Marine Gazetteer browser | |||||||||
- Planet (Planet)
- World (World)
- World Oceans (World)
- Arctic Ocean (IHO Sea Area)
- Atlantic Ocean (General Sea Area)
- Baltic Sea (IHO Sea Area)
- High Seas (High Seas)
- Indian Ocean (IHO Sea Area)
- Mediterranean Region (General Sea Area)
- Pacific Ocean (Ocean)
- South China and Eastern Archipelagic Seas (General Sea Area)
- Southern Ocean (IHO Sea Area)
- Aagaard Islands (Archipelago)
- Abbott Island (Island)
- Abenante, cabo (Cape)
- Ablation Point (Point)
- Abovedada, punta (Point)
- Abrupt Island (Island)
- Abrupt Point (Point)
- Aburto, Punta (Point)
- Access Point (Point)
- Achernar Island (Island)
- Ackley Point (Point)
- Ackroyd Point (Point)
- Aconcagua, Punta (Point)
- Acosta, caleta (Cove)
- Active Reef (Reef)
- Active Sound (Sound)
- Acuña Island (Island)
- Acuña, punta (Point)
- Adams Fjord (Fjord)
- Adams Island (Island)
- Adams, Cape (Cape)
- Adamson Bay (Bay)
- Adare Basin (Basin)
- Adare Sea Channel (Seachannel)
- Adare Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Adare Trough (Trough)
- Adelaide Anchorage (Anchorage)
- Adélie Cove (Cove)
- Adélie Glacier (Glacier)
- Adélie Valley (Submarine valley(s))
- Adie Inlet (Inlet)
- Admiralty Guyot (Guyot)
- Admiralty Sound (Sound)
- Adolph Islands (Archipelago)
- Adriana, Islote (Island)
- Adriasola, Cape (Cape)
- Afuera, islote (I. Hoseason) (Island)
- Agassiz, Cape (Cape)
- Agat Point (Point)
- Ageno, punta (Point)
- Agglomerate Point (Point)
- Agneta, punta (Point)
- Agradable, punta (Point)
- Agrimbau, punta (Point)
- Aguda Point (Point)
- Aguda, Bay (Bay)
- Agüero, Cabo (Cape)
- Aguirre Passage (Passage)
- Aguirre, Islote (Island)
- Agurto Rock (Rock)
- Agurto, Bajo (Bay)
- Aho Ridge (Ridge)
- Aiken Creek (Canal)
- Ailsa Craig (Island)
- Aim Rocks (Rock)
- Ainsworth Bay (Bay)
- Aitcho Islands (Archipelago)
- Aitken Cove (Cove)
- Akademik Fedorov Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Akarui, Cape (Cape)
- Akebono Point (Point)
- Akkuratnaya Cove (Cove)
- Akopov Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Alaggia Rock (Rock)
- Alagon, islote (Island)
- Alamode Island (Island)
- Albatross Island (Island)
- Albinos, Cap de l'' (Cape)
- Albornoz, punta (Head)
- Alcock Island (Island)
- Aldea Island (Island)
- Alden, Point (Point)
- Alderete, cabo (Cape)
- Aldoney, Bahía (Bay)
- Alectoria Island (Island)
- Alegre, punta (Point)
- Alegría, islote (Island)
- Alexander, Cape (Cape)
- Alexander, Mount (Mount)
- Alexandra, Cape (Cape)
- Alfons Island (Island)
- Alice Creek (Cove)
- Alice, Ensenada (Bay)
- Allen, Cape (Cape)
- Alligator Island (Island)
- Allison Bay (Bay)
- Allison Islands (Archipelago)
- Allison Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Almenado, islote (Island)
- Almonacid, punta (Point)
- Almond Point (Point)
- Alpha Island (Island)
- Alphard Island (Island)
- Altamirano, cabo (Cape)
- Althoff Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Alvarez, punta (Point)
- Alvaro Cove (Cove)
- Alvear, punta (Point)
- Amanda Bay (Bay)
- Ambrose Rocks (Rock)
- Ambush Bay (Bay)
- América, cabo (Cape)
- América, punta (Point)
- Amery Basin (Basin)
- Amiot Islands (Archipelago)
- Amoroso, punta (Point)
- Amundsen Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Amundsen Arm (Arm)
- Amundsen Bay (Bay)
- Amundsen Ridges (Ridge)
- Amundsen Sea (Sea)
- Ana, caleta (Cove)
- Anadon, punta (Point)
- Anagram Islands (Archipelago)
- Anashkin Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Anchorage Patch (Anchorage)
- Anchorena, punta (Point)
- Andenes Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Anderle Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Andersen Harbour (Harbour)
- Andersen Island (Island)
- Anderson Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Anderson, Cape (Cape)
- Anderssenbukta (Bay)
- Andersson Island (Island)
- Andersson, islas (Archipelago)
- André Prud''homme, Cap (Cape)
- Andreas, Cape (Cape)
- Andreassen Point (Point)
- Andrée Island (Island)
- Andresen Island (Island)
- Andressen, Punta (Point)
- Andrews Creek (Stream)
- Andrews Point (Point)
- Andreyev, Cape (Cape)
- Andrus Point (Point)
- Andvord Bay (Bay)
- Angamos Promontory (Promontory)
- Angamos, Puerto (Harbour)
- Angot Point (Point)
- Anguilas Basin (Basin)
- Ánimas Island (Island)
- Ann Island (Island)
- Ann, Cape (Cape)
- Anna Cove (Cove)
- Anna, Cape (Cape)
- Annawan, Cape (Cape)
- Anne, Cape (Cape)
- Anschütz-Kämpfe Trough (Trough)
- Anschütz-Kämpfe Trough (Trough)
- Antarctic 200NM zone beyond the coastline part of the Southern Ocean (Marine Region)
- Antarctic Bottom Water (Water mass)
- Antarctic Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Antarctic Circumpolar Current (Current)
- Antarctic Deep Water (Water mass)
- Antarctic Intermediate Water (Water mass)
- Antarctic Polar Front (Pacific Sector) (Front)
- Antenna Island (Island)
- Anton Island (Island)
- Antonelli, punta (Point)
- Anvil Rock (Rock)
- Aogôri Bay (Bay)
- Aomen Dao (Island)
- Apollo Island (Island)
- Apostrophe Island (Island)
- Appleby, Point (Point)
- Aramayo, Conscripto (Cape)
- Araos, Punta (Point)
- Arauco, Cabo (Cape)
- Aravena Rock (Rock)
- Arbatskij, zaliv (Bay)
- Archer Peak (Hill(s))
- Archer Point (Point)
- Archer, Cape (Cape)
- Archibald Point (Point)
- Arctowski Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Ardley Cove (Cove)
- Argentina Cove (Cove)
- Argo Point (Point)
- Aristova, banka (Bank)
- Armbruster Rocks (Rock)
- Armour Inlet (Inlet)
- Armour Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Armstrong Reef (Reef)
- Arnel Bluffs (Rock)
- Arnold Cove (Cove)
- Arrival Bay (Bay)
- Arrow Island (Island)
- Arrowsmith Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Arthur Harbor (Harbour)
- Asencio, punta (Point)
- Ash Point (Point)
- Asiato Zima (Island)
- Asimutodden (Point)
- Aspis Island (Island)
- Aspland Island (Island)
- Asses Ears (Island)
- Astor Island (Island)
- Astrid Ridge (Ridge)
- ASTRO Point (Point)
- Astrolabe Island (Island)
- Astrup, Cape (Cape)
- Atherton Islands (Archipelago)
- Atka Bank (Bank)
- Atkinson Cliffs (Cliffs)
- Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean (General Sea Area)
- Atlantic-Indian Basin (Basin)
- Atlas, fondeadero (Bay)
- Atom Rock (Rock)
- Atrevida, Punta de la (Point)
- Atriceps Island (Island)
- Audrey Island (Island)
- Augen Bluffs (Bluff)
- Aurora Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Auroraholmen (Island)
- Austaasen Bank (Bank)
- Auståsen (Sea floor)
- Auster Islands (Archipelago)
- Auster Point (Point)
- Austhovde Headland (Headland)
- Austin Rocks (Rock)
- Austnes Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Austnes Skerries (Rock)
- Austpynten (Cape)
- Austral Island (Island)
- Austskjera (Rock)
- Auvert Bay (Bay)
- Avalanche Bay (Bay)
- Avian Island (Island)
- Aviation Islands (Archipelago)
- Aviatorov Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Aviatorov, proliv (Channel)
- Avicenna Bay (Bay)
- Avrora, buhta (Bay)
- Awl Point (Point)
- Axthelm Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Aytos Point (Point)
- Azarasi Irie (Cove)
- Azcurra, punta (Point)
- Azimuth Island (Island)
- Azimuth Islands (Archipelago)
- Azuki Island (Island)
- Azure Cove (Cove)
- Babel Rock (Rock)
- Babushkin Island (Island)
- Bacacay, punta (Point)
- Bach Inlet (Inlet)
- Bach Quartet (Rock)
- Bachstrom Point (Point)
- Backdoor Bay (Bay)
- Backer Islands (Archipelago)
- Baeyer Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Baffle Rock (Rock)
- Bage, Cape (Cape)
- Bagliani Point (Point)
- Bagnold Point (Point)
- Bahamonde Point (Point)
- Bahia Neny, fondeadero (Bay)
- Bailey Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Bainmedart Cove (Cove)
- Baisha Zhou (Island)
- Bajada, punta (Point)
- Bajan Island (Island)
- Bajos, punta (Point)
- Båkeneset Headland (Headland)
- Baker Point (Point)
- Bakewell Island (Island)
- Balaena Islands (Archipelago)
- Balaresque, Bahía (Bay)
- Balcón, punta (Point)
- Bald Head (Headland)
- Balder Point (Point)
- Baldwin Point (Point)
- Baleinière, Anse de la (Bay)
- Balija, punta (Point)
- Ball Stream (Stream)
- Ballard Spur (Ridge)
- Ballena, islote (Island)
- Ballenas, bahía (Bay)
- Balleny Basin (Basin)
- Balleny Fracture Zone (Zone)
- Balleny Islands (Archipelago)
- Balleny Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Balleny Trough (Trough)
- Ballvé, península (Peninsula)
- Bancroft Bay (Bay)
- Bandera, bahía (Bay)
- Bandy Island (Island)
- Banshan Jiao (Reef)
- Baoshi Jiao (Reef)
- Bar Island (Island)
- Barbara Island (Island)
- Barbaro Point (Point)
- Barbière Island (Island)
- Barchans, The (Archipelago)
- Barclay Bay (Bay)
- Barcroft Islands (Archipelago)
- Bare Rock (Rock)
- Barilari Bay (Bay)
- Barison, Península (Peninsula)
- Barker Bank (Bank)
- Barker Channel (Channel)
- Barlas Channel (Channel)
- Barlas, Cape (Cape)
- Barlow Island (Island)
- Barn Rock (Rock)
- Barnard Point (Point)
- Barne Inlet (Inlet)
- Barne, Cape (Cape)
- Barnum Trail (Channel)
- Barra, Caleta (Cove)
- Barra, Punta (Point)
- Barratt Island (Island)
- Barrel Point (Point)
- Barres, Cap des (Cape)
- Barrett Island (Island)
- Barrientos Island (Island)
- Barrier Bay (Bay)
- Barrier Cache (Point)
- Barrier Island (Island)
- Barrios Rocks (Rock)
- Barros Rocks (Rock)
- Barros, Punta (Point)
- Barry Island (Island)
- Barry Jones Bay (Bay)
- Barstadvika (Bay)
- Barsukov Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Barth Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Bartlett Inlet (Inlet)
- Barton Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Basalt Point (Point)
- Baseline Rock (Rock)
- Basso Island (Island)
- Basullo, Ensenada (Bay)
- Bates Island (Island)
- Bates Point (Point)
- Batterbee, Cape (Cape)
- Battke Point (Point)
- Battle Point (Point)
- Battleship Promontory (Promontory)
- Bauprés Rocks (Rock)
- Bay of Polish Geodesists (Bay)
- Bay Point (Point)
- Bayard Islands (Archipelago)
- Bayle, Cape (Cape)
- Bayly Bay (Bay)
- Bazett Island (Island)
- Bazzano Island (Island)
- Beacon Head (Headland)
- Beagle Island (Island)
- Beak Island (Island)
- Beale Pinnacle (Rock)
- Beall Island (Island)
- Beall Reefs (Reef)
- Bear Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Bearing Island (Island)
- Beascochea Bay (Bay)
- Beaumont Bay (Bay)
- Beaumont Island (Island)
- Beaumont Skerries (Rock)
- Beaupré Cove (Cove)
- Beaver Glacier (Glacier)
- Beaver Island (Island)
- Beaver Rocks (Rock)
- Béchervaise Island (Island)
- Beck, Cape (Cape)
- Becker Point (Point)
- Bedford Island (Island)
- Bednarz Cove (Cove)
- Beeby Peak (Hill(s))
- Beer Island (Island)
- Beethoven Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Begitsjev, Kapp (Cape)
- Behaim Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Behm Bank (Bank)
- Beike Dao (Island)
- Beike Valley (Valley)
- Belaja, buhta (Bay)
- Belding Island (Island)
- Belemnite Point (Point)
- Belgica Guyot (Guyot)
- Belgrano, arrecife (Island)
- Bell Bay (Bay)
- Bell Island (Island)
- Bell Point (Point)
- Bellafronto Bight (Bight)
- Bellingshausen Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Bellingshausen Sea (Sea)
- Bellingshausenkysten, Von (Beach)
- Bellinshausen Becken (Basin)
- Bellue, Cape (Cape)
- Belousov Point (Point)
- Belsham, Cape (Cape)
- Beltrán, cabo (Cape)
- Beltrán, caleta (Cove)
- Beltrán, Islote (Island)
- Belyj Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Beneden Head (Headland)
- Benedict Point (Point)
- Benítez, cabo (Cape)
- Benlein Point (Point)
- Bennett Islands (Archipelago)
- Bennett, Cape (Cape)
- Benson Point (Point)
- Benten Island (Island)
- Benton Island (Island)
- Berg Bay (Bay)
- Bergel Rock (Rock)
- Berkley Island (Island)
- Berkner Bank (Bank)
- Berkner Island (Island)
- Berlininseln (Archipelago)
- Berlioz Point (Point)
- Bermel Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Bernacchi Bay (Bay)
- Bernacchi Head (Headland)
- Bernacchi, Cape (Cape)
- Bernal Islands (Archipelago)
- Bernard Rocks (Rock)
- Berón, punta (Point)
- Berr Point (Point)
- Berry Head (Headland)
- Berteaux, Cape (Cape)
- Bertha Island (Island)
- Berthelot Islands (Archipelago)
- Bertodano Bay (Bay)
- Beruti, punta (Point)
- Besnard Point (Point)
- Beta Island (Island)
- Betbeder Islands (Archipelago)
- Betbeder, Cape (Cape)
- Betts Island (Island)
- Betzel Cove (Cove)
- Beyl Head (Headland)
- Bezymjannyj, ostrov (Island)
- Bianchi, caleta (Cove)
- Bibby Point (Point)
- Bickerton, Cape (Cape)
- Bielecki Island (Island)
- Bieniaszewicz Bay (Bay)
- Bienvenue, Cape (Cape)
- Bier Point (Point)
- Bieringmulen (Cape)
- Bifeng Wan (Bay)
- Big Razorback Island (Island)
- Bigelow Rock (Rock)
- Biggs Island (Island)
- Bigo Bay (Bay)
- Bigourdan Fjord (Fjord)
- Billie Rocks (Rock)
- Bills Island (Island)
- Bills Point (Point)
- Binder Rocks (Rock)
- Biologenbucht (Bay)
- Birchall, Cape (Cape)
- Bird Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Bird, Cape (Cape)
- Birdwell Point (Point)
- Birkenhauer Island (Island)
- Birthday Point (Point)
- Biscoe Islands (Archipelago)
- Biscoe Point (Point)
- Biyu Canyons (Canyon(s))
- Biyu Jiao (Reef)
- Biyu Tan (Beach)
- Bizeux Rock (Rock)
- Bjalokoza, mys (Cape)
- Bjerkø Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Black Cap (Cape)
- Black Head (Headland)
- Black Island (Island)
- Black Island Channel (Channel)
- Blackface Point (Point)
- Blackrock Head (Headland)
- Blacksand Beach (Beach)
- Blaiklock Island (Island)
- Blair Bay (Bay)
- Blair Islands (Archipelago)
- Blake, Cape (Cape)
- Blakeney Point (Point)
- Blanche, Pointe (Point)
- Blåskimen Island (Island)
- Blåskimkilen (Bay)
- Blass, Isla (Island)
- Bleue Cove (Cove)
- Blind Bay (Bay)
- Blizkij, proliv (Channel)
- Bliznetsov, Cape (Cape)
- Block Bay (Bay)
- Block Point (Point)
- Bloor Passage (Passage)
- Blue Dyke (Head)
- Blue Lake (Lake)
- Bluff Island (Island)
- Bluff Island (Island)
- Blümcke Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Blunn Island (Island)
- Blunt Cove (Bay)
- Blythe Bay (Bay)
- Boat Harbour (Harbour)
- Bob Island (Island)
- Boccherini Inlet (Inlet)
- Bodman Point (Point)
- Boffa Island (Island)
- Bogepynten (Point)
- Bogevika (Bay)
- Boggs, Cape (Cape)
- Bolek Cove (Cove)
- Bølingen Islands (Archipelago)
- Bol''shie Skalistye, ostrova (Archipelago)
- Bolsón, caleta (Cove)
- Bombay Island (Island)
- Bon Accostage, Baie du (Bay)
- Bonaparte Point (Point)
- Bond Point (Point)
- Bone Point (Point)
- Bonert Rock (Rock)
- Bonert, Islote (Island)
- Bonete, punta (Point)
- Boney Point (Point)
- Bongrain Point (Point)
- Bonney Bowl (Bay)
- Bonnier Point (Point)
- Boobyalla Islands (Archipelago)
- Boongorang Canyons (Canyon(s))
- Booth Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Boothby, Cape (Cape)
- Borchgrevink Trench (Trench)
- Boreal Point (Point)
- Boree Islands (Archipelago)
- Borg Island (Island)
- Borge Point (Point)
- Börgen Bay (Bay)
- Borley, Cape (Cape)
- Bornmann Glacier (Glacier)
- Borradaile Island (Island)
- Borrello Island (Island)
- Borshchevskijhalvøya (Island)
- Boruta Point (Point)
- Bosner Island (Island)
- Bosun Island (Island)
- Botany Bay (Bay)
- Botany Point (Point)
- Botev Point (Point)
- Bothy Bay (Bay)
- Botnneset Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Bottrill Head (Headland)
- Boulder Point (Point)
- Boulder Rock (Rock)
- Bouquet Bay (Bay)
- Bourgeois Fjord (Fjord)
- Bousquet Island (Island)
- Boutan Rocks (Rock)
- Bøving Island (Island)
- Bowers Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Bowers Piedmont Glacier (Glacier)
- Bowl Island (Island)
- Bowler Rocks (Rock)
- Bowles Creek (Stream)
- Bowles, Cape (Cape)
- Bowman Inlet (Inlet)
- Bowman Island (Island)
- Bowman Peak (Hill(s))
- Bowman Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Box Reef (Reef)
- Boxing Island (Island)
- Boy Point (Point)
- Boyd Head (Headland)
- Boyd Strait (Strait)
- Braathen, Cape (Cape)
- Brabazon Point (Point)
- Bradford Rock (Rock)
- Bradley Rock (Rock)
- Bradley, cabo (Cape)
- Bragg Islands (Archipelago)
- Brahms Inlet (Inlet)
- Braillard Point (Point)
- Brandy Bay (Bay)
- Bransfield Island (Island)
- Bransfield Strait (Strait)
- Bransfield Trough (Trough)
- Brash Island (Island)
- Brategg Bank (Bank)
- Bratina Island (Island)
- Bratina Lagoon (Lake)
- Bratsberghorten (Island)
- Brattebotthalsen (Headland)
- Brattstrand Bluffs (Bluff)
- Brattvågen (Bay)
- Braun Point (Point)
- Breadloaf Island (Island)
- Breaker Island (Island)
- Breakwater Island (Island)
- Breccia Island (Island)
- Breid Bay (Bay)
- Breidnes Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Breidvåg Bight (Bight)
- Breiodden (Cape)
- Brekilen Bay (Bay)
- Bremnesflaket (Basin)
- Brennan Inlet (Inlet)
- Brennan Point (Point)
- Breton Island (Island)
- Brewster Island (Island)
- Brialmont Cove (Cove)
- Brian Island (Island)
- Briand Fjord (Fjord)
- Briand, bahía (Bay)
- Bridger Bay (Bay)
- Briggs Peninsula (Peninsula)
- British Point (Point)
- Britten Inlet (Inlet)
- Brockhamp Islands (Archipelago)
- Broka Island (Island)
- Broken Island (Island)
- Broknes (Peninsula)
- Broms, Cape (Cape)
- Brooklyn Island (Island)
- Brookman Point (Point)
- Brooks Point (Point)
- Brooks, Cape (Cape)
- Brooks, islotes (Archipelago)
- Brosnahan Island (Island)
- Brouardel Point (Point)
- Brown Bay (Bay)
- Brown Island (Island)
- Brown Peak (Hill(s))
- Brown Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Brown, Cape (Cape)
- Browning Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Browns, punta (Point)
- Brownson Islands (Archipelago)
- Bruce Island (Island)
- Bruce Islands (Archipelago)
- Bruce Point (Point)
- Bruce Ridge (Ridge)
- Bruce Spur (Spur)
- Bruce, Cape (Cape)
- Bruix Cove (Cove)
- Brunow Bay (Bay)
- Bruns Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Brunt Basin (Basin)
- Brusa, islote (Island)
- Brush Glacier (Glacier)
- Bryant, Cape (Cape)
- Bryde Channel (Channel)
- Buchan Bay (Bay)
- Buchanan Bay (Bay)
- Buchanan Passage (Passage)
- Buchanan Point (Point)
- Buckle Island (Island)
- Buckley Bay (Bay)
- Buckley Island (Island)
- Büdel Islands (Archipelago)
- Buell Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Buen Tiempo, Ensenada (Bay)
- Buena Nueva, Caleta (Cove)
- Buff Island (Island)
- Buffer Island (Island)
- Buffon Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Buffon Islands (Archipelago)
- Buffon, Chenal (Channel)
- Bugge Islands (Archipelago)
- Bulahova ostrova (Archipelago)
- Bulatnaya Bay (Bay)
- Bulgarian Beach (Beach)
- Bull Island (Island)
- Bulnes Island (Island)
- Bulnes, Punta (Point)
- Buls Bay (Bay)
- Buls Island (Island)
- Bulwark Stream (Stream)
- Bungenstock Plateau (Plateau)
- Bunster, Punta (Point)
- Bunt Island (Island)
- Burd, Cape (Cape)
- Burden Passage (Passage)
- Burgas Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Burgess Island (Island)
- Burgruine (Rock)
- Burke Island (Island)
- Burkett Islands (Archipelago)
- Burks, Cape (Cape)
- Burnett Island (Island)
- Burnette Rock (Rock)
- Burney Point (Point)
- Buromskiy Island (Island)
- Buromskiy, Cape (Cape)
- Burtis Island (Island)
- Burton Point (Point)
- Burton Rocks (Rock)
- Buskin Rocks (Rock)
- Buskirk Bluffs (Bluff)
- Butler Passage (Passage)
- Butter Point (Point)
- Buttons, The (Island)
- Buzfuz Rock (Rock)
- Byers Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Byewater Point (Point)
- Byrd Bay (Bay)
- Byrd Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Byrd Head (Headland)
- Byrd, Cape (Cape)
- Byvågen Bay (Bay)
- Cabassa, punta (Point)
- Cabinet Inlet (Inlet)
- Cabo del Medio, punta (Point)
- Cabot, islote (Island)
- Cabrales, Pasaje (Passage)
- Cabut, seno (Bay)
- Cacapon Inlet (Inlet)
- Cadena, punta (Point)
- Cadwalader Beach (Beach)
- Cadwalader Inlet (Inlet)
- Café Point (Point)
- Calderón, Islote (Island)
- Calderón, punta (Point)
- Calf Point (Point)
- Caliper Cove (Cove)
- Calma, bahía (Bay)
- Calmette Bay (Bay)
- Calmette, Cape (Cape)
- Caloplaca Cove (Cove)
- Camacúa, isla (Island)
- Cameron Island (Island)
- Camp II Point (Point)
- Camp Point (Point)
- Campbell Glacier Tongue (Glacier)
- Campbell Head (Headland)
- Campbell Hills (Hill(s))
- Campichuelo, punta (Point)
- Campos Urquiza, seno (Bay)
- Canales Island (Island)
- Cañas, Islote (Island)
- Canisteo Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Canopus Islands (Archipelago)
- Canopus Rocks (Rock)
- Canso, punta (Point)
- Canty Point (Point)
- Canwe, Cape (Cape)
- Canyon Glacier (Glacier)
- Cape Barrow (Cape)
- Cape Beale (Cape)
- Cape Frances (Cape)
- Cape Freeman (Cape)
- Cape Hooker (Cape)
- Cape Jones (Cape)
- Cape McNab (Cape)
- Cape Murray (Cape)
- Cape Scoresby (Cape)
- Cape Smyth (Cape)
- Cape Wood (Cape)
- Cappagli, ensenada (Cove)
- Capstan Rocks (Rock)
- Captain Ahab (Stack(s))
- Caraquet Rock (Rock)
- Carbajal, cabo (Cape)
- Carbajal, islotes (Archipelago)
- Carbone, punta (Point)
- Cariz, Cabo (Cape)
- Carlitos, punta (Point)
- Carlota Cove (Cove)
- Carlson Inlet (Inlet)
- Carlson Island (Island)
- Carlsson Bay (Bay)
- Carmen, península (Peninsula)
- Carney Island (Island)
- Carpenter Island (Island)
- Carr, Cape (Cape)
- Carrasco, Caleta (Cove)
- Carrel Island (Island)
- Carroll Inlet (Inlet)
- Carroll, Canal (Canal)
- Carse Point (Point)
- Carstens Shoal (Shoal)
- Carter Island (Island)
- Casabianca Island (Island)
- Cascade Glacier (Glacier)
- Casco, Point (Point)
- Case Island (Island)
- Casey Bay (Bay)
- Casey Inlet (Inlet)
- Casey Islands (Archipelago)
- Casey Point (Point)
- Casey, Cape (Cape)
- Castelli, punta (Point)
- Castillo Point (Point)
- Castillo, punta (Point)
- Castle Rock (Rock)
- Castle Rock (Rock)
- Castor, Ilot (Island)
- Casy Island (Island)
- Cat Island (Island)
- Catharina Point (Point)
- Catodon Rocks (Rock)
- Catwalk, The (Pass)
- Caughley Beach (Beach)
- Caution Point (Point)
- Cavalier Rock (Rock)
- Cave Island (Island)
- Cecilia Island (Island)
- Cefiro, islotes (Archipelago)
- Cehuixuezhe Wan (Bay)
- Celedón, Islote (Island)
- Cemetery Bay (Bay)
- Cenobite Rocks (Rock)
- Centaur Bluff (Cliffs)
- Central Basin (Basin)
- Centre Island (Island)
- Cerda, punta (Point)
- Cerisola, Conscripto (Cape)
- Cervantes, punta (Point)
- Cesney, Cape (Cape)
- Cetacea Rocks (Rock)
- Cézembre Point (Point)
- Chabrier Rock (Rock)
- Chacao, Punta (Point)
- Chaigneau, Isla (Island)
- Challenger Island (Island)
- Chamberlin Harbour (Harbour)
- Chambers Inlet (Inlet)
- Chameau Island (Island)
- Champignons, Ile aux (Island)
- Chance Rock (Rock)
- Chandler Island (Island)
- Changcheng Wan (Bay)
- Chanticleer Island (Island)
- Chaos Reef (Reef)
- Chapman Point (Point)
- Chapman Rocks (Rock)
- Chappel Island (Island)
- Charcot Bay (Bay)
- Charcot Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Charcot Cove (Cove)
- Charcot Fan (Fan)
- Charcot Island (Island)
- Charcot Ridge (Ridge)
- Charcot, Cape (Cape)
- Charcot, Récif du (Reef)
- Charlat Island (Island)
- Charles Cotton Ridge (Ridge)
- Charles Fleming Ridge (Ridge)
- Charles Point (Point)
- Charlotte Bay (Bay)
- Charlton Island (Island)
- Charrúa, islotes (Archipelago)
- Charybdis Cove (Cove)
- Chasovoj Island (Island)
- Chatos Islands (Archipelago)
- Chaucer Island (Island)
- Chaucheprat Point (Point)
- Chauveau Point (Point)
- Chavanne, Cape (Cape)
- Chayter, islotes (Archipelago)
- Cheal Point (Point)
- Cheesman Island (Island)
- Cheetham, Cape (Cape)
- Cheomseongdae Hill (Hill(s))
- Cherakina, ostrova (Island)
- Chërnyy Island (Island)
- Cherry Island (Island)
- Cheshire Rock (Rock)
- Chica, bahía (Bay)
- Chica, Baie (Bay)
- Chick Island (Island)
- Chico, islote (Island)
- Child Rocks (Rock)
- Child, Cape (Cape)
- Chiloé Point (Point)
- Chilton Hill (Hill(s))
- Chinstrap Cove (Cove)
- Chinstrap Island (Island)
- Chionis Island (Island)
- Chiriguano Bay (Bay)
- Chocolate, Cape (Cape)
- Chokalskii Bay (Bay)
- Cholet Island (Island)
- Choyce Point (Point)
- Christiane, Baie de la (Bay)
- Christiania Islands (Archipelago)
- Christiansen Point (Point)
- Christie, Cape (Cape)
- Christine Island (Island)
- Christmas Point (Point)
- Christmas, Cape (Cape)
- Christoffel Hill (Hill(s))
- Christoffersen Island (Island)
- Chubuk Island (Island)
- Chugunov Island (Island)
- Chuk Island (Island)
- Church Point (Point)
- Church, Cape (Cape)
- Churchill Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Churchill Point (Point)
- Cierva Cove (Cove)
- Cierva Point (Point)
- Cieslak Point (Point)
- Circumcision, Port (Harbour)
- Cirque Fjord (Fjord)
- Cisak Islet (Island)
- Clapp Point (Point)
- Claquebue Island (Island)
- Clark Island (Island)
- Clark Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Clark Point (Point)
- Clarkson, Punta (Point)
- Claro, punta (Point)
- Claude Point (Point)
- Clear Lake (Lake)
- Cleft Island (Island)
- Cleft Peak (Hill(s))
- Cleft Point (Point)
- Clemence Fjord (Fjord)
- Clements Island (Island)
- Cliff Island (Island)
- Cloos, Cape (Cape)
- Close Islands (Archipelago)
- Close, Cape (Cape)
- Clossbucht (Bay)
- Clothier Harbour (Harbour)
- Clow Island (Island)
- Clowes Bay (Bay)
- Cloyd Island (Island)
- Coast Lake (Lake)
- Cobalescou Island (Island)
- Cockburn Island (Island)
- Cockburn, Cape (Cape)
- Cockerell Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Coffer Island (Island)
- Cogollo, Islote (Island)
- Cohen Islands (Archipelago)
- Colbeck Archipelago (Archipelago)
- Colbeck Basin (Basin)
- Colbeck Bay (Bay)
- Colbeck, Cape (Cape)
- Cold Point (Point)
- Cole Channel (Channel)
- Cole Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Cole Point (Point)
- Coleman Bluffs (Bluff)
- Colina, punta de la (Point)
- Collier, Cape (Cape)
- Collins Bay (Bay)
- Collins Harbour (Harbour)
- Collins Point (Point)
- Collins Rock (Rock)
- Collyer Island (Island)
- Colón, caleta (Cove)
- Columbus High (Mount)
- Colvocoresses Bay (Bay)
- Comb Island (Island)
- Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Convention Area (General Region)
- Compass Island (Island)
- Condor Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Condyle Point (Point)
- Cone Island (Island)
- Cone Rock (Rock)
- Conesa Point (Point)
- Confusion Island (Island)
- Confusion, Cape (Cape)
- Conical Rock (Rock)
- Connors Point (Point)
- Conroy Point (Point)
- Consecuencia, cabo (Cape)
- Consort Islands (Archipelago)
- Constellation Inlet (Inlet)
- Constitución, punta (Point)
- Construction Point (Point)
- Consul Reef (Reef)
- Contact Point (Point)
- Contreras, Punta (Point)
- Conway Island (Island)
- Conway, Cape (Cape)
- Cook Island (Island)
- Cooperation Sea (Sea)
- Copper Cove (Cove)
- Coppermine Cove (Cove)
- Coppermine Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Cora Cove (Cove)
- Corbetta, punta (Point)
- Cordero, punta (Point)
- Cordovez, Bahía (Bay)
- Corelli Trio (Archipelago)
- Coria, caleta (Cove)
- Cormorant Island (Island)
- Cornely, Cape (Cape)
- Corner Island (Island)
- Corner Rock (Rock)
- Cornes, punta (Point)
- Cornet Island (Island)
- Cornice Channel (Channel)
- Cornish Islands (Archipelago)
- Cornish, Cape (Cape)
- Cornwall Island (Island)
- Cornwallis Island (Island)
- Corral Point (Point)
- Correa Point (Point)
- Correo, islotes (Archipelago)
- Corry Island (Island)
- Corsair Bight (Bight)
- Corsario, islote (Island)
- Cosentino, ensenada (Cove)
- Cosmonauts Sea (Sea)
- Cotter Cliffs (Cliffs)
- Couling Island (Island)
- Couloir Cliffs (Cliffs)
- Countess Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Couperin Bay (Bay)
- Coupvent Point (Point)
- Courtier Islands (Archipelago)
- Couyoumdjian, Caleta (Cove)
- Couzens Bay (Bay)
- Covadonga Harbour (Harbour)
- Cove Rock (Rock)
- Covey Rocks (Rock)
- Cowell Island (Island)
- Cox Point (Point)
- Cox Reef (Reef)
- Cox, Cape (Cape)
- Coyer Point (Point)
- Crab Cove (Cove)
- Crab Creek (Stream)
- Crab Stack (Island)
- Crabeater Point (Point)
- Crabiers, Cap des (Cape)
- Craggy Island (Island)
- Craggy Point (Point)
- Crane Cove (Cove)
- Cranton Bay (Bay)
- Crary Bank (Bank)
- Crary Fan (Fan)
- Crépin Point (Point)
- Crescent Bay (Bay)
- Croft Bay (Bay)
- Crohn Island (Island)
- Croker Passage (Passage)
- Cronenwett Island (Island)
- Cronk Islands (Archipelago)
- Crooked Fjord (Fjord)
- Crooked Island (Island)
- Crosse Passage (Passage)
- Crossfire, Cape (Cape)
- Crouch Island (Island)
- Crouch, punta (Point)
- Crown Head (Headland)
- Crozier, Cape (Cape)
- Cruiser Rocks (Rock)
- Cruls Islands (Archipelago)
- Cruz Cristiana, señal (Subglacial basin)
- Cruz Rock (Rock)
- Cruzen Island (Island)
- Crystal Sound (Sound)
- Cuadrilátero, cabo (Cape)
- Cube Rock (Rock)
- Cuerno, cabo (Cape)
- Cueva, punta (Point)
- Cuff Cape (Cape)
- Cumbers Reef (Reef)
- Cummings Cove (Cove)
- Curie Point (Point)
- Currituck Island (Island)
- Curtis Island (Island)
- Curtiss Bay (Bay)
- Curuzú Cuatiá, cabo (Cape)
- Curva, punta (Point)
- Curzon Islands (Archipelago)
- Cutler Stack (Rock)
- Cuverville Island (Island)
- Cuvier Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Cuvier Island (Island)
- Czeslaw Point (Point)
- Da Silva, ensenada (Cove)
- Da Vinci Bank (Bank)
- D'Abnour Bay (Bay)
- Daedalus Point (Point)
- Dahl Reef (Reef)
- Dailey Islands (Archipelago)
- Dakers Island (Island)
- Dales Island (Island)
- Dalgliesh Bay (Bay)
- Dalinguer, bahía (Bay)
- Dålkøy (Island)
- Dallmann Bay (Bay)
- Dallmann Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Dalmor Bank (Bank)
- Dalpaengi Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Dalton, Cape (Cape)
- Daly Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Daly, Cape (Cape)
- Damocles Point (Point)
- Damoy Point (Point)
- Dan, Cap des (Cape)
- Danco Island (Island)
- Danfeng Dao (Island)
- Danger Islands (Archipelago)
- Danger, Cape (Cape)
- Daniel Island (Island)
- Daniell Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Daniell, Cape (Cape)
- Dannebrog Islands (Archipelago)
- Darbel Bay (Bay)
- Darbel Islands (Archipelago)
- Darbel, isla (Island)
- Darboux Island (Island)
- Darlington, Cape (Cape)
- Darnley, Cape (Cape)
- Dart Island (Island)
- Dart, Cape (Cape)
- Darwin Island (Island)
- Darwin, Cap (Cape)
- Davey Bank (Bank)
- Davey Point (Point)
- David Island (Island)
- Davidson Island (Island)
- Davidson, Cape (Cape)
- Davies Bay (Bay)
- Davies, Cape (Cape)
- Davis Anchorage (Anchorage)
- Davis Bay (Bay)
- Davis Bluff (Cliffs)
- Davis Island (Island)
- Davis Islands (Archipelago)
- Davis Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Davis Promontory (Promontory)
- Davis Sea (Sea)
- Davis, Cape (Cape)
- Davis, Point (Point)
- Davydov, Cape (Cape)
- Dawson Head (Headland)
- Dawson, islotes (Archipelago)
- Dawson-Lambton Trough (Trough)
- Day Island (Island)
- Day, Cape (Cape)
- Dayman, Cape (Cape)
- De Gerlache Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- De la Motte, Cape (Cape)
- De Margerie, Cap (Cape)
- De Solier, península (Peninsula)
- De Urquiza, acantilado (Beach)
- Deacon, Cape (Cape)
- Dead Horse Bay (Bay)
- Deakin Bay (Bay)
- Dean Island (Island)
- Dean Rocks (Rock)
- DeAtley Island (Island)
- Debenham Islands (Archipelago)
- Debutante Island (Island)
- Decazes Island (Island)
- Découverte, Cape (Cape)
- Dedo, Cape (Cape)
- Dee Island (Island)
- Defant Bank (Bank)
- Defrancisco, punta (Point)
- Del Mármol, ensenada (Cove)
- Del Romero, punta (Point)
- DeLaca Island (Island)
- Delaite Island (Island)
- Delay Point (Point)
- Deliverance Point (Point)
- Deliverance Reef (Reef)
- Dell Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Dellbridge Islands (Archipelago)
- Deloncle Bay (Bay)
- Delta Glacier (Glacier)
- Delta Island (Island)
- Delusion Point (Point)
- Demas Rocks (Rock)
- DeMaster Point (Point)
- Demay Point (Point)
- Demer Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Demidov Island (Island)
- Denais Stack (Island)
- Denax, cabo (Cape)
- Dendtler Island (Island)
- Denglu Wan (Bay)
- Deniau Island (Island)
- Denison Island (Island)
- Denison, Cape (Cape)
- Dennes Point (Point)
- Dennison Reef (Reef)
- Departure Rocks (Rock)
- Depeaux Point (Point)
- Depot Island (Island)
- Dépôt Island (Island)
- Depot, Cabo (Cape)
- Derby Island (Island)
- Derocher Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Derrick Point (Point)
- Desamparo, ensenada (Cove)
- Descartes Island (Island)
- Deschampsia Point (Point)
- Descubierta, Punta de la (Point)
- Desolation Island (Island)
- Destruction Bay (Bay)
- Detaille Island (Island)
- Detour Island (Island)
- Deutschland Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Deverall Island (Island)
- Devil Island (Island)
- Devils Point (Point)
- Devils Punchbowl (Basin)
- Dewart Island (Island)
- Diamonen Island (Island)
- Diana Reef (Reef)
- Diana, islote (Island)
- Diaz Rock (Rock)
- Diaz, bahía (Bay)
- Diaz, cabo (Cape)
- Diaz, islote (Island)
- Dibble Basin (Basin)
- Dibble Peak (Hill(s))
- Dickens Rocks (Rock)
- Dickey Glacier (Glacier)
- Dickson Pillar (Rock)
- Dickson, cabo (Cape)
- Diebel, punta (Point)
- Dieglman Island (Island)
- Dilemma Point (Point)
- Dilixuezhe Wan (Bay)
- Dint Island (Island)
- Diomedea Island (Island)
- Disch Promontory (Promontory)
- Discovery Bluff (Cliffs)
- Discovery Glacier (Glacier)
- Discovery Group (Island)
- Discovery Sound (Sound)
- Dismal Island (Island)
- Divide, The (Channel)
- Dixey Rock (Rock)
- Dixson Island (Island)
- Dizhixuezhe Wan (Bay)
- Djupvik Point (Point)
- Djupvika (Bay)
- Djupvikneset Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Dlinnyj Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Dmitriev, Cape (Cape)
- Dobrowolski Island (Island)
- Dodd Island (Island)
- Dodge Rocks (Rock)
- Dodman Island (Island)
- Dodson Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Dog Island (Island)
- Doggers Bank (Bank)
- Doggers Bay (Bay)
- Dogs Leg Fjord (Fjord)
- Dokkene Coves (Cove)
- Doktor Peaks (Peak)
- Dolgae Hill (Hill(s))
- Dolgorae Hills (Hill(s))
- Dolleman Island (Island)
- Dolores, islotes (Archipelago)
- Domashnyaya Bank (Bank)
- Dominguez, cabo (Cape)
- Donati, punta (Point)
- Donnelly Island (Island)
- Donovan Islands (Archipelago)
- Donovan Promontory (Promontory)
- Donskiye Islands (Archipelago)
- Doolette Bay (Bay)
- Dorian Bay (Bay)
- Dorrer Glacier (Glacier)
- Dorsey Island (Island)
- Dos Monjes, punta (Point)
- Dos Peñones, cabo (Cape)
- Doss Glacier (Glacier)
- Dostupnyj, mys (Cape)
- Dotson-Getz Trough (Trough)
- Douanier Rock (Rock)
- Double Islands (Archipelago)
- Doubtful Island (Island)
- Douglas Bay (Bay)
- Douglas Islands (Archipelago)
- Douglas Point (Point)
- Douglas, Cape (Cape)
- Doumer Island (Island)
- Dovers, Cape (Cape)
- Dovizio Rock (Rock)
- Downshire Cliffs (Cliffs)
- Doyle Point (Point)
- Drago, caleta (Cove)
- Dragon Beach (Beach)
- Dragon Cove (Cove)
- Dragons Teeth (Rock)
- Drake Head (Headland)
- Drake Passage Drift P1 (Drift)
- Drake Passage Drift S1 (Drift)
- Drake Passage Drift S2 (Drift)
- Drakon, Cape (Cape)
- Draves Point (Point)
- Dreadnought Point (Point)
- Dream Island (Island)
- Dreary Isthmus (Isthmus)
- Dreikanter Head (Headland)
- Drescher Bank (Bank)
- Drew Cove (Cove)
- Dreyfus, Cabo (Cape)
- Driencourt Point (Point)
- Drillhole Spur (Ridge)
- Driscoll Island (Island)
- Driscoll Point (Point)
- Dromedary Platform (Ledge(s))
- Dru Rock (Rock)
- Drum Rock (Rock)
- Drygalski Basin (Basin)
- Drygalski Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Drygalski Island (Island)
- Drygalski, cabo (Cape)
- Drying Point (Point)
- Dubinin Trough (Trough)
- Dublitskiy Bay (Bay)
- DuBois Island (Island)
- Dubouzet, Cape (Cape)
- Duchaylard Island (Island)
- Duclaux Point (Point)
- Ducorps, Cape (Cape)
- Duda, islote (Island)
- Dudley Head (Headland)
- Duende, islote (Island)
- Dufek Head (Headland)
- Duff Point (Point)
- Dufourq, bahía (Bay)
- Dugdale Ice Tongue (Glacier)
- Dumbbell Island (Island)
- Dumont d'Urville Sea (Sea)
- Dumoulin Islands (Archipelago)
- Dumoulin Rocks (Rock)
- Dumoutier, Cape (Cape)
- Dunbar Head (Headland)
- Dunbar Islands (Archipelago)
- Duncan Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Dundas, Cape (Cape)
- Dundee Island (Island)
- Dunlop Island (Island)
- Dunlop, Cape (Cape)
- Duparc Rocks (Rock)
- Duperré Bay (Bay)
- Durham Point (Point)
- Duroch Islands (Archipelago)
- Durrance Inlet (Inlet)
- d''Ursel Point (Cape)
- d''Urville Island (Island)
- Duse Bay (Bay)
- Duseberg Buttress (Mount)
- Dustin Island (Island)
- Duthiers Point (Cape)
- Duthoit Point (Point)
- Duyvis Point (Point)
- Dwyer Escarpment (Cliffs)
- Dyer Island (Island)
- Dyer Point (Point)
- Dykeman Point (Point)
- Dyment Island (Island)
- Dynamite Island (Island)
- Eadie Island (Island)
- Eagle Cove (Cove)
- Earle Island (Island)
- Early Islands (Archipelago)
- East Adare Ridge (Ridge)
- East Arm (Archipelago)
- East Bay (Bay)
- East Budd Island (Island)
- East Cape (Cape)
- East Melchior Islands (Archipelago)
- East Stack (Rock)
- Easther Island (Island)
- Ebba, Pointe (Point)
- Echeverry, Ensenada (Bay)
- Echouage, Ilot de l'' (Island)
- Eckener Point (Point)
- Eddy Point (Point)
- Eden Rocks (Rock)
- Edgardo, Islote (Island)
- Edgell Bay (Bay)
- Edholm Point (Point)
- Edisto Channel (Channel)
- Edisto Inlet (Inlet)
- Edisto Rocks (Rock)
- Edman Island (Island)
- Edmonson Point (Point)
- Edward VII Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Edward VIII Bay (Bay)
- Edwards Island (Island)
- Edwards Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Edwards Point (Point)
- Efremova, ostrov (Island)
- Egeberg Glacier (Glacier)
- Egg Island (Island)
- Egreso, punta (Point)
- Eichorst Island (Island)
- Eielson Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Eijkman Point (Point)
- Eillium Island (Island)
- Einstøding Islands (Archipelago)
- Einstødingen Island (Island)
- Eisberg Head (Headland)
- Eisnebelbucht (Bay)
- Ejército, punta (Point)
- Ekehalsen (Cape)
- Ekelöf Point (Point)
- Eklund Islands (Archipelago)
- Ekström Basin (Basin)
- El Plata, caleta (Cove)
- Eldred Point (Point)
- Elephant Point (Point)
- Elephant Rocks (Rock)
- Elephant Seal Cove (Cove)
- Elevation Point (Point)
- Elisabethinsel (Island)
- Eliza Cone (Rock)
- Eliza Rocks (Rock)
- Elliott Passage (Passage)
- Elliott, Cape (Cape)
- Ellis Fjord (Fjord)
- Ellis Narrows (Strait)
- Ellsworth Bank (Bank)
- Ellsworth Land (General Region)
- Ellsworth, Cape (Cape)
- Eltanin Bay (Bay)
- Embassy Islands (Archipelago)
- Embruns, Pointe des (Point)
- Emeline Island (Island)
- Emel''janova, mys (Cape)
- Emerald Cove (Cove)
- Emerald Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Emerald Point (Point)
- Emerging Island (Island)
- Emm Rock (Rock)
- Emma Island (Island)
- Emona Anchorage (Anchorage)
- Empereur Island (Island)
- Empereurs, Baie des (Bay)
- Emperor Bay (Bay)
- Emperor Island (Island)
- Emperor Point (Point)
- Enano, Bajo (Bay)
- Enden Point (Point)
- Enderby Land (Land)
- Enderby Plain (Plain)
- Endresen Islands (Archipelago)
- Endurance Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Endurance Reef (Reef)
- Endurance Ridge (Ridge)
- Endurance, cabo (Cape)
- Engaño, punta (Point)
- England Ridge (Ridge)
- Enojada, caleta (Cove)
- Entrance Island (Island)
- Entrance Point (Point)
- Entrance Shoal (Shoal)
- Entre Ríos, archipiélago (Archipelago)
- Eolovyj, Cape (Cape)
- Epaves, Baie des (Bay)
- Epsilon Island (Island)
- Erebus and Terror Gulf (Gulf)
- Erebus Basin (Basin)
- Erebus Bay (Bay)
- Erebus Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Ereby Point (Point)
- Erickson Bluffs (Bluff)
- Erickson Glacier (Glacier)
- Ermak, buhta (Bay)
- Ermak, mys (Cape)
- Ernstsenskjera (Island)
- Eroica Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Errera Channel (Channel)
- Errera, Cape (Cape)
- Escalonado, cabo (Cape)
- Escandé, punta (Point)
- Escobar, punta (Point)
- Escondida, ensenada (Channel)
- Esfinge, punta (Point)
- Eskimo Point (Point)
- Española Cove (Cove)
- Esplin Islands (Archipelago)
- Esquitines, caleta (Cove)
- Esquivel, bahía (Bay)
- Essex Point (Point)
- Est, Passage (Passage)
- Estay Rock (Rock)
- Este, punta (Point)
- Esteverena, bahía (Bay)
- Esteverena, punta (Point)
- Eta Island (Island)
- Étienne Fjord (Fjord)
- Etna Island (Island)
- Eubanks Point (Point)
- Eusebione, cabo (Cape)
- Eva, Cape (Cape)
- Evandro, Isla (Island)
- Evans Bay (Bay)
- Evans Cove (Cove)
- Evans Glacier (Glacier)
- Evans Island (Island)
- Evans Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Evans Point (Point)
- Evans, Cape (Cape)
- Evelyne, Baie de l'' (Bay)
- Evensen, Cape (Cape)
- Ewing Island (Island)
- Exasperation Inlet (Inlet)
- Exotic Point (Point)
- Expedition Rock (Rock)
- Explora Escarpment (Escarpment)
- Explora Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Explorabucht (Bay)
- Exposure Rock (Rock)
- Express Cove (Cove)
- Express Island (Island)
- Extension Reef (Reef)
- Eyres Bay (Bay)
- Eyrie Bay (Bay)
- Factorian Deep (Deep)
- Factory Bluffs (Bluff)
- Fairweather, Cape (Cape)
- Falsa Punta Rancho, punta (Point)
- Falsa Salvesen, caleta (Cove)
- False Cape Renard (Cape)
- False Island (Island)
- False Island Point (Point)
- False Round Point (Point)
- Fanfare Island (Island)
- Fanning, Cape (Cape)
- Faraday, Cape (Cape)
- Faraglione, Il (Rock)
- Farewell Rock (Rock)
- Farmer Island (Island)
- Farr Bay (Bay)
- Farr Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Farrington Island (Island)
- Farwell Island (Island)
- Fauré Inlet (Inlet)
- Faure Passage (Passage)
- Favreau Pillar (Rock)
- Feicui Bandao (Peninsula)
- Feilberg, caleta (Cove)
- Félicie Point (Point)
- Fellow, Punta (Point)
- Felsite Island (Island)
- Felt, Cape (Cape)
- Felton Head (Headland)
- Fengbao Wan (Bay)
- Fenghuang Jiao (Reef)
- Feoktistov, Cape (Cape)
- Ferguslie Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Ferguson Channel (Channel)
- Ferin Head (Headland)
- Fernandez Grellet, caleta (Cove)
- Fernandez, punta (I.Baja) (Point)
- Fernandez, punta (I.Hoseason) (Point)
- Ferraz Peak (Peak)
- Ferraz, islas (Archipelago)
- Ferré, punta (Point)
- Ferreira, cabo (Cape)
- Ferrer Point (Point)
- Ferrer Rocks (Rock)
- Ferrero Bay (Bay)
- Ferrier Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Fidelja Kastro, buhta (Bay)
- Fierro Point (Point)
- Figueroa, Punta (Head)
- Filchner Trough (Trough)
- Filchner, Cape (Cape)
- Fildes Point (Point)
- Filer Haven (Harbour)
- Filla Island (Island)
- Fimbul Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Final Island (Island)
- Findlay Point (Point)
- Finger Point (Point)
- Firlej Cove (Cove)
- First View Point (Point)
- Fish Islands (Archipelago)
- Fisher Bay (Bay)
- Fisher Point (Point)
- Fishtail Point (Point)
- Fishtrap Cove (Cove)
- Fiske, Cape (Cape)
- Fitchie Bay (Bay)
- Fitton Rock (Rock)
- FitzGerald Bluffs (Bluff)
- Fitzgerald Stream (Stream)
- Fitzmaurice Point (Point)
- Fitzpatrick Rock (Rock)
- Fitzroy Island (Island)
- Fitzroy Point (Point)
- Fizkin Island (Island)
- Fladerer Bay (Bay)
- Flag Island (Island)
- Flag Point (Point)
- Flagman Island (Island)
- Flagpole Point (Point)
- Flagstaff (Hill(s))
- Flagstaff (Hill(s))
- Flagstaff Point (Point)
- Flame Point (Point)
- Flandres Bay (Bay)
- Flank Island (Island)
- Flåodden Cape (Cape)
- Flaskevika (Bay)
- Flat Island (Island)
- Flat Islands (Archipelago)
- Flat Top Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Flatcap Point (Point)
- Flatvaer Islands (Archipelago)
- Flauta, punta (Point)
- Fleet Point (Point)
- Flein Island (Island)
- Fleinøyholmen (Island)
- Fleming Head (Headland)
- Fleming Point (Point)
- Flensing Islands (Archipelago)
- Fletcher Bay (Bay)
- Fletcher Island (Island)
- Fletcher Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Fletcher Promontory (Promontory)
- Fletcher, Cape (Cape)
- Fletta Bay (Bay)
- Fletteholmane (Island)
- Fleurus Island (Island)
- Fliess Bay (Bay)
- Fliess, punta (Point)
- Florence Island (Island)
- Florence Rock (Rock)
- Flounder Island (Island)
- Flutter Island (Island)
- Flying Fish, Cape (Cape)
- Flying Fish, Cove (Cove)
- Flyspot Rocks (Rock)
- Foca Cove (Cove)
- Foca Point (Point)
- Fog Bay (Bay)
- Föhnhalbinsel (Archipelago)
- Fold Island (Island)
- Foley Promontory (Promontory)
- Folger, Cape (Cape)
- Fondeadero, Isla (Island)
- Foote Islands (Archipelago)
- Forbes Point (Point)
- Ford Island (Island)
- Forefinger Point (Point)
- Foreland Island (Island)
- Forge Islands (Archipelago)
- Fork Point (Point)
- Formas, Punta (Point)
- Forpost Island (Island)
- Forrester Island (Island)
- Fort Point (Point)
- Fort William (Headland)
- Fortuna, punta (Point)
- Fossil Bight (Bight)
- Fossil Bluff (Bluff)
- Fossil Wood Point (Point)
- Foster Island (Island)
- Foster Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Foster, Cape (Cape)
- Foster, Port (Harbour)
- Fothergill Point (Point)
- Foul Point (Point)
- Four Brothers Rocks (Rock)
- Four Ladies Bank (Bank)
- Fourier Island (Island)
- Fowler Islands (Archipelago)
- Fowler Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Foyn Island (Island)
- Foyn Point (Point)
- Fram Bank (Bank)
- Fram Islands (Archipelago)
- Frame Ridge (Ridge)
- Framnes Head (Head)
- Framnes, Cape (Cape)
- Framranten Point (Point)
- Français Cove (Cove)
- Français Rocks (Rock)
- Francis Island (Island)
- Frank Newnes Glacier (Glacier)
- Franklin Point (Point)
- Franklin Shoal (Shoal)
- Fraser Point (Point)
- Frazier Islands (Archipelago)
- Frederick Rocks (Rock)
- Fredriksen Island (Island)
- Freeden Bank (Bank)
- Freeman Peak (Hill(s))
- Freeman Point (Point)
- Freeth Bay (Bay)
- French, caleta (Cove)
- Freshfield, Cape (Cape)
- Freytag, cabo (Cape)
- Friar Island (Island)
- Fridtjof Island (Island)
- Fridtjof Sound (Sound)
- Friedburginsel (Archipelago)
- Fringe Rocks (Rock)
- Front Door Bay (Bay)
- Frost Rocks (Rock)
- Frozen Hill (Hill(s))
- Fuente Rock (Rock)
- Fuji Kaitei-koku (Trough)
- Fukuro Cove (Cove)
- Fullastern Rock (Rock)
- Fuller Island (Island)
- Fuller Rock (Rock)
- Fulmar Bay (Bay)
- Fulmar Island (Island)
- Fumarole Bay (Bay)
- Fur Seal Cove (Cove)
- Furlong Creek (Channel)
- Furman Bluffs (Bluff)
- Furmanczyk Point (Point)
- Furque, islotes (Archipelago)
- Furse Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Fyr Channel (Channel)
- Gabriel, Península (Peninsula)
- Gadzhiev Bay (Bay)
- Gage, Cape (Cape)
- Gagge Point (Point)
- Galapagos, Caleta (Cove)
- Galkin Island (Island)
- Gallows Point (Point)
- Galten Islands (Archipelago)
- Gam Point (Point)
- Gamage Point (Point)
- Gamajunova, buhta (Bay)
- Gamble Cone (Hill(s))
- Gamma Island (Island)
- Gandalf Ridge (Ridge)
- Gándara Island (Island)
- Garcia Fernandez, isla (Island)
- Garcia Point (Point)
- Garcia, Cape (Cape)
- García, ensenada (Channel)
- Garde Islands (Archipelago)
- Gardner Inlet (Inlet)
- Gardner Island (Island)
- Garnerin Point (Point)
- Garnet Point (Point)
- Garnet Rocks (Rock)
- Garra de León, cabo (Cape)
- Garrochategui, cabo (Cape)
- Garry, Cape (Cape)
- Garwood Point (Point)
- Garzón Point (Point)
- Gaston Islands (Archipelago)
- Gates, Cape (Cape)
- Gaudin Point (Point)
- Gaudis, Cape (Cape)
- Gaul Cove (Cove)
- Gaunt Rocks (Rock)
- Gaussberg (Mount)
- Gauthier Point (Point)
- Gauthier, punta (I.Baja) (Point)
- Gaviota, punta (Point)
- Gazdzicki Islet (Island)
- Gazdzicki Sound (Sound)
- Gdynia Point (Point)
- Geddes, Cape (Cape)
- Gedges Rocks (Rock)
- Geikie Inlet (Inlet)
- Gek Island (Island)
- General Belgrano Bank (Bank)
- Gentile Point (Point)
- Gentile, islote (Island)
- Gentoo Cove (Cove)
- Gentoo Rocks (Rock)
- Géodésie, Cape (Cape)
- Geoffrey Bay (Bay)
- Geografov Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Geographeninsel (Island)
- Geographers Cove (Cove)
- Geographers Creek (Cove)
- Geologists Cove (Cove)
- Geologists Island (Island)
- Geologov Island (Island)
- Geology, Cape (Cape)
- Geomorfologov Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Geophysicists Cove (Cove)
- George V Coast (Coast)
- George VI Sound (Sound)
- Georges Point (Point)
- Georgi, caleta (Cove)
- Gerard Bluffs (Bluff)
- Gerd Island (Island)
- Gerlache Inlet (Inlet)
- Gerlache Island (Island)
- Gerlache, Cape (Cape)
- Gerrish Peaks (Hill(s))
- Gertrude Rock (Rock)
- Gervaize Rocks (Rock)
- Giard Point (Point)
- Gibbney Island (Island)
- Gibbon Bay (Bay)
- Gibbous Rocks (Rock)
- Gibney Reef (Reef)
- Gibson Bay (Bay)
- Gidrografov Islands (Archipelago)
- Giffard Cove (Cove)
- Giganteus Island (Island)
- Gillies Islands (Archipelago)
- Gillock Island (Island)
- Gin Cove (Cove)
- Ginger Islands (Archipelago)
- Giorgi, caleta (Cove)
- Girard Bay (Bay)
- Girardi, islote (Island)
- Girdler Island (Island)
- Gjertsen Promontory (Promontory)
- Glaciar Rocoso, Caleta del (Inlet)
- Glacier Bight (Bight)
- Glacier Bluff (Bluff)
- Glacier Rise (Rise)
- Glacier Strait (Strait)
- Glaciologist Bay (Bay)
- Glaçons, Baie des (Bay)
- Glade Bay (Bay)
- Glandaz Point (Point)
- Glasgal Island (Island)
- Glass Point (Point)
- Gl''atsiologov Island (Island)
- Glavnyj Island (Island)
- Gleba Vereshchagina, ledjanaja buhta (Bay)
- Gletscherbucht (Bay)
- Glinka Islands (Archipelago)
- Glomar Challenger Basin (Basin)
- Glopeneset (Promontory)
- Gloria, Caleta (Cove)
- Gloria, Punta (Point)
- Glover Rocks (Rock)
- Gneiss Point (Point)
- Gnezdovoj, mys (Cape)
- Gnome Island (Island)
- Gnomon Island (Island)
- Godfroy Point (Point)
- Gokkal Hill (Hill(s))
- Golden Cap (Cape)
- Goldie, Cape (Cape)
- Goldschmidt, Cape (Cape)
- Golubaya Bay (Bay)
- Gómez, Islote (Island)
- González Anchorage (Anchorage)
- Gonzalez Harbour (Harbour)
- González Island (Island)
- González Pacheco, Bahía (Bay)
- Gonzalez Point (Point)
- Gonzalez, caleta (Cove)
- Goodenough, Cape (Cape)
- Gorbatyj, mys (Cape)
- Gordon, Cape (Cape)
- Gorev Island (Island)
- Gosling Islands (Archipelago)
- Gossard Channel (Channel)
- Gossler Islands (Archipelago)
- Gotlandbucht (Bay)
- Gotley, Cape (Cape)
- Goubat, cabo (Cape)
- Goubat, punta (Point)
- Gould Bay (Bay)
- Gould Island (Island)
- Goulden Cove (Cove)
- Gourdin Island (Island)
- Gourdon Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Gourlay Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Gourlay Point (Point)
- Gouverneur Island (Island)
- Gouvernøren Harbor (Harbour)
- Governor Islands (Archipelago)
- Goyena, cabo (Cape)
- Grace Rock (Rock)
- Gradzinski Cove (Cove)
- Graham Passage (Passage)
- Gran Roca, cabo (Cape)
- Granat, Cape (Cape)
- Granatovaya Sopka Island (Island)
- Grande Ile (Island)
- Grande, isla (Bahía Flandes) (Island)
- Grandidier Channel (Channel)
- Gränicher Island (Island)
- Granitbucht (Bay)
- Granite Harbor (Harbour)
- Grano, cabo (Cape)
- Grant Island (Island)
- Graptolite Island (Island)
- Gravel Inlet (Inlet)
- Gray Rock (Rock)
- Gray, Cape (Cape)
- Grazzini Bay (Bay)
- Greater Mackellar Island (Island)
- Greben'' Island (Island)
- Green Island (Island)
- Green Lake (Lake)
- Green Reef (Reef)
- Green Rocks (Rock)
- Green, Cape (Cape)
- Greene Point (Point)
- Greenstone Point (Point)
- Gregory Bluffs (Bluff)
- Gregory Island (Island)
- Gregory Point (Point)
- Gremlin Island (Island)
- Grey Island (Island)
- Grierson Island (Island)
- Griffin Cove (Cove)
- Griffith Island (Island)
- Grikurov Point (Point)
- Grim Rock (Rock)
- Grinder Island (Island)
- Grinder Rock (Rock)
- Grinnell Island (Island)
- Gris, islote (Island)
- Grönland, Cape (Cape)
- Grotto Island (Island)
- Groves Island (Island)
- Groznaya Bay (Bay)
- Grumman, estrecho (Channel)
- Grzybowski Bay (Bay)
- Guano Island (Island)
- Guardian Rock (Rock)
- Guayaquil Bay (Bay)
- Guébriant Islands (Archipelago)
- Guéguen Point (Point)
- Guépratte Island (Island)
- Guerrabut, punta (Point)
- Guest Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Guido Island (Island)
- Guile Island (Island)
- Guión, islote (Island)
- Gulang Yu (Island)
- Gulch Island (Island)
- Gull Channel (Channel)
- Gull Rock (Rock)
- Gullet, The (Channel)
- Gully Bay (Bay)
- Gungpa Hills (Hill(s))
- Gunnel Channel (Channel)
- Gunnerus Bank (Bank)
- Gunnerus Ridge (Ridge)
- Gurney Point (Point)
- Gurnon Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Gurruchaga, punta (Point)
- Gusano, seno (Bay)
- Gutiérrez Reef (Reef)
- Guttorm Jakobsenbukta (Bay)
- Guyer Rock (Rock)
- Guyou Bay (Bay)
- Guyou Islands (Archipelago)
- Gwynn Bay (Bay)
- Hackapike Bay (Bay)
- Haddon Bay (Bay)
- Hadley Point (Point)
- Haedal Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Haffner Glacier (Glacier)
- Haggits Pillar (Rock)
- Håhelleren Cove (Cove)
- Hahn Island (Island)
- Haigh Point (Point)
- Haihun Jiao (Reef)
- Hailstorm Island (Island)
- Haiyan Wan (Bay)
- Haizhu Bandao (Peninsula)
- Hakurei Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Halcón, islas (Archipelago)
- Half Moon Beach (Beach)
- Halfmoon Cove (Cove)
- Halfthree Point (Point)
- Halfway Island (Island)
- Hall Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Haller Rocks (Rock)
- Hallett Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Hallett Ridge (Ridge)
- Hallett, Cape (Cape)
- Halpern Point (Point)
- Hamburg Bay (Bay)
- Hamilton Point (Point)
- Hammer Point (Point)
- Hammersly, Cape (Cape)
- Hamna Bay (Bay)
- Hamnenabben Head (Headland)
- Hampton Bluffs (Bluff)
- Hanka Island (Island)
- Hannah Island (Island)
- Hannah Point (Point)
- Hannam Islands (Archipelago)
- Hansabucht (Bay)
- Hansen Inlet (Inlet)
- Hansen Island (Island)
- Hansen Rocks (Rock)
- Hansen, Cape (Cape)
- Hansen, Mount (Mount)
- Hanson Peak (Hill(s))
- Hanson Ridge (Ridge)
- Hanusse Bay (Bay)
- Harald Bay (Bay)
- Harbour Glacier (Glacier)
- Harbour Glacier Tongue (Glacier)
- Hardy Cove (Cove)
- Hardy Rocks (Rock)
- Hardy, Punta (Point)
- Harley Island (Island)
- Harmon Bay (Bay)
- Harmony Cove (Cove)
- Harnish Creek (Channel)
- Haro, Caleta (Cove)
- Harp Island (Island)
- Harpoon Point (Point)
- Harpun Rocks (Rock)
- Harris Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Harris Point (Point)
- Harris Rock (Rock)
- Harrison Passage (Passage)
- Harrisson, Cape (Cape)
- Harrop Island (Island)
- Harrowfield Hill (Hill(s))
- Harry Island (Island)
- Hart Rock (Rock)
- Hartree, Cape (Cape)
- Hartshorne Island (Island)
- Harvey Islands (Archipelago)
- Harvey Shoals (Shoal)
- Haskell Strait (Channel)
- Haswell Islands (Archipelago)
- Hatch Islands (Archipelago)
- Hatcher Bluffs (Bluff)
- Hattersley-Smith, Cape (Cape)
- Hatusima (Island)
- Hauken Rock (Rock)
- Haulaway Point (Point)
- Havilland Point (Point)
- Havstein Island (Island)
- Hawker Island (Island)
- Hawkes Heights (Hill(s))
- Haydn Inlet (Inlet)
- Hayes Bank (Bank)
- Hayes Head (Headland)
- Hayrick Island (Island)
- Haystack Mountain (Hill(s))
- Hazard Rock (Rock)
- Head Island (Island)
- Heald Island (Island)
- Healy, Cape (Cape)
- Heap Island (Island)
- Heckmann Island (Island)
- Hedgehog Island (Island)
- Heed Rock (Rock)
- Heftye Island (Island)
- Heidelberginsel (Archipelago)
- Heidemann Bay (Bay)
- Heidemann Glacier (Glacier)
- Heiskanen Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Hel (Peninsula)
- Hélène Island (Island)
- Hell Gates (Passage)
- Heller Rock (Rock)
- Hellerman Rocks (Rock)
- Hells Gate (Channel)
- Hell''s Gate (Passage)
- Helm Point (Point)
- Helmert Bank (Bank)
- Helmet Rock (Rock)
- Hemphill Island (Island)
- Henderson Island (Island)
- Henderson, Cape (Cape)
- Henkes Islands (Archipelago)
- Hennequin, Point (Point)
- Hennessy Islands (Archipelago)
- Henry Bay (Bay)
- Henry Inlet (Inlet)
- Henry Islands (Island Group)
- Henryk Cove (Cove)
- Henryk Peak (Peak)
- Herald Reef (Reef)
- Herbert Sound (Sound)
- Herbertson Glacier (Glacier)
- Hercules Inlet (Inlet)
- Herdman Rocks (Rock)
- Herdman, Cape (Cape)
- Herlacher, Cape (Cape)
- Hermes Point (Point)
- Hermit Island (Island)
- Hermosilla, Punta (Point)
- Hero Bay (Bay)
- Hero Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Hero Inlet (Inlet)
- Heroína Island (Island)
- Herring Island (Island)
- Herriott Hill (Hill(s))
- Herrmann Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Hersilia Cove (Cove)
- Hervéou Point (Point)
- Herzog-Ernst-Bucht (Bay)
- Hespérides Point (Point)
- Hespérides Trough (Trough)
- Hess Inlet (Inlet)
- Hetty Rock (Rock)
- Hewitt Bay (Bay)
- Heynen, bahía (Bay)
- Heywood Island (Island)
- Heywood, Islotes (Archipelago)
- Hibbert Rock (Rock)
- Hickey, Cape (Cape)
- Hidari Zima (Island)
- Hidden Bay (Bay)
- Hiegel Passage (Passage)
- Higasi-Teøya (Island)
- High Island (Island)
- High Peak (Hill(s))
- High Seas of the Southern Ocean (Marine Region)
- Highjump Archipelago (Archipelago)
- Hildegard, Punta (Point)
- Hill Bay (Bay)
- Hill Island (Island)
- Hillary Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Hilton Inlet (Inlet)
- Hinks Channel (Channel)
- Hinks, Cape (Cape)
- Hinode, Cape (Cape)
- Hippo Island (Island)
- Hippolyte Point (Point)
- Hiroe Point (Point)
- Hiyoko Island (Island)
- Hjart Island (Island)
- Hjelmkalven Point (Point)
- Hjort Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Hljustina, mys (Cape)
- Hoadley, Cape (Cape)
- Hobbs Bank (Bank)
- Hobbs Islands (Archipelago)
- Hobbs Point (Point)
- Hobbs Stream (Stream)
- Hobby Rocks (Rock)
- Hodgeman Islands (Archipelago)
- Hodges Point (Point)
- Hodgson, Cape (Cape)
- Hoffman Point (Point)
- Hofmann Trough (Trough)
- Hogg Islands (Archipelago)
- Høgskavlnasen Point (Point)
- Høgskeidet, austre (Cape)
- Holdfast Point (Point)
- Holl Island (Island)
- Hollick-Kenyon Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Hollin Island (Island)
- Holluschickie Bay (Bay)
- Holme Bay (Bay)
- Holmes Island (Island)
- Holmes Rock (Rock)
- Holmes Rock (Rock)
- Holodnaja, buhta (Bay)
- Holst Point (Point)
- Holt Point (Point)
- Holtedahl Bay (Bay)
- Hombron Rocks (Rock)
- Home Beach (Beach)
- Homeward Point (Point)
- Homing Head (Headland)
- Honkala Island (Island)
- Honnør Kaitei-koku (Trough)
- Honores Rock (Rock)
- Hood Glacier (Glacier)
- Hoodwink Island (Island)
- Hook Island (Island)
- Hooke Point (Point)
- Hooker Basin (Basin)
- Hop Island (Island)
- Hope Island (Island)
- Hope Point (Point)
- Horatiobucht (Bay)
- Hordern, Cape (Cape)
- Hornblende Bluffs (Bluff)
- Hornpollen (Bay)
- Horseshoe Bay (Bay)
- Horseshoe Harbour (Harbour)
- Horvath Island (Island)
- Hospital Point (Point)
- Host Island (Island)
- Houle Island (Island)
- Houtz Bank (Bank)
- Hovde Bay (Bay)
- Hovde Island (Island)
- Hovdeholmen (Island)
- Howard Bay (Bay)
- Howard Island (Island)
- Howard, Cape (Cape)
- Howard-Williams Point (Point)
- Howkins Inlet (Inlet)
- Hoyt Head (Headland)
- Hrabryj, ostrov (Island)
- Huangjin Ridge (Ridge)
- Huangjin Wan (Bay)
- Huanglong Xia (Strait)
- Huangmei Ridge (Ridge)
- Huashan Bandao (Peninsula)
- Huaxi Bandao (Peninsula)
- Huaxia Wan (Bay)
- Huddle Rocks (Rock)
- Hudie Dao (Island)
- Hudson Island (Island)
- Hudson, Cape (Cape)
- Huemul Island (Island)
- Huey Creek (Channel)
- Hugershoff Cove (Cove)
- Hughes Bay (Bay)
- Hughes Island (Island)
- Hughes Passage (Passage)
- Hughes Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Hughes Point (Point)
- Hugo Island (Island)
- Huinga, Cape (Cape)
- Huitfeldt Point (Point)
- Hull Bay (Bay)
- Hull Point (Point)
- Hulot Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Hum Island (Island)
- Humann Point (Point)
- Humble Island (Island)
- Hummer Point (Point)
- Hummock Island (Island)
- Hump Island (Island)
- Hump Passage (Passage)
- Humps Island (Island)
- Hunt Bluff (Cliffs)
- Hunt Island (Island)
- Hunter, Cape (Cape)
- Huon Bay (Bay)
- Hurd Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Hurley, Cape (Cape)
- Hurst Bay (Bay)
- Hut Point Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Hutchinson Island (Island)
- Hutou Dao (Island)
- Huxian Jiao (Reef)
- Hyatt Cove (Cove)
- Hydra Cove (Cove)
- Hydrodist Rocks (Rock)
- Hydrographers Cove (Cove)
- Hydrographes, Ile des (Island)
- Hydrurga Cove (Cove)
- Hydrurga Rocks (Rock)
- Hyslop Islands (Archipelago)
- Ibar Rocks (Rock)
- Ibarguren, istmo (Isthmus)
- Icarus Point (Point)
- Ice Bird Peak (Peak)
- Ice Bird Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Ice Sphinx Hole (Hole)
- Iceberg Bank (Bank)
- Iceberg Bay (Bay)
- Iceberg Point (Point)
- Ifo Island (Island)
- Igloo Snowdrift (Area)
- Igloo Spur (Ridge)
- Igrivaja Bay (Bay)
- Il''In Island (Island)
- Imhof Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Imshaug Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Inaccessible Coast (Coast)
- Inaccessible Island (Island)
- Inaccessible Islands (Archipelago)
- Inca Point (Point)
- Index Point (Point)
- India Bay (Bay)
- Indian Rocks (Rock)
- Indian Sector of Southern Ocean (General Sea Area)
- Indicator Island (Island)
- Indrehovdeholmen (Island)
- Inept Cove (Cove)
- Inexpressible Island (Island)
- Ingrid, Cape (Cape)
- Inner Harbour (Harbour)
- Innhovde Point (Point)
- Inoceramus Point (Point)
- Inott Point (Point)
- Instefjorden (Fjord)
- Insteodden Point (Point)
- Intercurrence Island (Island)
- Intrusion Point (Point)
- Invencible, punta (Point)
- Ionosphere Bay (Bay)
- Iquique Cove (Cove)
- Irizar Island (Island)
- Irizar, Cape (Cape)
- Irving Island (Island)
- Irwyn, Cape (Cape)
- Isacke Passage (Passage)
- Iselin Bank (Bank)
- Iselin Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Iselin Trough (Trough)
- Iseult, Ile (Island)
- Island Arena (Valley)
- Islands Point (Point)
- Isolation Point (Point)
- Isrenna (Bank)
- Issledovateley Strait (Strait)
- Italica, Picco (Peak)
- Itatí, isla (Island)
- Ituzaingó, punta (Point)
- Iulia Mud Volcano (Mud Volcano)
- Ivanoff Head (Headland)
- Ives Bank (Bank)
- Ives Tongue (Tongue)
- Iwa-Zima (Island)
- Izvilistaja Bay (Bay)
- Jablonski Bay (Bay)
- Jacobs Island (Island)
- Jacobs Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Jacobsen Glacier (Glacier)
- Jacobsen Head (Headland)
- Jacquinot Rocks (Rock)
- Jagar Islands (Archipelago)
- Jambeli, Caleta (Cove)
- James, Cape (Cape)
- James, isla (Island)
- Jameson Point (Point)
- Jane Basin (Basin)
- Janus Island (Island)
- Jason Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Jasper Point (Point)
- Jaume, punta (Point)
- Jaynes Islands (Archipelago)
- Jebsen Point (Point)
- Jebsen Rocks (Rock)
- Jebsen, Port (Harbour)
- Jeffery Head (Point)
- Jefford Point (Point)
- Jeffrey Canyons (Canyon(s))
- Jelbart Basin (Basin)
- Jenkins Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Jenluise Bank (Bank)
- Jennings Promontory (Promontory)
- Jennings Reef (Reef)
- Jensen Island (Island)
- Jensenhovden (Cape)
- Jeremy, Cape (Cape)
- Jessie Bay (Bay)
- Jesson Island (Island)
- Jester Rock (Rock)
- Jetty Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Jigsaw Islands (Archipelago)
- Jingle Island (Island)
- Jinks Island (Island)
- Jintu Hill (Hill(s))
- Jiulong Bandao (Peninsula)
- Joannes Paulus II Coast (Coast)
- Jocelyn Islands (Archipelago)
- Joerg Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Johannessen Harbour (Harbour)
- Johansen Islands (Archipelago)
- John Beach (Beach)
- John O''Groats (Point)
- John Rodgers, Cape (Cape)
- Johnson Island (Island)
- Johnson Neck (Isthmus)
- Johnson, Cape (Cape)
- Johnsons Dock (Dock)
- Johnston Fjord (Fjord)
- Johnston Passage (Passage)
- Johnston, islas (Archipelago)
- JOIDES Basin (Basin)
- Joinville, Islas (Archipelago)
- Jona Island (Island)
- Jonassen Island (Island)
- Jones Bluffs (Bluff)
- Jones Channel (Channel)
- Jones Point (Point)
- Jorge Cove (Cove)
- Jorge Island (Island)
- Jorobada, punta (Point)
- Joubert Rock (Rock)
- Joubin Islands (Archipelago)
- Jougla Point (Point)
- Judas Rock (Rock)
- Jules, Cape (Cape)
- Juliette, Ilot (Island)
- Juncal, Cape (Cape)
- June Island (Island)
- Jupiter Island (Island)
- Jurien Island (Island)
- Jurva Point (Point)
- Jushchenko, vpadina (podvodnaja) (Deep)
- Jussieu Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Juzhnyje Island (Island)
- Kado Point (Point)
- Kagami Ura (Inlet)
- Kainan Bay (Bay)
- Kainan Maru Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Kaino-hama Beach (Beach)
- Kaïser, Cape (Cape)
- Kalach Island (Island)
- Kalicki Point (Point)
- Kalyuzhnyy Hill (Hill(s))
- Kame Island (Island)
- Kamelen Island (Island)
- Kamenev Bight (Bight)
- Kamenistaja, vpadina (Depression)
- Kamennyj, ostrov (Island)
- Kaname Island (Island)
- Kaochaduiyuan Tan (Beach)
- Kapp Norvegia (Continental Slope)
- Kappa Island (Island)
- Kappvika (Bay)
- Karamete Point (Point)
- Karelin Bay (Bay)
- Karelin Islands (Archipelago)
- Karlsen Rock (Rock)
- Karm Island (Island)
- Kármán Island (Island)
- Karpejkina, ostrov (Island)
- Karpf Point (Point)
- Kartografov Island (Island)
- Kater, Cape (Cape)
- Katsui Strait (Strait)
- Kay Island (Island)
- Kayak Bay (Bay)
- Kazak Island (Island)
- Kaze Sima (Archipelago)
- Keble Valley (Valley)
- Keel Island (Island)
- Keeler, Cape (Cape)
- Keep Rock (Rock)
- Kellas Islands (Archipelago)
- Keller Inlet (Inlet)
- Kellick Island (Island)
- Keltie Head (Headland)
- Keltie, Cape (Cape)
- Kemp Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Kemp Rock (Rock)
- Kemp, Cape (Cape)
- Kendall Point (Point)
- Kendall Rocks (Rock)
- Kennedy Cove (Cove)
- Kennedy, Cape (Cape)
- Kennicutt Point (Point)
- Kerr Inlet (Inlet)
- Kerr Point (Point)
- Kerr, Cape (Cape)
- Ketley Point (Point)
- Keuken Island (Island)
- Kevin Islands (Archipelago)
- Keyhole Island (Island)
- Keys Point (Point)
- Khmara Bay (Bay)
- Khmara Island (Island)
- Kibergdalen (Island)
- Kidd Islands (Archipelago)
- Kidson Channel (Channel)
- Kidson Hills (Hill(s))
- Kidson Island (Island)
- Kidson, Cape (Cape)
- Kieffer Knoll (Hill(s))
- Kilby Island (Island)
- Kilby Reef (Reef)
- Killermet Cove (Cove)
- Killingbeck Island (Island)
- King Glacier (Glacier)
- King Island (Island)
- King Peninsula (Peninsula)
- King Point (Point)
- King, Cape (Cape)
- Kinnes Cove (Cove)
- Kinnes, Cape (Cape)
- Kinsey, Cape (Cape)
- Kinzhal Bay (Bay)
- Kiridasi Misaki (Promontory)
- Kirkby Head (Headland)
- Kirkby Shoal (Shoal)
- Kirkwood Islands (Archipelago)
- Kirton Island (Island)
- Kirwan Inlet (Inlet)
- Kista Rock (Rock)
- Kista Strait (Strait)
- Kita Zima (Island)
- Kitami Beach (Beach)
- Kitano-seto Strait (Strait)
- Kitano-ura Cove (Cove)
- Kita-Teøya (Archipelago)
- Kitchen Point (Point)
- Kitney Island (Island)
- Kitovyy Strait (Strait)
- Kiwibukta (Bay)
- Kizahashi Beach (Beach)
- Kizer Island (Island)
- Kjellman, Cape (Cape)
- Kjuka Headland (Headland)
- Kjukevåg Bay (Bay)
- Kjukevågsodden (Cape)
- Kkotsin Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Klakkane Islands (Archipelago)
- Kleppen Island (Island)
- Klo Rock (Rock)
- Kloa Point (Point)
- Klotik, banka (Bank)
- Klövstad, Cape (Cape)
- Klung Island (Island)
- Klung Islands (Archipelago)
- Knack Point (Point)
- Knife Point (Point)
- Knight Island (Island)
- Knight Rocks (Rock)
- Knob Point (Point)
- Knobble Head (Headland)
- Knobhead (Mountain range)
- Knowles Passage (Passage)
- Knowles, Cape (Cape)
- Knuckey Island (Island)
- Knuckle Reef (Reef)
- Koala Island (Island)
- Koechlin Island (Island)
- Koerner Rock (Rock)
- Koether Inlet (Inlet)
- Koettlitz Glacier (Glacier)
- Kogot', Cape (Cape)
- Kohler Head (Headland)
- Koiwa Zima (Rock)
- Kolich Point (Point)
- Koljuchka, banka (Bank)
- Kollen Island (Island)
- Koloc Point (Point)
- Kolosov Point (Point)
- Kolosov, Cape (Cape)
- Komsomol''skij, poluostrov (Peninsula)
- Kong Håkon VII Hav (Sea)
- Kooperacija, zaliv (Bay)
- Kopaitic Island (Island)
- Koposova, mys (Cape)
- Koppe Canyon (Canyon(s))
- KOPRI Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Korsar Island (Island)
- Kort Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Kosar Point (Point)
- Kosistyy, Cape (Cape)
- Kosminskaya Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Kosmonavtov, more (Mount)
- Kot Island (Island)
- Kotël, vpadina (Bank)
- Kotick Point (Point)
- Koyubi, Cape (Cape)
- Krab, ostrov (Island)
- Krajnij Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Kraków Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Kramer Island (Island)
- Krasinskiy, Cape (Cape)
- Krat Rocks (Rock)
- Kraul Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Kraul Mountains (Mountain range)
- Krause Point (Point)
- Krevetka, banka (Bank)
- Krichak Bay (Bay)
- Kring Islands (Archipelago)
- Kristensen Rocks (Rock)
- Krogh Island (Island)
- Krogmann Point (Point)
- Kroshka Island (Island)
- Krug, Punta (Point)
- Krylatyj Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Krylov Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Krylvika Bight (Bight)
- Kryuchok Island (Island)
- Krzesanica (Cliffs)
- Krzyminski Point (Point)
- Kuechle Island (Island)
- Kujira Point (Point)
- Kulikowski Skerry (Rock)
- Kūmara Hill (Hill(s))
- Kunlun Qundao (Archipelago)
- Kuno Point (Point)
- Kurumi Island (Island)
- Kurzynski Bay (Bay)
- Kusunoki Point (Point)
- Kutyba Point (Point)
- Kvalvika (Bay)
- Kvars Bay (Bay)
- Kvars Promontory (Promontory)
- Kvassodden (Headland)
- Kvinge Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Kvitkuven Bank (Bank)
- Kwarecki Point (Point)
- Kyffin Spur (Ridge)
- Kyle Cone (Hill(s))
- La Conchée (Island)
- La Plata Point (Point)
- La Rose Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Laager Point (Point)
- Labbé Rock (Rock)
- Lachal Bluffs (Bluff)
- Lachman, Cape (Cape)
- Lacuna Island (Island)
- Lady Newnes Bay (Bay)
- Lafarge Rocks (Rock)
- Lafond Bay (Bay)
- LaForrest Rock (Rock)
- Laggard Island (Island)
- Lagoon Island (Island)
- Lagotellerie Island (Island)
- Lagrange Island (Island)
- Lagrange, Cap (Cape)
- Lagrelius Point (Point)
- Lahille Island (Island)
- Lainez Point (Point)
- Laing Hill (Hill(s))
- Lair Point (Point)
- Laird, Cape (Cape)
- Lajarte Islands (Archipelago)
- Lajka Island (Island)
- Lajkonik Rocks (Rock)
- Lake Chapman (Lake)
- Lake Cole (Lake)
- Lake Discovery (Lake)
- Lake Island (Island)
- Laktionov Island (Island)
- Lallemand Fjord (Fjord)
- Lamarck Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Lamas, Cape (Cape)
- Lamb Point (Point)
- Lamb, Cape (Cape)
- Lambda Island (Island)
- Lambert Deep (Deep)
- Lamplugh Inlet (Inlet)
- Lamplugh Island (Island)
- Lana Point (Point)
- Lancaster, Cape (Cape)
- Lanchester Bay (Bay)
- Land Bay (Bay)
- Landauer Point (Point)
- Landing Cove (Cove)
- Landmark Point (Point)
- Landon Promontory (Promontory)
- Landrum Island (Island)
- Lands End (Cape)
- Land''s End (Cape)
- Lang Island (Island)
- Langhofer Island (Island)
- Langhovde-kita Point (Point)
- Langmuir Cove (Cove)
- Langpollen Cove (Cove)
- Lankester, Cape (Cape)
- Lanusse Bay (Bay)
- Lanusse, cabo (Cape)
- Lapeyrère Bay (Bay)
- Lapidary Point (Point)
- Laplace Island (Island)
- Large, Baie du (Bay)
- Largo Island (Island)
- Largo, Islote (Island)
- Larrouy Island (Island)
- Larsen Bank (Bank)
- Larsen Basin (Basin)
- Larsen Channel (Channel)
- Larsen Inlet (Inlet)
- Larsen Islands (Archipelago)
- Larvik Harbour (Harbour)
- Laseron Islands (Archipelago)
- Latady Island (Island)
- Latarnia Rock (Rock)
- Laternula Inlet (Inlet)
- Laubeuf Fjord (Fjord)
- Lauff Island (Island)
- Launch Channel (Channel)
- Launch Rock (Rock)
- Laura, islotes (Archipelago)
- Laure, cabo (Cape)
- Lauritzen Bay (Bay)
- Lautaro Island (Island)
- Lautaro, Paso (Passage)
- Lauzanne Cove (Cove)
- Lavalle, punta (Point)
- Lavallee Point (Point)
- Låvebrua Island (Island)
- Lavoisier Island (Island)
- Lavrova, buhta (Bay)
- Law Islands (Archipelago)
- Law Landing (Beach)
- Law Promontory (Promontory)
- Lawrance, Cape (Cape)
- Lawrence Channel (Channel)
- Lázara, Cape (Cape)
- Lazarev Bay (Bay)
- Lazarev Sea (Sea)
- Lazarev Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Lazarev Trough (Trough)
- Lazareva, more (Mount)
- Lazareva, zhëlob (podvodnyj) (Bank)
- Lazarevkysten (Coast)
- Le Petit Prince (Stack(s))
- Le Petit Prince Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Le Renard Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Leachman Hill (Hill(s))
- Leachman Ridge (Ridge)
- League Rock (Rock)
- Leahy, Cape (Cape)
- Leblond, Cape (Cape)
- Lecointe Guyot (Guyot)
- Lécuyer Point (Point)
- Ledda Bay (Bay)
- Lednikov Bay (Bay)
- Lednikovaja, kotlovina (Subglacial basin)
- Lee Island (Island)
- Lefèvre Point (Point)
- Legoupil, Cape (Cape)
- Legru Bay (Bay)
- Leguillou, Cape (Cape)
- Lehaie Point (Cape)
- Lehrke Inlet (Inlet)
- Lemaire Island (Island)
- Lemaire, Fondeadero (Anchorage)
- Lena Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Lena Passage (Passage)
- Lenie Passage (Passage)
- Leningradskiy Bay (Bay)
- Leningradskiy Island (Island)
- Lennox-King Glacier (Glacier)
- Lent, islas (Archipelago)
- Lenton Point (Point)
- Léonie Islands (Archipelago)
- Leonova Bay (Bay)
- Leopard Cove (Cove)
- Leopard Island (Island)
- Leopardo, islote (Island)
- Léopards, Cap des (Cape)
- Lermanda, Punta (Point)
- Leroux Bay (Bay)
- Les Eclaireurs, punta (Point)
- Leskov Island (Island)
- Lesser Mackellar Island (Island)
- Lester Cove (Cove)
- Lettau Bluff (Cliffs)
- Leucotón, Islote (Island)
- Levalle, punta (Point)
- Levy Island (Island)
- Lewald, Kap (Cape)
- Lewandowski Point (Point)
- Lewis Basin (Basin)
- Lewis Bay (Bay)
- Lewis Island (Island)
- Lewis Point (Point)
- Lewis Sound (Sound)
- Lewis, Cape (Cape)
- Lewthwaite Strait (Strait)
- Lianhua Jiao (Reef)
- Liard Island (Island)
- Libertad, islotes (Archipelago)
- Liberty Rocks (Rock)
- Libois Bay (Bay)
- Lichen Island (Island)
- Lichen Promontory (Promontory)
- Lichte Trough (Trough)
- Lichtner Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Lidia, pasaje (Passage)
- Lied Promontory (Promontory)
- Ligeti Ridge (Ridge)
- Light, Cape (Cape)
- Lilienthal Island (Island)
- Lillie Glacier Tongue (Glacier)
- Lillo, Punta (Point)
- Limit Rock (Rock)
- Limiting Deep (Deep)
- Limitrophe Island (Island)
- Limpet Island (Island)
- Lindbergh Inlet (Inlet)
- Lindblad Cove (Cove)
- Lindenberg Island (Island)
- Lindsey Islands (Archipelago)
- Lindsey, Cape (Cape)
- Link Island (Island)
- Link Stack (Rock)
- Linsley Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Lion, Chenal du (Passage)
- Lionceau, Le (Island)
- Lions Cove (Cove)
- Liouville Point (Point)
- Lippmann Islands (Archipelago)
- Lipps Island (Island)
- Lis Point (Point)
- Lisboa Island (Island)
- Lista, cabo (Cape)
- Lister Cove (Cove)
- Litchfield Island (Island)
- Litten, islote (Island)
- Little America Basin (Basin)
- Little Razorback Island (Island)
- Little, Cape (Cape)
- Littlespace Island (Island)
- Litwin Bay (Bay)
- Lively Point (Point)
- Livonia Rock (Rock)
- Lizard Island (Island)
- Lizard Point (Point)
- Llano Point (Point)
- Lloyd, Cape (Cape)
- Loaf Rock (Rock)
- Lobel Island (Island)
- Lobodon Island (Island)
- Locator Island (Island)
- Lockley Point (Point)
- Lockroy, Port (Harbour)
- Lockyer Island (Island)
- Lodge Rock (Rock)
- Lofgren Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Lokot'' Island (Island)
- Lola, Point (Point)
- Loma, punta (Point)
- Lone Rock (Rock)
- Lonely Rock (Rock)
- Long Fjord (Fjord)
- Long Island (Island)
- Long Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Long Rock (Rock)
- Long Rock (Rock)
- Long Sound (Sound)
- Longing Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Longing, Cape (Cape)
- Longridge Head (Headland)
- Longyan Jiao (Reef)
- Longyang Xia (Passage)
- Lookout Islands (Archipelago)
- Lookout, Cape (Cape)
- Loper Channel (Channel)
- Loper Seachannel (Seachannel)
- Lopez, punta (Point)
- Loqui Point (Point)
- Lord Bank (Bank)
- Lorn Rocks (Rock)
- Losardo, punta (Point)
- Loubat Point (Point)
- Loudwater Cove (Cove)
- Louise Island (Island)
- Lovegrove Point (Point)
- Lovering Island (Island)
- Low Head (Headland)
- Low Tongue (Rock)
- Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (Water mass)
- Luansheng Dao (Island)
- Lucas Island (Island)
- Luchistaja Bay (Bay)
- Lugg Island (Island)
- Luis Cruz, Punta (Point)
- Luisoni, punta (Point)
- Lumus Rock (Rock)
- Lunik Point (Point)
- Lunnyj Island (Island)
- Luotuo Dao (Island)
- Lurker Rock (Rock)
- Lussich Cove (Cove)
- Lyall Basin (Basin)
- Lyall Islands (Archipelago)
- Lyddan Bank (Bank)
- Lyddan Island (Island)
- Lynch Point (Point)
- Lynsky Cove (Cove)
- Lynx Rocks (Rock)
- Lystad Bay (Bay)
- Lyttelton, Cape (Cape)
- Maadjit Canyons (Canyon(s))
- Mabel Island (Island)
- Mabel, Cape (Cape)
- Mabus Point (Point)
- MacDonald Bluffs (Bluff)
- MacDonald Point (Point)
- MacDonald, Cape (Cape)
- Macey Islands (Archipelago)
- Macey Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Macfie Sound (Sound)
- Maciel, caleta (Cove)
- Mackay Point (Point)
- MacKay, Cape (Cape)
- Mackellar Islands (Archipelago)
- Mackemer Point (Point)
- MacKenzie Bay (Bay)
- Mackenzie Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Mackerel Island (Island)
- Mackintosh Cove (Cove)
- Mackintosh, Cape (Cape)
- Macklin Island (Island)
- Mackworth Rock (Rock)
- Macleod Point (Point)
- MacMillan Point (Point)
- Madden Island (Island)
- Madell Point (Point)
- Magee Rock (Rock)
- Magnet Bay (Bay)
- Magnetic Island (Island)
- Magnier, Península (Peninsula)
- Magnit Island (Island)
- Magnitologov, proliv (Strait)
- Magoke Point (Point)
- Mahalak Bluffs (Bluff)
- Maher Island (Island)
- Maignan Point (Point)
- Main, Cape (Cape)
- Mainsail Rock (Rock)
- Maipó Shoal (Shoal)
- Maipú, punta (Point)
- Maisan Hills (Hill(s))
- Majachnaja Bay (Bay)
- Maksimov, Cape (Cape)
- Malczewski Point (Point)
- Maldifassi Shoal (Shoal)
- Mallory Point (Point)
- Malmgren Bay (Bay)
- Malus Island (Island)
- Malye Skalistye, ostrova (Archipelago)
- Malygincev, buhta (Bay)
- Mame Island (Island)
- Mamelon Point (Point)
- Man Trough (Trough)
- Manang Canyons (Canyon(s))
- Manao Tan (Beach)
- Manchón Austral, peñasco (Island)
- Manchot Island (Island)
- Mancilla Point (Point)
- Manciple Island (Island)
- Manczarski Point (Point)
- Mandelkliff (Island)
- Mandisoví, caleta (Cove)
- Mane Skerry (Island)
- Mango, punta (Point)
- Manhue, Cape (Cape)
- Manning Island (Island)
- Manoury Island (Island)
- Mansfield Point (Point)
- Mansilla, Caleta (Cove)
- Mansilla, islote (Island)
- Manterola, Caleta (Cove)
- Mar, islote (Island)
- Maranga Island (Island)
- Marble Peak (Hill(s))
- Marble Point (Point)
- Marco Polo High (Mount)
- Marcos, caleta (Cove)
- Marégraphe Island (Island)
- Marescot Point (Point)
- Margerie, Cape (Cape)
- Marguerite Island (Island)
- Maria Creek (Stream)
- María Josefa, cabo (Cape)
- Marian Cove (Cove)
- Marie Byrd Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Marie Byrd Land (General Region)
- Marie Byrd Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Marie Island (Island)
- Mariholm (Island)
- Marin, islotes (Archipelago)
- Marín, Punta (Point)
- Marina Point (Point)
- Marinelli Head (Point)
- Marinelli, islotes (Archipelago)
- Mariner Islands (Archipelago)
- Marinovic Beach (Beach)
- Marker Rock (Rock)
- Markham Bay (Bay)
- Markham Island (Island)
- Markov, Cape (Cape)
- Marks Point (Point)
- Marr Bay (Bay)
- Marr Point (Point)
- Mars Island (Island)
- Marsh, Cape (Cape)
- Marshall Archipelago (Archipelago)
- Marshall Bay (Bay)
- Marshall Cirque (Basin)
- Marston Glacier (Glacier)
- Marta, Islote (Island)
- Martillo, cabo (Cape)
- Martin Island (Island)
- Martin Islands (Archipelago)
- Martin Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Martin Reef (Reef)
- Martin, Point (Point)
- Martin, Port (Harbour)
- Martínez, cabo (Cape)
- Martins Head (Headland)
- Martyrs, Passage des (Passage)
- Maruhana (Promontory)
- Maruja, Punta (Point)
- Mary, Punta (Point)
- Mascart, Cape (Cape)
- Maskelyne Passage (Passage)
- Mason Inlet (Inlet)
- Masson Island (Island)
- Mast Point (Point)
- Mastelero, pasaje (Passage)
- Mather Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Matheu, caleta (Cove)
- Mathewson Point (Point)
- Mathieu Rock (Rock)
- Matkah Point (Point)
- Matsuyama Rocks (Rock)
- Matterson Inlet (Inlet)
- Matthews Island (Island)
- Maud Rise (Rise)
- Maud Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Maudbanken (Bank)
- Maude, Cape (Cape)
- Maumee Bight (Bight)
- Maurstad Point (Point)
- Maury Bay (Bay)
- Maveroff, isla (Island)
- Mawson Bank (Bank)
- Mawson Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Mawson Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Mawson Sea (Sea)
- Mawson, Cape (Cape)
- May, Cape (Cape)
- Mayo, Cape (Cape)
- Mazurek Point (Point)
- Mazza Point (Point)
- Mazzeo Island (Island)
- McCall Point (Point)
- McCann Point (Point)
- McCarthy Inlet (Inlet)
- McCarthy Island (Island)
- McClintock Point (Point)
- McConnel Islands (Archipelago)
- McCormick, Cape (Cape)
- McDonald Bank (Bank)
- McDonald Beach (Beach)
- McDonald Point (Point)
- McFarlane Strait (Strait)
- McGrady Cove (Cove)
- McGuire Island (Island)
- McIntosh Cliffs (Cliffs)
- McIntyre Promontory (Promontory)
- McKinnon Island (Island)
- McKinzie Islands (Archipelago)
- McKnight Creek (Stream)
- McLean Island (Island)
- McLean Point (Point)
- McLeod Island (Island)
- McMahon Islands (Archipelago)
- McMullin Island (Island)
- McNamara Island (Island)
- McSweeney Point (Point)
- Meade Islands (Archipelago)
- Meares Cliff (Cliffs)
- Mechanics Bay (Bay)
- Medley Rocks (Rock)
- Meek Channel (Channel)
- Megaw Island (Island)
- Meholmen Island (Island)
- Meier Point (Point)
- Melania Ridge (Ridge)
- Melkaja, vpadina (Subglacial basin)
- Melville Bay (Bay)
- Melville Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Melville Point (Point)
- Melville, Cape (Cape)
- Mendelssohn Inlet (Inlet)
- Mendori Island (Island)
- Ménier Island (Island)
- Menzel, Cape (Cape)
- Meoto Rocks (Rock)
- Mercado, caleta (Cove)
- Mercator Knoll (Knoll(s))
- Mercedes, islote (Island)
- Mercury Bluff (Bluff)
- Merger Island (Island)
- Merkurij Island (Island)
- Merle, Récif du (Cliffs)
- Merrick Point (Point)
- Merritt Island (Island)
- Mersey Spit (Spit)
- Mertz-Ninnis Valley (Valley)
- Merz Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Messera, mys (Cape)
- Metchnikoff Point (Point)
- Methuen Cove (Cove)
- Meusnier Point (Point)
- Mezhgornaja, vpadina (Depression)
- Mica Islands (Archipelago)
- Michajlovodden (Cape)
- Michelsen Island (Island)
- Mickle Island (Island)
- Micou Point (Point)
- Midas Island (Island)
- Middle Island (Island)
- Midgley Island (Island)
- Midgley Reefs (Reef)
- Midwinter, Ilot de la (Island)
- Mifeng Yu (Island)
- Migi Zima (Island)
- Migliardo, bahía (Bay)
- Miguel Cané, islote (Island)
- Mihajlova, ostrov (Reef)
- Mihun Dao (Island)
- Mikhailov Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Mikhaylov Island (Island)
- Mikhaylov, Cape (Cape)
- Mikkelsen Bay (Bay)
- Mikkelsen Islands (Archipelago)
- Mikluho-Maklaja, zaliv (Bay)
- Mikuro-iwa (Reef)
- Milburn Bay (Bay)
- Miles Island (Island)
- Milky Way (Passage)
- Mill Cove (Cove)
- Mill Inlet (Inlet)
- Mill Island (Island)
- Miller Bluffs (Bluff)
- Miller Island (Island)
- Miller Point (Point)
- Millerand Island (Island)
- Milnes Island (Island)
- Milosz Point (Point)
- Milovzorova, buhta (Bay)
- Minami-karamete Rock (Rock)
- Minamino-seto Strait (Strait)
- Minamo Island (Island)
- Minang-a Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Minna Bluff (Cliffs)
- Minna Hook (Hill(s))
- Minnows, The (Archipelago)
- Minot Point (Point)
- Minstrel Point (Point)
- Mira, islote (Island)
- Mirage Island (Island)
- Mirnij Küste (Coast)
- Mirnyj, poluostrov (Peninsula)
- Miró, punta (Point)
- Mirounga Point (Bluff)
- Mirounga Point (Point)
- Mirror Point (Point)
- Misionero, canal (Canal)
- Misiones, punta (Point)
- Misnomer Point (Point)
- Mission Rock (Rock)
- Mist Rocks (Rock)
- Mitchell Cove (Cove)
- Mitchell Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Mitchell Point (Point)
- Mite Skerry (Island)
- Mitsudomoe Islands (Archipelago)
- Mizukuguri Cove (Cove)
- M''Kean Point (Point)
- Mobiloil Inlet (Inlet)
- Möbius, Kap (Cape)
- Moe Point (Point)
- Mohaupt Point (Point)
- Molecule Island (Island)
- Molholm Island (Island)
- Molholm Shoal (Shoal)
- Molina Point (Point)
- Molina Rocks (Rock)
- Molina, cabo (Cape)
- Møller Bank (Bank)
- Möller Trough (Trough)
- Molley Corner (Point)
- Molnar Rocks (Rock)
- Mom, islote (Island)
- Monaco, Cape (Cape)
- Monakov, Cape (Cape)
- Moneta, cabo (Cape)
- Monflier Point (Point)
- Monge Island (Island)
- Monica Rock (Rock)
- Monk Islands (Archipelago)
- Monnier Point (Point)
- Monroe Island (Island)
- Monroe Point (Point)
- Monsimet Cove (Cove)
- Montecinos Cove (Cove)
- Monteverdi Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Montevideo, fondeadero (Bay)
- Monti, punta (Point)
- Montravel Rock (Rock)
- Montufar Island (Island)
- Montura, acantilado (Cliffs)
- Monument Rocks (Rock)
- Monumental Island (Island)
- Moody Island (Island)
- Moody Point (Point)
- Moon Bay (Bay)
- Moonie Skerry (Reef)
- Moonlight Point (Point)
- Moora, buhta (Bay)
- Moore Embayment (Bay)
- Moore Island (Island)
- Moore Point (Point)
- Moore, Cape (Cape)
- Mooring Point (Point)
- Moraine Bay (Bay)
- Moraine Cove (Cove)
- Moraine Point (Point)
- Moraine Strait (Strait)
- Morales, islotes (Archipelago)
- Morency Island (Island)
- Moreno Rock (Rock)
- Moreno, islote (Island)
- Moreno, Point (Point)
- Moreno, punta (Head)
- Moreton Point (Point)
- Morgan Inlet (Inlet)
- Morka Valley (Valley)
- Morning Lake (Lake)
- Morris Head (Headland)
- Morris Island (Island)
- Morris Rock (Rock)
- Morro del Medio, cabo (Cape)
- Morro, islote (Island)
- Morse, Cape (Cape)
- Moskovskij, zaliv (Bay)
- Moss Islands (Archipelago)
- Mossman Inlet (Inlet)
- Mossman Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Motherway Island (Island)
- Mothes Point (Point)
- Motian Jiao (Reef)
- Mount Barnes (Hill(s))
- Mount Bevilacqua (Hill(s))
- Mount Boman (Hill(s))
- Mount England (Hill(s))
- Mount Ewart (Hill(s))
- Mount Harwood (Hill(s))
- Mount Heiser (Hill(s))
- Mount Hope (Hill(s))
- Mount Hubbard (Hill(s))
- Mount Kolp (Hill(s))
- Mount Kyffin (Hill(s))
- Mount Locke (Hill(s))
- Mount Lubbock (Hill(s))
- Mount Manger (Hill(s))
- Mount Melania (Hill(s))
- Mount Samushkov (Hill(s))
- Moureaux Islands (Archipelago)
- Moureaux Point (Point)
- Mousinho Island (Island)
- Mousse, Cape (Cape)
- Moyes Islands (Archipelago)
- Moyes Point (Point)
- Moyes, Cape (Cape)
- MPA RS-GPZi (Marine Protected Area (MPA))
- MPA RS-GPZiii (Marine Protected Area (MPA))
- MPA RS-KRZ (Marine Protected Area (MPA))
- MPA RS-SRZ (Marine Protected Area (MPA))
- Mudge Passage (Passage)
- Mügge Island (Island)
- Mule Island (Island)
- Mule Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Mule Point (Point)
- Mulga Island (Island)
- Mulock Inlet (Inlet)
- Mulroy Island (Island)
- Mumm Islands (Archipelago)
- Munita, Isla (Island)
- Muñoz Point (Point)
- Muñoz, cabo (Cape)
- Murature, canal (Canal)
- Murature, punta (Point)
- Murdoch, Cape (Cape)
- Murmanskiy, Cape (Cape)
- Murphy Bay (Bay)
- Murphy Inlet (Inlet)
- Murray Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Murray Dry Valley (Valley)
- Murray Harbour (Harbour)
- Murray Islands (Archipelago)
- Muschelbucht (Bay)
- Muskeg Gap (Gap)
- Muskegbukta (Bay)
- Musselman, Cape (Cape)
- Mutto, cabo (Cape)
- Mutton Cove (Cove)
- Myall Islands (Archipelago)
- Myrcha Point (Point)
- Myriad Islands (Archipelago)
- Nabbøya (Island)
- Nachtigaller Shoal (Shoal)
- Nadezhdy Island (Island)
- Nagagutsu Point (Point)
- Naitou Jiao (Reef)
- Nakano-seto Strait (Strait)
- Nakaya Islands (Archipelago)
- Nakayubi, Cape (Cape)
- Naka-zima (Island)
- Nancy, islote (Island)
- Nanok Deep (Deep)
- Nantucket Inlet (Inlet)
- Napier Ice Rise (Rise)
- Napier Rock (Rock)
- Narebski Point (Point)
- Narrow Inlet (Inlet)
- Narrow Neck (Isthmus)
- Narrows, The (Channel)
- Nasyr' Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Nathaniel B. Palmer Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Nautilus Head (Headland)
- Navarrete, Punta (Point)
- Navarro, cabo (Cape)
- Navidad, fondeadero (Bay)
- Navigateur, Ile du (Island)
- Navy Point (Point)
- Naze, The (Cape)
- Nebbet, Cape (Cape)
- Neck or Nothing Passage (Passage)
- Neko Harbor (Harbour)
- Nella Fjord (Fjord)
- Nella Island (Island)
- Nella Rim (Rim)
- Nella Rock (Rock)
- Nelly Island (Island)
- Nelson Cliffs (Cliffs)
- Nelson Point (Point)
- Nelson Rock (Rock)
- Nelson Strait (Strait)
- Nemo Cove (Cove)
- Neny Bay (Bay)
- Neny Island (Island)
- Neozhidannyj Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Neptun Island (Island)
- Neptunes Bellows (Channel)
- Nerpa, ostrov (Island)
- Nesholmen Island (Island)
- Nesøya (Island)
- Nestling Rock (Rock)
- Neumayer Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Neumayer slope (Continental Slope)
- Neumayer, Cape (Cape)
- Neupokoyev Bight (Bight)
- Neves, punta (Point)
- Nevskaja, kotlovina (Basin)
- New Bedford Inlet (Inlet)
- New College Valley (Valley)
- New Glacier (Glacier)
- New Harbor (Harbour)
- New Plymouth (Bay)
- New Rock (Rock)
- New World Point (Point)
- Newburgh Point (Point)
- Newcomb Bay (Bay)
- Newell Point (Point)
- Newman Island (Island)
- Newman Shoal (Shoal)
- Newport Point (Point)
- Newton Island (Island)
- Neyt Point (Cape)
- Neyt, Caleta (Cove)
- Niban-higasi Iwa (Cape)
- Niban-nisi Iwa (Cape)
- Niblets, The (Hill(s))
- Nicholl Head (Headland)
- Nicholson Island (Island)
- Nicholson Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Nickols Island (Island)
- Nielsen Fjord (Fjord)
- Nielsen Glacier (Glacier)
- Nigg Rock (Rock)
- Nigger Head (Headland)
- Nikolaeva, buhta (Bay)
- Nikolaja Zubova, zaliv (Bay)
- Niles Island (Island)
- Nilsen Bay (Bay)
- Nimrod Glacier (Glacier)
- Nimrod Passage (Passage)
- Nishino-seto Strait (Strait)
- Nishino-ura Cove (Cove)
- Nisi-Teøya (Island)
- Niujiao Jian (Point)
- Niutou Bandao (Peninsula)
- Niuzai Wan (Bay)
- Niznik Island (Island)
- Nob Island (Island)
- Noble Rocks (Rock)
- Noble, Point (Point)
- Noire, Pointe (Point)
- Nøkkel Island (Island)
- Nøkkelholmane Islands (Archipelago)
- Nolan Island (Island)
- Nomad Rock (Rock)
- Noonan Cove (Cove)
- Nora Island (Island)
- Nord Island (Island)
- Nordbukta (Bay)
- Nordenskjold Basin (Basin)
- Nordenskjöld Basin (Basin)
- Nordenskjöld Channel (Channel)
- Nordkap (Cape)
- Nordpassage (Passage)
- Norma Cove (Cove)
- Normanna Reef (Reef)
- Norris Island (Island)
- Norsel Bank (Bank)
- Norsel Point (Point)
- Norsel, Rock (Rock)
- Norseman Point (Point)
- North Bay (Bay)
- North Beach (Beach)
- North Cliff (Cliffs)
- North Spit (Spit)
- North Weddell Ridge (Ridge)
- North, Cape (Cape)
- Northern Weddell Sea (Sea)
- Northrop, Cape (Cape)
- Northrup Head (Headland)
- Northstar Island (Island)
- Northtrap Rocks (Rock)
- Norvegia Bank (Bank)
- Norway Bight (Bight)
- Norway Rocks (Rock)
- Nøst Island (Island)
- Nottarp Glacier (Glacier)
- Notter Point (Point)
- Novel Rock (Rock)
- Noville Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Novosad Island (Island)
- Novosilskiy, Cape (Cape)
- Novyy Island (Island)
- Nozzle, The (Trough)
- Numbat Island (Island)
- Nunatak Chico, islotes (Archipelago)
- Nuñez Point (Point)
- Nunn Island (Island)
- Nupkins Island (Island)
- Nursery Glacier (Glacier)
- Nusser Island (Island)
- Nutt, Cape (Cape)
- Nye Islands (Archipelago)
- Nygren Point (Point)
- O. Kocebu, ostrov (Island)
- O’Brien Peak (Hill(s))
- Oakeley, Cape (Cape)
- Oates Bank (Bank)
- Oates Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Ob'' Bay (Bay)
- Ob' Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Ob Passage (Passage)
- Obelisk, Cape (Cape)
- Obligado, cabo (Cape)
- Obligado, península (Peninsula)
- Obrecht Pyramid (Mount)
- O''Brien Bay (Bay)
- O''Brien Island (Island)
- Obrivistyj Island (Island)
- Observation Island (Island)
- Observatory Creek (Stream)
- Oca Balda, península (Peninsula)
- O''Cain Point (Point)
- Ocoa Point (Point)
- O''Connor Island (Island)
- Odd I-revet (Reef)
- Oddenskjera (Island)
- Oddvika (Bay)
- Odera, península (Peninsula)
- Odom Inlet (Inlet)
- Ôgi Beach (Beach)
- O''Gorman Rocks (Rock)
- OGS Explora Mounds (Mound)
- Ohlin Island (Island)
- Ojo, islote (Island)
- Okuma Bay (Bay)
- Old Mans Head (Headland)
- Old Penguin Rookery (Area)
- Oldham Island (Island)
- Oldroyd Island (Island)
- Oliphant Islands (Archipelago)
- Oliver Island (Island)
- Olivine Point (Point)
- Olson Island (Island)
- Oluf Rocks (Rock)
- Ombú, bahía (Bay)
- Omega Cove (Cove)
- Omega Island (Island)
- Omega, Cape (Cape)
- Omel''chenko, buhta (Bay)
- Omicron Islands (Archipelago)
- Ommanney Bay (Bay)
- Ommanney Glacier (Glacier)
- Ommundsen Island (Island)
- Ondori Island (Island)
- O''Neill Point (Point)
- Ongley Island (Island)
- Ongul Island (Island)
- Ongul Oki-no-sima (Island)
- Ongul Sound (Sound)
- Ongulgalten Island (Island)
- Ongulkalven Island (Island)
- Oom Bay (Bay)
- Oom Island (Island)
- Opasnaya Bay (Bay)
- Opornyy Point (Point)
- Orca Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Orca Sound (Sound)
- Orca, islotes (Archipelago)
- Ore Point (Point)
- Oreshek, banka (Bank)
- Organpipe Point (Point)
- Orheim Point (Point)
- Orión Passage (Passage)
- Orión Point (Point)
- Orléans Strait (Strait)
- Orne Harbor (Harbour)
- Orne Islands (Archipelago)
- Ørnen Rocks (Rock)
- Ornithologists Creek (Channel)
- Orques, Chenal des (Channel)
- Orr Island (Island)
- Ortiz Island (Island)
- Ortiz, Punta (Point)
- Orton Reef (Reef)
- Orwell Bight (Bight)
- OSA-Bucht (Bay)
- Oscar Cove (Cove)
- Oscar Point (Point)
- Osen Cove (Cove)
- Oshiage Beach (Beach)
- Osmar Island (Island)
- Osores, seno (Bay)
- Osøya (Island)
- Ostbucht (Bight)
- Ostrovnaja Bay (Bay)
- Ostryj, Cape (Cape)
- Ostryy Point (Point)
- Otaño, caleta (Cove)
- Otkrytaya Bay (Bay)
- Otkrytij, buhta (Bay)
- Otome Point (Point)
- Otter Passage (Passage)
- Otterbukta (Bay)
- Ouellette Island (Island)
- Ouest, Chenal (Channel)
- Outcast Islands (Archipelago)
- Outer Island (Island)
- Outlaw Rock (Rock)
- Overlapping claim South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands: United Kingdom / Argentina part of the Southern Ocean (Marine Region)
- Oviedo Cove (Cove)
- Owen Island (Island)
- Owston Islands (Archipelago)
- Oyako Islands (Archipelago)
- Oyayubi Island (Island)
- Oyayubi Point (Point)
- Øygarden Group (Archipelago)
- Ozhidaniya Cove (Cove)
- Pabellón Island (Island)
- Pacheco, punta (Point)
- Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean (General Sea Area)
- Padda Island (Island)
- Page, Cape (Cape)
- Pageant Point (Point)
- Painters Cove (Cove)
- Palaver Point (Point)
- Palermo, punta (Point)
- Palmer Archipelago (Archipelago)
- Palmer Basin (Basin)
- Palmer Bay (Bay)
- Palmer Inlet (Inlet)
- Palmer Point (Point)
- Palmer, Cape (Cape)
- Paloma, punta (Point)
- Palosuo Islands (Archipelago)
- Pampa Passage (Passage)
- Pampero, islote (Island)
- Pandemonium Point (Point)
- Pankratz Bay (Bay)
- Panorama Point (Point)
- Panova, mys (Cape)
- Pantomime Point (Point)
- Papua Island (Island)
- Paradise Ridge (Ridge)
- Paragon Point (Point)
- Parallactic Island (Island)
- Parallactic Islands (Archipelago)
- Parasite Bay (Bay)
- Paredón Negro, ensenada (Channel)
- Parker Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Parr, Cape (Cape)
- Parry Cliff (Cliffs)
- Parry Patch (Shoal)
- Parry Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Partizan Island (Island)
- Parvenu Point (Point)
- Pascal Island (Island)
- Paso, punta (Point)
- Passage Rock (Rock)
- Pasteur Island (Island)
- Pasteur Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Pastorizo Bay (Bay)
- Pata de perro, península (Peninsula)
- Patagonia Bay (Bay)
- Patcha Point (Point)
- Patella Island (Island)
- Paternostro Glacier (Glacier)
- Paterson Islands (Archipelago)
- Patience Rocks (Rock)
- Paton Peak (Hill(s))
- Patricia Islands (Archipelago)
- Patrick Point (Point)
- Patterson Rock (Rock)
- Paul Islands (Archipelago)
- Paulding Bay (Bay)
- Pauling Islands (Archipelago)
- Paumelle Point (Point)
- Pavie, cabo (Cape)
- Pavie, isla (Island)
- Paz Cove (Cove)
- Pchelka Island (Island)
- Peace Island (Island)
- Peacock Sound (Sound)
- Péage Island (Island)
- Peake-Jones Rock (Rock)
- Peale Inlet (Inlet)
- Pear Island (Island)
- Pearl Rocks (Rock)
- Pebbly Mudstone Island (Island)
- Pedersen, Chenal (Channel)
- Pegmatite Point (Point)
- Pelayo, cabo (Cape)
- Pelletan Point (Point)
- Pelorus Ridge (Ridge)
- Pelseneer Island (Island)
- Pelusa, Punta (Point)
- Peña, punta (Point)
- Penal Bay (Bay)
- Peñascos, punta (Point)
- Penck, Cape (Cape)
- Pendleton Strait (Strait)
- Penelope Point (Point)
- Penglai Bandao (Peninsula)
- Penguin Beach (Beach)
- Penguin Bight (Bight)
- Penguin Island (Island)
- Pennell Bank (Bank)
- Pennell Coast (Coast)
- Penney Bay (Bay)
- Penny Point (Point)
- Penola Island (Island)
- Penola Strait (Strait)
- Peoples Rocks (Rock)
- Pépin, Cape (Cape)
- Per Rock (Rock)
- Peralta Rocks (Rock)
- Peralta, caleta (Cove)
- Perce Point (Point)
- Perch Island (Island)
- Perekhodnyj, Cape (Cape)
- Peremennyy, Cape (Cape)
- Pereyra, caleta (Cove)
- Pérez, Cape (Cape)
- Perez, islotes (Archipelago)
- Periphery Point (Point)
- Perrier Bay (Bay)
- Perro, punta (Point)
- Perry Bay (Bay)
- Persson Island (Island)
- Pesce Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Pesets Island (Island)
- Pesky Rocks (Rock)
- Peters Island (Island)
- Petersen Bank (Bank)
- Petersen Island (Island)
- Petersen, Cape (Cape)
- Petite Ile (Island)
- Petra Chaplina, mys (Point)
- Petrel Cove (Cove)
- Pétrel Island (Island)
- Petrified Forest Creek (Channel)
- Petrov Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Petter Bay (Bay)
- Petty Rocks (Rock)
- Pfaff Island (Island)
- Pfrogner Point (Point)
- Phantom Point (Point)
- Phelps Island (Island)
- Phelps Promontory (Promontory)
- Phelps Rock (Rock)
- Philbin Inlet (Inlet)
- Philippi Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Philippi, Cape (Cape)
- Philippibank (Bank)
- Phillips, Cape (Cape)
- Phils Island (Island)
- Phoque Island (Island)
- Phoques-de-Weddel, Cap des (Cape)
- Photogrammetry Point (Point)
- Physeter Rocks (Rock)
- Pi Islands (Archipelago)
- Piccard Cove (Cove)
- Pichón, islotes (Archipelago)
- Pickwick Island (Island)
- Picnic Passage (Passage)
- Pidgeon Island (Island)
- Piedras Point (Point)
- Pierre Lejay, Baie (Bay)
- Pig Rock (Rock)
- Piggott Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Pigmy Rock (Rock)
- Pillar Rock (Rock)
- Piloto Pardo, Islas (Archipelago)
- Pincer Point (Point)
- Pine Island Bay (Bay)
- Pine Island Trough (Trough)
- Pinel Point (Point)
- Piñero Island (Island)
- Pingüinera, Rada (Bay)
- Pinn Island (Island)
- Pinnacle Rock (Rock)
- Pintado Island (Island)
- Pionerflaket (Sea floor)
- Pipkin Rock (Rock)
- Pique, punta (Point)
- Pirie Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Piris, punta (Point)
- Pissano, punta (Point)
- Pitman Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Piton Island (Island)
- Pitt Islands (Archipelago)
- Pitt Point (Point)
- Pjatnenkova, mys (Cape)
- Plaice Island (Island)
- Planck Point (Point)
- Plano, islote (Island)
- Plata Passage (Passage)
- Plato Island (Island)
- Platt Point (Point)
- Plaza Point (Point)
- Pléneau Island (Island)
- Plenty, Cape (Cape)
- Ploskij, ostrov (Island)
- Plough Island (Island)
- Plumb Bob Point (Point)
- Plunket Point (Point)
- Pluton Island (Island)
- Pobeda Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Pod Rocks (Rock)
- Podlëdnaja, vpadina (Subglacial basin)
- Pōhā Hill (Hill(s))
- Pohau Hill (Hill(s))
- Poinsett, Cape (Cape)
- Point Disappointment (Point)
- Pointers, The (Rock)
- Polar Bear Point (Point)
- Polar Sea, Cape (Cape)
- Polar Star, Cape (Cape)
- Polar-3-Halbinsel (Peninsula)
- Polarbjørnbukta (Bay)
- Polarhav, Baie (Bay)
- Polarsirkel Valley (Valley)
- Polarsirkelbukta (Cove)
- Polarstern Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Polarstern Plateau (Plateau)
- Polish Bluff (Bluff)
- Polish Navy Point (Point)
- Pollholmen (Island)
- Pollock, Cape (Cape)
- Pollux, Ilot (Island)
- Pologij Island (Island)
- Polonez Cove (Cove)
- Polynesia Point (Point)
- Ponce Island (Island)
- Ponting Cliff (Cliffs)
- Ponton Island (Island)
- Popa, punta (Point)
- Popova, mys (Cape)
- Popp Island (Island)
- Porphyry Bluff (Bluff)
- Porphyry Cove (Cove)
- Porpoise Basin (Basin)
- Porpoise Bay (Bay)
- Porpoise Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Port Martin /Fr./ (Anchorage)
- Portal Point (Point)
- Porteous Point (Point)
- Poryadin Island (Island)
- Posadovsky Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Posadowsky Bay (Bay)
- Posadowskybai (Bay)
- Possession Island (Island)
- Possession Islands (Archipelago)
- Possession, Cape (Cape)
- Post Office Hill (Hill(s))
- Poste Point (Point)
- Potaka Inlet (Inlet)
- Potmess Rocks (Rock)
- Potter Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Pottinger Point (Point)
- Pourquoi Pas Point (Point)
- Powder Island (Island)
- Powell Basin (Basin)
- Powell Channel (Channel)
- Powell Cove (Cove)
- Powell Point (Point)
- Powell Rock (Rock)
- Pram Point (Point)
- Pram Point Bay (Bay)
- Pranke Island (Island)
- Pravdy, bereg (Mount)
- Pré, Baie du (Bay)
- Precious Peaks (Peak)
- Prehn Peninsula (Peninsula)
- President Beaches (Beach)
- President Head (Headland)
- Pressure Bay (Bay)
- Preston Island (Island)
- Preston Point (Point)
- Prestrud Bank (Bank)
- Prestrud Inlet (Inlet)
- Prestrud Rock (Rock)
- Pribylova, zaliv (Bay)
- Priddy Promontory (Promontory)
- Priest Island (Island)
- Prime Head (Headland)
- Primera Junta, punta (Point)
- Prince Albert I Bank (Bank)
- Prince Harald Coast (Coast)
- Princess Elizabeth Trough (Trough)
- Prior Island (Island)
- Prioress Island (Island)
- Proa, punta (Point)
- Prominentes, islas (Archipelago)
- Prong Point (Point)
- Proshchal''nyj, zaliv (Bay)
- Proshchaniya Bay (Bay)
- Prospect Point (Point)
- Prospect Spur (Ridge)
- Protalina, buhta (Bay)
- Protection Cove (Cove)
- Proval, vpadina (Subglacial basin)
- Providence Cove (Cove)
- Pryamougol''naya Bay (Bay)
- Prydz Channel (Channel)
- Przybyszewski Island (Island)
- Psi Islands (Archipelago)
- Pt''ich''je, Cape (Cape)
- Pucher, Cabo (Cape)
- Puffball Islands (Archipelago)
- Puget Rock (Rock)
- Pullen Island (Island)
- Pup Cove (Cove)
- Pup Rock (Rock)
- Purdy Point (Point)
- Pursuit Point (Point)
- Purvis, Cape (Cape)
- Putuo Wan (Bay)
- Puzzle Islands (Archipelago)
- Py Point (Point)
- Pylon Point (Point)
- Pyne Glacier (Glacier)
- Pyramid Island (Island)
- Pyramid Ponds (Lake)
- Pyramid Rock (Rock)
- Pyramid Trough (Valley)
- Pyrites Island (Island)
- Pyrox Island (Island)
- Pyroxenite Promontory (Promontory)
- Pythia Island (Island)
- Qixiangxuejia Wan (Bay)
- Quar Basin (Basin)
- Quartermain Point (Point)
- Quebrada, punta (Point)
- Queen Mary Coast (Coast)
- Query Island (Island)
- Quest Channel (Channel)
- Quijada, isla (Island)
- Quilp Rock (Rock)
- Quilty Bay (Bay)
- Quintana Island (Island)
- Quintero, caleta (Cove)
- Quinton Point (Point)
- Quirihue, Islas (Archipelago)
- Rabot Island (Island)
- Rabot Point (Point)
- Racovitza Islands (Archipelago)
- Radford Island (Island)
- Radigan Point (Point)
- Rae, Point (Point)
- Rahir Point (Cape)
- Raised Beach (Beach)
- Raketa, poluostrov (Peninsula)
- Rakusa Point (Point)
- Rallier Channel (Channel)
- Rallier Island (Island)
- Ramage Point (Point)
- Rambler Harbor (Harbour)
- Rambler Island (Island)
- Rameau Inlet (Inlet)
- Ramírez Island (Island)
- Ramirez, cabo (Cape)
- Ramirez, lengua de hielo (Cape)
- Ramona, islotes (Archipelago)
- Ramos, Ensenada (Bay)
- Rancho Point (Point)
- Randall Rocks (Rock)
- Randy Point (Point)
- Ranebukta (Bay)
- Ranfurly Point (Point)
- Ranvik Bay (Bay)
- Ranvik Island (Island)
- Rasmussen Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Raudberget (Mount)
- Raudvika (Bay)
- Rauer Deep (Deep)
- Rauer Group (Archipelago)
- Ravin Bay (Bay)
- Ravn Rock (Rock)
- Ray Promontory (Promontory)
- Rayner Point (Point)
- Raz, Pointe du (Point)
- Razdel''naja, otmel'' (Bank)
- Razlom Point (Point)
- Razorback Islands (Archipelago)
- Razorback Ridge (Ridge)
- Recess Cove (Cove)
- Reclus Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Reclus, Cap (Cape)
- Recodo, seno (Bay)
- Recta, Costa (Coast)
- Red Bay (Bay)
- Red Island (Island)
- Red Rock Ridge (Ridge)
- Redfearn Island (Island)
- Redonda, bahía (Bay)
- Redonda, isla (Is. Shetland del Sur) (Island)
- Redondo Point (Point)
- Redondo, Islote (Island)
- Redshaw Point (Point)
- Reeve Island (Island)
- Reeves Bluffs (Bluff)
- Reeves Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Reference Islands (Archipelago)
- Refuge Islands (Archipelago)
- Regent Reef (Reef)
- Regreso, punta (Point)
- Reichelderfer, Cape (Cape)
- Reid Island (Island)
- Relay Bay (Bay)
- Relief Inlet (Inlet)
- Reluctant Island (Island)
- Remolinos, bahía (Bay)
- Renard, Cape (Cape)
- Renaud Island (Island)
- Renier Point (Point)
- Rennick Basin (Basin)
- Rennick Bay (Bay)
- Rennick Trough (Trough)
- Rescapé Islands (Archipelago)
- Ressac Island (Island)
- Rethval Point (Point)
- Retour Island (Island)
- Retreat, Point (Point)
- Return Point (Point)
- Reusch Glacier (Glacier)
- Revelle Inlet (Inlet)
- Revsnes (Island)
- Revsnes Island (Island)
- Rey, Cape (Cape)
- Reyes Spit (Spit)
- Reynolds Strait (Strait)
- Reynolds, Cape (Cape)
- Rho Islands (Archipelago)
- Rhodes Head (Headland)
- Rhodes Peak (Hill(s))
- Rhyolite Head (Headland)
- Rhyolite Islands (Archipelago)
- Ricardo, islote (Island)
- Richard Point (Point)
- Richards Cove (Cove)
- Richards Inlet (Inlet)
- Richardson Island (Island)
- Riddle Islands (Archipelago)
- Ridge Island (Island)
- Ridley Beach (Beach)
- Ridley Island (Island)
- Rieckvorgebirge (Mount)
- Rigel Skerries (Archipelago)
- Rigsby Islands (Archipelago)
- Riiser-Larsen Basin (Basin)
- Riiser-Larsen Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Riiser-Larsen Sea (Sea)
- Rila Point (Point)
- Ring Rock (Rock)
- Rink Point (Point)
- Rinner Trough (Trough)
- Rip Point (Point)
- Riquelme, Punta (Point)
- Riser-Larsena, more (Mount)
- Risk Rock (Rock)
- Ritchie Point (Point)
- Ritscher Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Riu-o-Te-Ata Valley (Valley)
- Rivero, punta (Point)
- Road Bay (Bay)
- Robb Glacier (Glacier)
- Robbery Beaches (Beach)
- Robbins Island (Island)
- Robbio, islote (Island)
- Robert Point (Point)
- Robert Pommier, Baie (Bay)
- Robert, Cape (Cape)
- Roberts Inlet (Inlet)
- Roberts, Cape (Cape)
- Robertson Bay (Bay)
- Robertson Channel (Channel)
- Robertson Island (Island)
- Robertson Islands (Archipelago)
- Robertson, Cape (Cape)
- Robinson Bay (Bay)
- Robinson Group (Archipelago)
- Robinson, Cape (Cape)
- Robles, punta (Point)
- Roca Islands (Archipelago)
- Roca, Cape (Cape)
- Rocca Islands (Archipelago)
- Rocher Gris, Le (Bank)
- Rock Haven (Harbour)
- Rockpepper Bay (Bay)
- Rocky Cove (Cove)
- Rocky Point (Point)
- Rocosa, Punta (Point)
- Rodgers Point (Point)
- Rodman Cove (Cove)
- Rodman Passage (Passage)
- Rodríguez, Ensenada (Bay)
- Roe Island (Island)
- Rogatka Strait (Strait)
- Roget Rocks (Rock)
- Roget, Cape (Cape)
- Röhss Bay (Bay)
- Roi Leopold III, Baie (Bay)
- Rojas Cove (Cove)
- Rojas, Punta (Point)
- Rol, Cape (Cape)
- Roland Bay (Bay)
- Rollet Island (Island)
- Roman Four Promontory (Promontory)
- Romanes Beach (Beach)
- Romeo Island (Island)
- Romero Rock (Rock)
- Romero, punta (Point)
- Ronde Island (Island)
- Rongel Point (Point)
- Ronne Basin (Basin)
- Ronne Entrance (Entrance)
- Rookery Island (Island)
- Roosevelt Island (Island)
- Rootes Point (Point)
- Roper Point (Point)
- Roquemaurel, Cape (Cape)
- Rosa Rock (Rock)
- Rosario, cabo (Cape)
- Roscoe Promontory (Promontory)
- Rose Point (Point)
- Rose Rock (Rock)
- Rosenau Head (Headland)
- Rosenthal Islands (Archipelago)
- Rosenthal Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Rosler Skerry (Rock)
- Ross Bank (Bank)
- Ross Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Ross Point (Point)
- Ross Sea (Sea)
- Ross Sea Bottom Water (Water mass)
- Ross Sea Drift D1 (Drift)
- Ross Sea Drift D2 (Drift)
- Ross Sea Drift M1 (Drift)
- Ross Sea Drift M2 (Drift)
- Ross Sea Drift M3 (Drift)
- Ross Sea Drift MC1 (Drift)
- Ross Sea Drift MC2 (Drift)
- Ross, Cape (Cape)
- Ross, Islas (Archipelago)
- Rossa Point (Point)
- Rossini Point (Point)
- Rossyp'', otmel'' (Bank)
- Rostand Island (Island)
- Rothera Point (Point)
- Rothschild Island (Island)
- Rouch Point (Point)
- Roullin Point (Point)
- Round Bay (Bay)
- Round Island (Island)
- Round Point (Point)
- Roundel Point (Point)
- Rouse Islands (Archipelago)
- Rouse, Cape (Cape)
- Route Point (Point)
- Roux Island (Island)
- Roux, Cape (Cape)
- Row Island (Island)
- Rowe Point (Point)
- Rowett Island (Island)
- Rowett, Fondeadero (Bay)
- Rozas, Isla (Island)
- Rozhen Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Rozo Point (Point)
- Rubio, punta (Point)
- Rudmose Rocks (Rock)
- Rudolphy Point (Point)
- Rugged Rocks (Rock)
- Ruin Point (Point)
- Rum Cove (Cove)
- Rumbler Rock (Rock)
- Rumpa Island (Island)
- Runaway Island (Island)
- Runciman Rock (Rock)
- Rund Island (Island)
- Rundingen (Cape)
- Rundvåg Bay (Bay)
- Rundvågs Head (Headland)
- Runnelstone Rock (Rock)
- Russell Bay (Bay)
- Russell, Cape (Cape)
- Russeskaget (Headland)
- Russkogo Soldata, buhta (Bay)
- Rusty Bluff (Cliffs)
- Rybachiy, Cape (Cape)
- Rybij Khvost Gulf (Gulf)
- Rybnaya Inlet (Inlet)
- Rydberg Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Ryder Bay (Bay)
- Ryge Rocks (Rock)
- Rymill Bay (Bay)
- Rymill, Cape (Cape)
- Ryrie Rock (Rock)
- Ryswyck Island (Island)
- Ryswyck Point (Point)
- Ryugu, Cape (Cape)
- Ryûgû-kita Misaki (Cape)
- Ryûgû-nisi Misaki (Cape)
- Rzepecki Islands (Archipelago)
- Saavedra Rock (Rock)
- Saavedra, punta (Point)
- Sabrina Island (Island)
- Sabugo, Bajo (Bay)
- Sack Island (Island)
- Saddle Island (Island)
- Sadler Point (Point)
- Sadler Stacks (Stack(s))
- Sáenz, Cape (Cape)
- Safety Island (Island)
- Saffery Islands (Archipelago)
- Sail Rock (Rock)
- Sails, Bay of (Bay)
- Saint Rita Point (Point)
- Sainte-Blanche, Ilot de la (Island)
- Saint-Exupéry Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Saint-Exupéry Guyot (Guyot)
- Sakellari Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Salas, punta (Point)
- Salient Rock (Rock)
- Sally Cove (Cove)
- Sally Rocks (Rock)
- Salmon Bay (Bay)
- Salmon Cove (Cove)
- Salmon Island (Island)
- Salmon Stream (Stream)
- Salpêtrière Bay (Bay)
- Salvador Reyes, Caleta (Cove)
- Salvesen Cove (Cove)
- Salvesen, cabo (Cape)
- Samojlova, mys (Cape)
- Samojlovicha Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Samuel Point (Point)
- San Carlos Point (Point)
- San Eladio Point (Point)
- San Felipe, islotes (Archipelago)
- San Luis, punta (Point)
- San Martin Canyon (Canyon(s))
- San Nicolás, caleta (Cove)
- SANAE Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Sanavirón Island (Island)
- Sanavirón, caleta (Cove)
- Sancha Hai''an (Beach)
- Sanctuary Islands (Archipelago)
- Sandefjord Bay (Bay)
- Sandefjord Bay (Bay)
- Sandefjord Cove (Cove)
- Sandercock Island (Island)
- Sandneset Point (Point)
- Sanjiao Bandao (Peninsula)
- Sansom Islands (Archipelago)
- Sanyuan Dao (Island)
- Sapozhok Island (Island)
- Sapper Hill (Hill(s))
- Sara, islote (Island)
- Sartorius Point (Point)
- Sastrugi, Cape (Cape)
- Satgat Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Saturn Island (Island)
- Saunders Bank (Bank)
- Saunders Point (Point)
- Sawadowskij Hukk (Cape)
- Sawert Rocks (Rock)
- Sawyer Island (Island)
- Sayen Rocks (Rock)
- Scallop Hill (Hill(s))
- Scalpel Point (Point)
- Scapa Rock (Rock)
- Scar Bluffs (Bluff)
- Scar Inlet (Inlet)
- Scend Rocks (Rock)
- Schaefer Islands (Archipelago)
- Schepelsturmkliff (Island)
- Scheuren Stream (Stream)
- Schiffsbucht (Bay)
- Schist Point (Point)
- Schlossbach, Cape (Cape)
- Schmidt Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Schneider Rock (Rock)
- Schokalsky Bay (Bay)
- Scholander Island (Island)
- Schott Inlet (Inlet)
- Schubert Inlet (Inlet)
- Schule Island (Island)
- Schulz Point (Point)
- Schulze Cove (Cove)
- Schutzhafen (Harbour)
- Schwabenland Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Scotia Bank (Bank)
- Scotia Bay (Bay)
- Scott Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Scott Cone (Rock)
- Scott Guyot (Guyot)
- Scott Island Bank (Bank)
- Scott Keltie Glacier (Glacier)
- Scott Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Scott Seamounts (Seamount(s))
- Scott Shoal (Shoal)
- Scott, Cape (Cape)
- Scree Cove (Cove)
- Screen Islands (Archipelago)
- Scrymgeour, Cape (Cape)
- Scud Rock (Rock)
- Sea Leopard Patch (Sea)
- Seabee Hook (Headland)
- Seal Bay (Bay)
- Seal Cove (Cove)
- Seal Point (Point)
- Seal Point (Point)
- Seal Point (Point)
- Seal Rocks (Rock)
- Sealers Passage (Passage)
- Seals, Bay of (Bay)
- Seaplane Point (Point)
- Seaver, punta (Point)
- Security Bay (Bay)
- Sedov, Cape (Cape)
- Seelig Peak (Hill(s))
- Seelig Saddle (Saddle)
- Segovia, caleta (Cove)
- Selborne, Cape (Cape)
- Seligman Inlet (Inlet)
- Selle, Ilot de la (Island)
- Selskjera (Island)
- Selvick Cove (Cove)
- Semërka, buhta (Bay)
- Senia Point (Point)
- Señoret, Islotes (Archipelago)
- Sentinel Islands (Archipelago)
- Sentry Cove (Cove)
- Sentry Rocks (Rock)
- Seorak Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Sepúlveda Point (Point)
- Seraph Bay (Bay)
- Serp, ostrov (Island)
- Serrano, Punta (Point)
- Serrucho, punta (Point)
- Seryj, Cape (Cape)
- Shackleton Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Shackleton Glacier (Glacier)
- Shackleton Inlet (Inlet)
- Shag Point (Point)
- Shag Rock (Rock)
- Shagnasty Island (Island)
- Shandong Bandao (Peninsula)
- Shanty Point (Point)
- Sharbonneau, Cape (Cape)
- Shark Island (Island)
- Shaula Island (Island)
- Shaw Islands (Archipelago)
- Shcherbinina Island (Island)
- Shear Cliff (Cliffs)
- Shearer Stack (Rock)
- Sheehan Islands (Archipelago)
- Sheelagh Islands (Archipelago)
- Sheffield, Cape (Cape)
- Sheila Cove (Cove)
- Shelter Cove (Cove)
- Shelton Head (Headland)
- Shennong Wan (Bay)
- Shenzhou Wan (Bay)
- Shepard Island (Island)
- Sheppard Point (Point)
- Sherlac Point (Point)
- Sherman Island (Island)
- Sherratt Bay (Bay)
- Sherrell Point (Point)
- Shhernye, ostrova (Archipelago)
- Shimen Bandao (Peninsula)
- Shingle Cove (Cove)
- Shipley Glacier Tongue (Glacier)
- Shirase Bank (Bank)
- Shirase Kaitei-koku (Trench)
- Shirley Island (Island)
- Shirokaya Bay (Bay)
- Shirreff Cove (Cove)
- Shirreff, Cape (Cape)
- Shiver Point (Point)
- Shleif Island (Island)
- Shmidt Point (Point)
- Short Island (Island)
- Shortcut Island (Island)
- Shostakovich Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Shrove Cove (Cove)
- Shuangfeng Dao (Island)
- Shull Rocks (Rock)
- Shults Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Shumskiy Cove (Cove)
- Sibbald, Cape (Cape)
- Sibiryachka Bay (Bay)
- Siddons Point (Point)
- Siebert Rock (Rock)
- Sierra Island (Island)
- Siffrey Point (Point)
- Sigaren Islands (Archipelago)
- Siglin Rocks (Rock)
- Sigma Islands (Archipelago)
- Sigma Point (Point)
- Sigrid, Islotes (Archipelago)
- Sillard Islands (Archipelago)
- Silva Island (Island)
- Silva, Islote (Island)
- Silverfish Bay (Bay)
- Silvia Rock (Rock)
- Simo-kama (Bay)
- Simonov, Cape (Cape)
- Simonova, zaliv (Bay)
- Simpson Glacier Tongue (Glacier)
- Simpson Head (Headland)
- Simpson Rocks (Rock)
- Simpson, Cape (Cape)
- Sims Island (Island)
- Sinbad Rock (Rock)
- Single Island (Island)
- Siniff Bay (Bay)
- Sinjaja, buhta (Bay)
- Sinker Rock (Rock)
- Siren Bay (Bay)
- Sirius Islands (Archipelago)
- Sirohi Point (Point)
- Sisters, The (Rock)
- Skagen Point (Point)
- Skallevik Point (Point)
- Skallevika (Bay)
- Skeen Rocks (Rock)
- Skelton Inlet (Inlet)
- Skep Point (Point)
- Skey Hill (Hill(s))
- Skilling Island (Island)
- Skjønsbergskarvet (Island)
- Skodern, Baie du (Bay)
- Skolteskjeret (Island)
- Skontorp Cove (Cove)
- Skottsberg Point (Point)
- Skrjabina, mys (Cape)
- Skua Creek (Channel)
- Skuabucht (Bay)
- Slab Island (Island)
- Slab Point (Point)
- Slava Ice Shelf (Shelf)
- Slava, zaliv (Bay)
- Slon Island (Island)
- Slumkey Island (Island)
- Small Island (Island)
- Small Rock (Rock)
- Småskeidet (Headland)
- Smellie, Point (Point)
- Smelykh Island (Island)
- Smiggers Island (Island)
- Smirnova, mys (Cape)
- Smitch Point (Point)
- Smith Bluffs (Bluff)
- Smith Islands (Archipelago)
- Smith Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Smith Point (Point)
- Smith Rocks (Rock)
- Smith, Cape (Cape)
- Smolyan Point (Point)
- Smooth Island (Island)
- Smyley Island (Island)
- Snag Rocks (Rock)
- Snezhnyy Bay (Bay)
- Snodgrass Island (Island)
- Snowy Point (Point)
- Snubbin Island (Island)
- Snug Cove (Cove)
- Snyder Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Sobral Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Sobral, Cape (Cape)
- Sodruzhestva, more (Mount)
- Sögen Island (Island)
- Soglasija, ostrova (Archipelago)
- Solberg Inlet (Inlet)
- Soldaditos, punta (Point)
- Soldat Island (Island)
- Solitary Island (Island)
- Solo Peak (Peak)
- Solo Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Solomon Island (Island)
- Solstreif Island (Island)
- Solus Island (Island)
- Sombrío, islote (Island)
- Somerville Island (Island)
- Sommers, punta (Point)
- Somov Sea (Sea)
- Somova, more (Mount)
- Sonia Point (Point)
- Sooty Rock (Rock)
- Sørbukta (Bay)
- Sore Thumb (Rock)
- Sørensen Bluff (Bluff)
- Sorge Island (Island)
- Sørlle, Cape (Cape)
- Sorokina, ostrov (Island)
- Søstrene Islands (Archipelago)
- Sotomayor Island (Island)
- Sotos Point (Point)
- Sotovyj, poluostrov (Peninsula)
- Sound, The (Passage)
- South Bay (Bay)
- South Beach (Beach)
- South Beaches (Beach)
- South Cape (Cape)
- South East Point (Point)
- South Indian Basin (Basin)
- South Orkney Islands (Archipelago)
- South Orkney Plateau (Plateau)
- South Orkney Trough (Trough)
- South Pacific Intermediate Water (Water mass)
- South Pacific Rise (Rise)
- South Sandwich Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- South Scotia Ridge (Ridge)
- South Shetland Trough (Trough)
- South Spit (Spit)
- South Stream (Stream)
- South West Arm (Arm)
- South West Point (Point)
- Southard Promontory (Promontory)
- Southard, Cape (Cape)
- Southeast Pacific Basin (Basin)
- Southern Ocean Deep (General Sea Area)
- Southtrap Rock (Rock)
- Southwest Pacific Antarctic (General Sea Area)
- Southwind Passage (Passage)
- Sôya Kaigan (Coast)
- Spaatz Island (Island)
- Spallanzani Point (Point)
- Spano Island (Island)
- Spark Point (Point)
- Sparkes Bay (Bay)
- Spath Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Spaulding Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Spaull Point (Point)
- Spayd Island (Island)
- Speden Bench (Ledge(s))
- Speerschneider Point (Point)
- Speil Point (Point)
- Spence Harbor (Harbour)
- Spencer Bluff (Bluff)
- Spencer Island (Island)
- Spencer, Cape (Cape)
- Spencer-Smith, Cape (Cape)
- Spera Cove (Cove)
- Sperring Point (Point)
- Spert Island (Island)
- Sphinx Island (Island)
- Sphinx Rock (Rock)
- Spieden, Cape (Cape)
- Spike Cape (Cape)
- Spilhaus Inlet (Inlet)
- Spiller Cove (Cove)
- Spindrift Rocks (Rock)
- Spine Island (Island)
- Spirit, Cape (Cape)
- Spirtle Rock (Rock)
- Spit (Spit)
- Spit Point (Point)
- Spit, The (Spit)
- Split Rock (Rock)
- Splitwind Island (Island)
- Spooner Bay (Bay)
- Sprightly Island (Island)
- Springtail Point (Point)
- Spume Island (Island)
- Spur Point (Point)
- Sputnik Islands (Archipelago)
- Square Bay (Bay)
- Square End Island (Island)
- Squire Island (Island)
- Srednij, ostrov (Island)
- Ssangchotdae Hills (Hill(s))
- Ssangdungi Hills (Hill(s))
- St Marie Peak (Hill(s))
- St. Martha Cove (Cove)
- Stack Bay (Bay)
- Stancomb Cove (Cove)
- Standring Inlet (Inlet)
- Stange Sound (Sound)
- Stanley Island (Island)
- Stanley Patch (Shoal)
- Stansbury Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Stanton Group (Mountain range)
- Starfish Cove (Cove)
- Stark Point (Point)
- Stark Rock (Rock)
- Starr Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Start Point (Point)
- Staszek Cove (Cove)
- Station Creek (Channel)
- Stayaway Skerries (Rock)
- Steele Island (Island)
- Steepholm (Island)
- Steeple Point (Point)
- Stefansson Bay (Bay)
- Stefansson Strait (Strait)
- Stein Islands (Archipelago)
- Steinemann Island (Island)
- Steinheil Point (Point)
- Steinnes (Point)
- Stella Creek (Stream)
- Stene Point (Point)
- Stenhouse Bluff (Bluff)
- Stepana Murav''ëva, mys (Cape)
- Stephen Island (Island)
- Steregushchyy, Cape (Cape)
- Sterna Island (Island)
- Sterneck Island (Island)
- Sterneck, Cape (Cape)
- Sterrett Islands (Archipelago)
- Stevens Rock (Rock)
- Stevenson Cove (Cove)
- Stevenson Island (Island)
- Steventon Island (Island)
- Stewart Stacks (Rock)
- Stibbs Bay (Bay)
- Stigant Point (Point)
- Stillwell Island (Island)
- Stinear Island (Island)
- Stinear Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Stinker Point (Point)
- Stipple Rocks (Rock)
- Stoker Island (Island)
- Stoltz Island (Island)
- Stone Point (Point)
- Stonehocker Point (Point)
- Stonehouse Bay (Bay)
- Stoneley Point (Point)
- Stony Point (Point)
- Stopes Point (Point)
- Store Point (Point)
- Storegg Bank (Bank)
- Stornes Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Storozhevoj Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Straggle Islands (Archipelago)
- Strandline Glacier (Glacier)
- Stranger Point (Point)
- Strath Point (Point)
- Stratton Inlet (Inlet)
- Stravinsky Inlet (Inlet)
- Stray Islands (Archipelago)
- Strelka, ostrov (Island)
- Streten, Cape (Cape)
- Striped Island (Island)
- Stripes Promontory (Promontory)
- Stroiteley Islands (Archipelago)
- Stuart Point (Point)
- Stump Rock (Rock)
- Sturm Cove (Cove)
- Stygian Cove (Cove)
- Styles Strait (Strait)
- Suazo, Caleta (Cove)
- Subantarctic Isles (Archipelago)
- Subantarctic Waters (General Sea Area)
- Suchland Islands (Archipelago)
- Sucia, punta (Point)
- Sudakova Island (Island)
- Südpassage (Passage)
- Sugarloaf Island (Island)
- Suipacha, punta (Point)
- Sulzberger Basin (Basin)
- Sulzberger Bay (Bay)
- Sunday Island (Island)
- Sura, Islote (Island)
- Surf Rock (Rock)
- Surge Rocks (Rock)
- Surgeon Island (Island)
- Surko Stream (Stream)
- Surovyj, Cape (Cape)
- Surprise Island (Island)
- Surprise, Cape (Cape)
- Sussy, Islote (Island)
- Suszczewski Cove (Cove)
- Suter Island (Island)
- Sven Rock (Rock)
- Svenner Channel (Channel)
- Svenner Islands (Archipelago)
- Svip Rocks (Rock)
- Swain Islands (Archipelago)
- Swan Point (Point)
- Swan Rock (Rock)
- Swash Reef (Reef)
- Sweeny Inlet (Inlet)
- Swett, Isla (Island)
- Swyers Point (Point)
- Sygit Point (Point)
- Symington Islands (Archipelago)
- Systerflesene Islands (Archipelago)
- Szymanski Cove (Cove)
- Table Island (Island)
- Tac, Punta (Point)
- Tachimachi Point (Point)
- Tadpole Island (Island)
- Tail Island (Island)
- Taiping Wan (Bay)
- Taiyang Dao (Island)
- Takaki Promontory (Promontory)
- Talbott Point (Point)
- Talutis Inlet (Inlet)
- Tama Point (Point)
- Tambor, cabo (Cape)
- Tangaroa Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Tange Promontory (Promontory)
- Tangekilen Bay (Bay)
- Tangent Island (Island)
- Tangholmane (Island)
- Tangøy (Island)
- Tantalus Bluffs (Bluff)
- Tanxianjia Jiao (Reef)
- Tartar Island (Island)
- Tashtego Point (Point)
- Tau Islands (Archipelago)
- Tay Head (Headland)
- Tay, Firth of (Channel)
- Taylor Islands (Archipelago)
- Taylor Point (Point)
- Taynaya Bay (Bay)
- Te Islands (Archipelago)
- Te Puna Roimata Peak (Hill(s))
- Teall Island (Island)
- Teall, Cape (Cape)
- Teigan Island (Island)
- Tektonicheskij, Cape (Cape)
- Telefon Bay (Bay)
- Telefon Point (Point)
- Telefon Rocks (Rock)
- Telerenna (Trough)
- Teliga Island (Island)
- Temnyje Islands (Archipelago)
- Tempêtes, Baie des (Bay)
- Tennyson, Cape (Cape)
- Tenorio Rock (Rock)
- Tergeste Mud Volcano (Mud Volcano)
- Terme Sud (Cape)
- Terminal Island (Island)
- Tern Cove (Cove)
- Terpenija, buhta (Bay)
- Terra Australis, Fondeadero (Bay)
- Terra Firma Islands (Archipelago)
- Terra Nova Bay (Bay)
- Terra Nova Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Terra Nova Glacier (Glacier)
- Terra Nova Islands (Archipelago)
- Terrace (Flat)
- Terrada Point (Point)
- Terror Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Terror Point (Point)
- Terry Peak (Hill(s))
- Tethys Bay (Bay)
- Tetrad Islands (Archipelago)
- Teyssier Island (Island)
- Thala Fjord (Fjord)
- Thala Island (Island)
- Thala Rock (Rock)
- Thanaron Point (Point)
- Thanksgiving Point (Point)
- The Bulwark (Hill(s))
- The Decanter (Rock)
- The Flatiron (Cliffs)
- The Gateway (Pass)
- The Knoll (Hill(s))
- The Monolith (Rock)
- The Pyramid (Hill(s))
- The Twins (Rock)
- Thern Promontory (Promontory)
- Theta Islands (Archipelago)
- Thiébault Island (Island)
- Thiel Trough (Trough)
- Thil Island (Island)
- Thode Island (Island)
- Thomas Cove (Cove)
- Thomas Island (Island)
- Thomas, Point (Point)
- Thompson Island (Island)
- Thompson Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Thompson Point (Point)
- Thomsen Islands (Archipelago)
- Thomson Cove (Cove)
- Thomson Head (Headland)
- Thomson Point (Point)
- Thor Island (Island)
- Thoreson Peak (Hill(s))
- Thorfinn Islands (Archipelago)
- Thorgaut Island (Island)
- Thorne Point (Point)
- Three Kings Cove (Cove)
- Three Little Pigs (Island)
- Three Sisters Point (Point)
- Thulla Cove (Cove)
- Thulla Point (Point)
- Thumb Point (Point)
- Thumb Promontory (Promontory)
- Thumb Rock (Rock)
- Tianlong Bandao (Peninsula)
- Tiantang Wan (Bay)
- Tickell Head (Headland)
- Tickle Channel (Channel)
- Tierney Creek (Channel)
- Tierney Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Tiger Island (Island)
- Tigre, islote (Island)
- Tillett Islands (Archipelago)
- Tilley Bay (Bay)
- Timberlake, Cape (Cape)
- Timblón, Cape (Cape)
- Tinglof Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Tingtao Wan (Bay)
- Tirado, Península (Peninsula)
- Toadstool Rocks (Rock)
- Todd Hill (Hill(s))
- Toe, The (Point)
- Tokarev Island (Island)
- Tokarev, Cape (Cape)
- Tonagh Island (Island)
- Tonagh Promontory (Promontory)
- Tongue Rock (Rock)
- Tongue Rocks (Rock)
- Tonkin Island (Island)
- Tønsberg Cove (Cove)
- Tooth Rock (Rock)
- Topografov Island (Island)
- Topping Cone (Hill(s))
- Torckler Rocks (Rock)
- Torge Plateau (Plateau)
- Torgersen Island (Island)
- Torinosu Cove (Cove)
- Toro Point (Point)
- Torson, Cape (Cape)
- Tortue, Ilot de la (Island)
- Tot Island (Island)
- Tottan Rock (Rock)
- Tottanbukta (Bay)
- Tottsuki Point (Point)
- Towle Point (Point)
- Tracy Point (Point)
- Trail Inlet (Inlet)
- Trangsholmen (Archipelago)
- Transkriptsii Gulf (Gulf)
- Transposition Point (Point)
- Transverse Island (Island)
- Tranter Glacier (Glacier)
- Trapecio, islote (Island)
- Traverso, punta (Point)
- Trëh Valunov, mys (Cape)
- Trenholm Point (Point)
- Treoshnikova, zaliv (Bay)
- Trepassey Bay (Bay)
- Trepassey, Islotes (Archipelago)
- Tressler Bank (Bank)
- Trethewry Point (Point)
- Tret'jakova, mys (Cape)
- Trevillian Island (Island)
- Trevozhnaja, banka (Bank)
- Tri Brata, ostrova (Archipelago)
- Triad Islands (Archipelago)
- Triangle Peak (Peak)
- Triangle Point (Point)
- Trice Islands (Archipelago)
- Trickster Rocks (Rock)
- Trigonia Island (Island)
- Trigwell Island (Island)
- Trilling Bay (Bay)
- Trilling Islands (Archipelago)
- Triple Islands (Archipelago)
- Triplets, The (Rock)
- Triplets, The (Peak)
- Tripod Island (Island)
- Tripp Bay (Bay)
- Tripp Ice Tongue (Tongue)
- Tripp Island (Island)
- Tristan Island (Island)
- Triton Point (Point)
- Trivelpiece Island (Island)
- Trivial Islands (Archipelago)
- Trollkjelneset Headland (Headland)
- Tronador, punta (Point)
- Troncoso, Punta (Point)
- Trough Lake (Lake)
- Trout Island (Island)
- Trowbridge Island (Island)
- Truant Island (Island)
- Trump Islands (Archipelago)
- Trundle Island (Island)
- Trundy Island (Island)
- Tryggve Point (Point)
- Tryne Bay (Bay)
- Tryne Fjord (Fjord)
- Tryne Island (Island)
- Tryne Islands (Archipelago)
- Tryne Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Tryne Point (Point)
- Tryne Sound (Sound)
- Tryoshnikova Zaliv (Bay)
- Tsiolkovskiy Island (Island)
- Tu Rocks (Rock)
- Tuaki Hill (Hill(s))
- Tucker Inlet (Inlet)
- Tucker Point (Point)
- Tucumán, cabo (Cape)
- Tuff Bluff (Cliffs)
- Tukey Island (Island)
- Tula Point (Point)
- Tulenij, Cape (Cape)
- Tupinier Islands (Archipelago)
- Tupman Island (Island)
- Turbulence Bluffs (Bluff)
- Turks Head (Headland)
- Turks Head Bay (Bay)
- Turmoil Rock (Rock)
- Turnabout Island (Island)
- Turnbull Point (Point)
- Turner Island (Island)
- Turquet Point (Point)
- Turret Island (Island)
- Turret Point (Point)
- Turtle Island (Island)
- Turtle Rock (Rock)
- Tuttell Point (Point)
- Tutton Point (Point)
- Tuxen, Cape (Cape)
- Twig Rock (Rock)
- Twilight Bay (Bay)
- Twin Island (Island)
- Twin Pinnacles (Pinnacle)
- Twins, The (Rock)
- Two Summit Island (Island)
- Tyree Head (Headland)
- Tyulen''i Islands (Archipelago)
- Tyuleniy Point (Point)
- U.S.S. Glacier, Baie (Bay)
- Uberuaga Island (Island)
- Uchatka Point (Point)
- Ufs Island (Island)
- Ula Point (Point)
- Ullmann Point (Point)
- Ulu Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Umber Island (Island)
- Umitaka Bank (Bank)
- Umitaka Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Ungane Islands (Archipelago)
- Unger Island (Island)
- Unión, cabo (Cape)
- Unneruskollen Island (Island)
- Unwin Cove (Cove)
- Upokororo Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Upper Alph River (Stream)
- Upper Island (Island)
- Upton Rock (Rock)
- Uragannyy Point (Point)
- Uran Island (Island)
- Urban Point (Point)
- Urchin Rock (Rock)
- Uruguay Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Uruguay Cove (Cove)
- Uruguay Island (Island)
- Useful Island (Island)
- Utës, mys (Cape)
- Utholmen Island (Island)
- Utrinden Point (Point)
- Uzkij, proliv (Strait)
- Vagrant Island (Island)
- Vahsel Bay (Bay)
- Vahsel, Cape (Cape)
- Valavielle, Cape (Cape)
- Valdebenito Rock (Rock)
- Valdivia Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Valdivia Point (Point)
- Valentine, Cape (Cape)
- Valenzuela, Cabo (Cape)
- Valenzuela, Caleta (Cove)
- Valette Island (Island)
- Valles, Punta (Point)
- Valparaíso, Punta (Point)
- Vampiro, punta (Point)
- Van Hulssen Island (Island)
- Van Hulssen Islands (Archipelago)
- Van Rocks (Rock)
- Vanderford Valley (Valley)
- Vanguardia, Caleta del (Inlet)
- Van''kova, mys (Cape)
- Vanssay Point (Point)
- Vapour Point (Point)
- Varadero, Punta (Point)
- Varas, Punta (Point)
- Varcoe Headland (Headland)
- Vardeflaket (Subglacial basin)
- Variable, cabo (Cape)
- Varna Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Varyag Island (Island)
- Vaughan Bank (Bank)
- Vaughan Promontory (Promontory)
- Vaughan Seamount (Seamount(s))
- Vazquez, cabo (Cape)
- Vechernjaja, buhta (Bay)
- Vedel Islands (Archipelago)
- Vegetation Island (Island)
- Vegvisaren (Island)
- Veier Head (Headland)
- Veier, Península (Peninsula)
- Veitch Point (Point)
- Velásquez, Punta (Point)
- Vent Point (Point)
- Ventimiglia, península (Peninsula)
- Venus Bay (Bay)
- Verblyud Island (Island)
- Verdi Inlet (Inlet)
- Verge Rocks (Rock)
- Vergilov Rocks (Rock)
- Verleger Point (Point)
- Vernadskogo, poluostrov (Peninsula)
- Verner Island (Island)
- Verseau, Ilot du (Island)
- Ver-Sur-Mer Inlet (Inlet)
- Verte Island (Island)
- Vertoletnyj Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Vesalvika (Bay)
- Vesconte Point (Point)
- Vesthovde Headland (Headland)
- Vestkapp, Cape (Cape)
- Vestvika Bay (Bay)
- Vetvistaja Bay (Bay)
- Vhodnoj, ostrov (Island)
- Vicars Island (Island)
- Victor Bay (Bay)
- Victoria, Punta (Point)
- Vidal Rock (Rock)
- Vidal, cabo (Cape)
- Vidaurre Rock (Rock)
- Vidaurre, Punta (Point)
- Vierge, Ilot de la (Island)
- Vietor Rock (Rock)
- Vieugué Island (Island)
- Vik, Cape (Cape)
- Villagra, cabo (Cape)
- Villard Point (Point)
- Villegas, Caleta (Cove)
- Viña del Mar, Islote (Island)
- Vinett, Ensenada (Bay)
- Vinogradov Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone)
- Viola, Isla (Island)
- Violante Inlet (Inlet)
- Virto, punta (Point)
- Visca Anchorage (Anchorage)
- Vitjaz'', mys (Cape)
- Vitkovskogo, mys (Cape)
- Vivaldi Quintet (Rock)
- Vize Islands (Archipelago)
- Vize, mys (Cape)
- Vkhodnoy Island (Island)
- Vodosbornaja, vpadina (Basin)
- Vollmer Island (Island)
- Vol'nye, ostrova (Archipelago)
- Volzhskij, proliv (Passage)
- Von der Wall Point (Point)
- Von Tunzelman Point (Point)
- Voronina, buhta (Bay)
- Vortex Island (Island)
- Vorweg Point (Point)
- Voskhod Bay (Bay)
- Vostok, Cape (Cape)
- Vostokkysten (Coast)
- Vozrozhdenija Bay (Bay)
- Vstrech Island (Island)
- Vyvodnoj, mys (Cape)
- Wa Dao (Island)
- Wade Point (Point)
- Wadworth, Cape (Cape)
- Wagoner Inlet (Inlet)
- Waifs, The (Archipelago)
- Waipuke Beach (Beach)
- Waist, The (Spit)
- Waite Hills (Hill(s))
- Waite Islands (Archipelago)
- Waite, Cape (Cape)
- Wakadori Island (Island)
- Walbucht (Bay)
- Walcott Bay (Bay)
- Walcott, Cape (Cape)
- Walden, Cape (Cape)
- Waldron, Cape (Cape)
- Wales Glacier (Glacier)
- Walinsel (Island)
- Walker Bay (Bay)
- Walker Point (Point)
- Wallace, Cape (Cape)
- Wallis Glacier (Glacier)
- Wallows, The (Deep)
- Walsham Rocks (Rock)
- Wangjing Dao (Island)
- Waratah Islands (Archipelago)
- Ward Islands (Archipelago)
- Warden Rock (Rock)
- Wardle Entrance (Entrance)
- Warm Deep Water (Water mass)
- Warnes, punta (Point)
- Warnock Islands (Archipelago)
- Warren Island (Island)
- Warren Ridge (Ridge)
- Warriner Island (Island)
- Warrington Island (Island)
- Washington, Cape (Cape)
- Watchkeeper, The (Rock)
- Waterboat Point (Point)
- Waterhouse Island (Island)
- Waterpipe Beach (Beach)
- Watkins Island (Island)
- Watson Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Watt Bay (Bay)
- Wattle Island (Island)
- Wauters Point (Point)
- Wauwermans Islands (Archipelago)
- Way Archipelago (Archipelago)
- Weatherwax Glacier (Glacier)
- Weaver Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Weaver Point (Point)
- Webb Island (Island)
- Webb, Cape (Cape)
- Webber Island (Island)
- Weber Inlet (Inlet)
- Webster Bay (Bay)
- Weddell Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
- Weddell Arm (Arm)
- Weddell Islands (Archipelago)
- Weddell Sea (Natural Reserve)
- Wedgwood Point (Point)
- Wednesday Island (Island)
- Weeder Rock (Rock)
- Weeks Stack (Rock)
- Weertman Island (Island)
- Wegener Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Weiken Basin (Basin)
- Weiss Point (Point)
- Welch Island (Island)
- Welch Rocks (Rock)
- Welchness (Cape)
- Weller Island (Island)
- Well-met, Cape (Cape)
- Wendell, punta (Point)
- Wennersgaard Point (Point)
- Werlein Island (Island)
- Wesele Cove (Cove)
- West Adare Ridge (Ridge)
- West Arm (Rock)
- West Beach (Beach)
- West Budd Island (Island)
- West Dailey Island (Island)
- West Ice Shelf (Ice Shelf)
- West Melchior Islands (Archipelago)
- West Point (Point)
- West Reef (Reef)
- West Stack (Rock)
- Westbrook, Cape (Cape)
- Westbucht (Bay)
- Western Shelf (Shelf)
- Western Slope (Slope)
- Westliches Hochfeld (Cape)
- Westwood Point (Point)
- Whale Skerries (Archipelago)
- Whaleback Rocks (Rock)
- Whales Bay Deeps (Deep)
- Whales, Bay of (Bay)
- Wheatstone, Cape (Cape)
- Wheeler Bay (Bay)
- Wheeler Rocks (Rock)
- Wheeler, Cape (Cape)
- Whirlwind Inlet (Inlet)
- Whisky Bay (Bay)
- Whistling Bay (Bay)
- Whit Rock (Rock)
- White Islands (Archipelago)
- White Strait (Strait)
- Whited Inlet (Inlet)
- Whiting Rocks (Rock)
- Whitmer Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Whitney Island (Island)
- Whitney Point (Point)
- Whitson, Cape (Cape)
- Whittle Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Widdows, Point (Point)
- Wideopen Islands (Archipelago)
- Wigg Islands (Archipelago)
- Wikitoria Bank (Bank)
- Wilcock Bay (Bay)
- Wild Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Wild, Cape (Cape)
- Wild, Point (Point)
- Wilhelm Archipelago (Archipelago)
- Wilhelm II Coast (Land)
- Wilkins Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Wilkins Sound (Sound)
- Wilkins, Cape (Cape)
- Willems, Cape (Cape)
- Willett Cove (Cove)
- Willey Point (Point)
- William Benham Seamount (Seamount(s))
- William Scoresby Archipelago (Archipelago)
- William Scoresby Bay (Bay)
- Williams Haven (Harbour)
- Williams Inlet (Inlet)
- Williams Island (Island)
- Williams Point (Point)
- Williams Rocks (Rock)
- Williams, Cape (Cape)
- Williams, Point (Point)
- Williamson Head (Headland)
- Williamson Rock (Rock)
- Williwaw Rocks (Rock)
- Wilson Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Wilson Island (Island)
- Wilson Sea Channel (Seachannel)
- Wilson, Bahía (Bay)
- Wilson, Cape (Cape)
- Wilsonberga (Rock)
- Wilton Bay (Bay)
- Wiltshire Rocks (Rock)
- Wiman, Cape (Cape)
- Windless Bight (Bight)
- Window Island (Island)
- Winds, Bay Of (Bay)
- Winkle Island (Island)
- Winship Point (Point)
- Winslow Rock (Rock)
- Winter Bay (Bay)
- Winter Island (Island)
- Wintery Deep (Deep)
- Wirth Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Wisconsin Islands (Archipelago)
- Wise Bay (Bay)
- Wisniewski Cove (Cove)
- Withem Island (Island)
- Wittmann Island (Island)
- Wlodek Cove (Cove)
- Wohlschlag Bay (Bay)
- Wollan Island (Island)
- Wollaston, Cape (Cape)
- Wollesen Islands (Archipelago)
- Wombat Island (Island)
- Wonsey Rock (Rock)
- Wood Bay (Bay)
- Wood Island (Island)
- Wood Point (Point)
- Woodfield Channel (Channel)
- Woolpack Island (Island)
- Wordie Bay (Bay)
- Wordie Caldera (Caldera)
- Workman Rocks (Rock)
- World''s End (Archipelago)
- Worley Point (Point)
- Worsley, Cape (Cape)
- Worth Reef (Reef)
- Wright Bay (Bay)
- Wright Inlet (Inlet)
- Wright Island (Island)
- Wright Peninsula (Peninsula)
- Wright Point (Point)
- Wrigley Bluffs (Bluff)
- Wrigley Gulf (Gulf)
- Wüst Inlet (Inlet)
- Wuyue Bandao (Peninsula)
- Wyandot Point (Point)
- Wyatt Earp Islands (Archipelago)
- Wyatt Island (Island)
- Wyche Island (Island)
- Wyck Island (Island)
- Wylie Bay (Bay)
- X, Rock (Rock)
- Xiangsi Dao (Island)
- Xiaosanmen Xia (Channel)
- Xiaoshanghai Tan (Beach)
- Xiaowu Xia (Channel)
- Xiaoxianggang Dao (Island)
- Xiaoxitian Jiao (Reef)
- Ximena, Isla (Island)
- Xingfu Wan (Bay)
- Xiongmao Dao (Island)
- Xishi Jiao (Reef)
- Xiwang Wan (Bay)
- Yaglou Point (Point)
- Yalour Islands (Archipelago)
- Yaner Dao (Island)
- Yankee Harbor (Harbour)
- Yanshi Wan (Bay)
- Yatasto, cabo (Cape)
- Yeates Bluff (Cliffs)
- Yelcho Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Yelcho, Cape (Cape)
- Yellow Point (Point)
- Yemel''Yanov, Cape (Cape)
- Yerbal, cabo (Cape)
- Yermak Point (Point)
- Yevgenov, Cape (Cape)
- Yingbing Dao (Island)
- Yingwu Dao (Island)
- Yoke Island (Island)
- Yomogiri Zima (Island)
- Young Head (Headland)
- Young Point (Point)
- Yseult Island (Island)
- Ytrehovdeholmen Island (Island)
- Yuanyang Qundao (Island)
- Yuki Sima (Archipelago)
- Yukikakure-zima (Island)
- Yule Bay (Bay)
- Zabrze Cove (Cove)
- Zabytyj Island (Island)
- Zagore Beach (Beach)
- Zagoskina, ostrov (Island)
- Zajceva, mys (Cape)
- Zakrytaja Bay (Bay)
- Zanni, cabo (Cape)
- Zappert Point (Point)
- Zarya Bay (Bay)
- Zarzuela, cabo (Cape)
- Zashchitnyye Islands (Archipelago)
- Zasnezhennyj Island (Island)
- Zavadovskiy Island (Island)
- Zavadovsky Canyon (Canyon(s))
- Zawadzki Stacks (Island)
- Zed Islands (Archipelago)
- Zeiou Wan (Bay)
- Zélée II, Goulet de la (Channel)
- Zélée Rocks (Rock)
- Zentralpassage (Passage)
- Zerkal''naya Bay (Bay)
- Zeus, Ilot (Island)
- Zhenzhu Canyons (Canyon(s))
- Zhenzhu Dao (Island)
- Zhilenko, buhta (Bay)
- Zhonge Chedao (Passage)
- Zhonghua Lu (Passage)
- Zhongshan Wan (Bay)
- Ziegler Point (Point)
- Zielony Balonik Cove (Cove)
- Zigzag Island (Island)
- Zimmerman Island (Island)
- Zircon Point (Point)
- Znamenskiy Island (Island)
- Zolotov Island (Island)
- Zubov Bay (Bay)
- Zufriategui, cabo (Cape)
- Zukriegel Island (Island)
- Zumberge, Cape (Cape)
- Zurueta, punta (Point)
- Zvuchnyy Island (Island)
- Zykov Glacier (Glacier)
- Zykov Island (Island)
- Southern Ocean sensu lato (General Region)
- Antarctic Zone (General Sea Area)
- Subantarctic Zone (General Sea Area)