Tournadour, E., Mulder, T., Borgomano, J., Hanquiez, V., Ducassou, E., & Gillet, H. (2015). Origin and architecture of a mass transport complex on the northwest slope of Little Bahama Bank (Bahamas): relations between off-bank transport, bottom current sedimentation and submarine landslides. Sedimentary Geology, 317, 9-26. (look up in IMIS)
24° 4' 37.9" N (24.0771854°)
79° 22' 53.4" W (-79.381494°)
Min. Lat
23° 23' 56.4" N (23.399°)
Min. Long
79° 40' 33.6" W (-79.676°)
Max. Lat
24° 50' 16.8" N (24.838°)
Max. Long
79° 1' 26.4" W (-79.024°)
Tournadour, E., Mulder, T., Borgomano, J., Hanquiez, V., Ducassou, E., & Gillet, H. (2015). Origin and architecture of a mass transport complex on the northwest slope of Little Bahama Bank (Bahamas): relations between off-bank transport, bottom current sedimentation and submarine landslides. Sedimentary Geology, 317, 9-26. (look up in IMIS)