Marine Gazetteer Placedetails

Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishSector 1Bianchi, C.N. (2004). Proposta di suddivisione dei mari italiani in settori biogeografici. Notiziario S.i.B.M. 46: 57-59 (look up in IMIS)   
PlaceType Italian marine biogeographic sector 
Latitude 43° 26' 49.8" N (43.44716°)  
Longitude 8° 47' 7.2" E (8.78533°)  
Min. Lat 42° 22' 13.1" N (42.3703°)  
Min. Long 7° 15' 8" E (7.2522°)  
Max. Lat 44° 25' 37.9" N (44.4272°)  
Max. Long 10° 32' 26.4" E (10.5407°)  
Source Bianchi, C.N. (2004). Proposta di suddivisione dei mari italiani in settori biogeografici. Notiziario S.i.B.M. 46: 57-59 (look up in IMIS)
Notes Coordinate information (en): Geometry was digitized from image in publication and represents an approximation of these sectors.    
Additional information (it): Mar Ligure (in senso lato), a nord di Piombino e Capo Corso, afferente al settore nordoccidentale del Mediterraneo;    
Part of  Mediterranean Sea (IHO Sea Area)  [view hierarchy]   
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Edit history Last edited on 2021-12-20 16:40:52 by Lonneville Britt
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