Hummock (Shoal)
- Western Lobster Claw (Shoal)
- Western North Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Western Rock (Rock)
- Western Rock (Rock)
- Western Rock (Rock)
- Western Shoal (Shoal)
- Western Shoal (Shoal)
- Western Shoal (Shoal)
- Western Shoal (Shoal)
- Western Spur (Spur)
- Western Sunker (Rock)
- Western Sunker (Rock)
- Whale Back (Rocks)
- Whale Bank (Bank)
- Whale Deep (Basin)
- Whale Rock (Rock)
- Whale Shoal (Shoal)
- Whaleback Rock (Rock)
- Whitbourne Canyon (Canyon(s))
- White Bay (Bay)
- White Cliffs (Rock)
- White Horse (Rock)
- White Horse Bank (Bank)
- White Horse Rock (Rock)
- White Horse Rock (Rock)
- White Island Bank (Bank)
- White Knoll Ledge (Shoal)
- White Point Rock (Rock)
- White Point Shoal (Shoal)
- White Rock (Rock)
- White Rock (Rock)
- White Rock (Rock)
- White Rock (Rock)
- White Sail Bank (Bank)
- White Scrape Rock (Rock)
- White Scrape Rock (Rock)
- White Shoal (Shoal)
- White Shoal (Shoal)
- White Shoal (Shoal)
- Whitehorse Rock (Rock)
- Whites Rock (Rock)
- Whitney Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Whittard Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Whittard Seachannel (Seachannel)
- Wildcat Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Wilkinson Divide (Ridge)
- William Henry Bank (Bank)
- William Shoal (Shoal)
- Williams Rock (Rock)
- Williams Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Wilmington Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Wilmington Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Wilsons Shoal (Shoal)
- Windward Islands (Archipelago)
- Windward Passage (Passage)
- Winyah Scarp (Escarpment)
- Wippy Rock (Rock)
- Wiskon Rocks (Rocks)
- Woody Island Rock (Rock)
- Woody Island Shoal (Shoal)
- Woolfall Bank (Bank)
- Worm Shoal (Shoal)
- Wraytons Shoal (Shoal)
- Wright Swell (Rise)
- Wyoming Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Wyville Thomson Ridge (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Wyville-Thomson Ridge (Ridge)
- Y Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Yakutat Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Yankee Bank (Bank)
- Yankee Jack (Rock)
- Yell Sound Coast (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive))
- Ymir Ridge (Ridge)
- Young Ledge (Shoal)
- Yuma Hill (Hill(s))
- Zetland Shoal (Shoal)
- North Rona (Island)
- Porcupine Station (Station)
- Puerto de las Nieves (Cove)
- Rocky Bank (Bank)
- Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (Archipelago)
- Saint Sebastian Bay (Bay)
- Sargasso Sea (Sea)
- Seal Island (Island)
- South Atlantic Deep (General Sea Area)
- South Atlantic Ocean (IHO Sea Area)
- South West Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Subarctic Intermediate Water (Water mass)
- Subtropical Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Table Bay (Bay)
- Tropic & Subtropic Western Atlantic (General Region)
- Tropical Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Tropical West Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- Walther Herwig (Inhabited Place)
- West Atlantic (General Sea Area)
- West Atlantic Coast (Coast)
- West Atlantic Subarctic Intermediate Water (Water mass)
- Baltic Sea (IHO Sea Area)
- High Seas (High Seas)
- Indian Ocean (IHO Sea Area)
- Mediterranean Region (General Sea Area)
- Pacific Ocean (Ocean)
- South China and Eastern Archipelagic Seas (General Sea Area)
- Southern Ocean (IHO Sea Area)