Marine Gazetteer Placedetails

Status Alternative classification Alternative classification, try to use a different MRGID
Language Name Name source
EnglishEastern Mediterranean and Black SeaFAO Major Fishing Areas, UN Atlas of the Oceans   
EnglishFAO Subarea 37.3FAO Major Fishing Areas, UN Atlas of the Oceans   
PlaceType FAO Subareas 
Latitude 34° 56' 4.8" N (34.93467°)  
Longitude 28° 48' 0.2" E (28.80005°)  
Min. Lat 30° 49' 2.6" N (30.8174°)  
Min. Long 22° 31' 28.2" E (22.5245°)  
Max. Lat 41° 0' 42.5" N (41.0118°)  
Max. Long 36° 12' 57.2" E (36.2159°)  
Source FAO Major Fishing Areas, UN Atlas of the Oceans
Part of  Mediterranean and Black Sea (FAO Major Marine Fishing Areas) 
Edit history Last edited on 2024-05-21 09:23:57 by Lonneville Britt
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