Marine Gazetteer Placedetails

Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishMoro Gada HillIHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names   
PlaceType Hill(s) 
Latitude 3° 6' 14.7" S (-3.10409°)  
Longitude 127° 25' 57.9" E (127.43274°)  
Min. Lat 3° 11' 3.9" S (-3.1844°)  
Min. Long 127° 21' 4.7" E (127.3513°)  
Max. Lat 3° 0' 50.2" S (-3.0139°)  
Max. Long 127° 30' 37.2" E (127.5103°)  
Source IHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names, available online at
Notes Additional information (en): This feature has a nearly oval and conical shape, and a steepness of 14 %. The nearby Manipa Strait is often used by mariners to avoid high waves while passing through the Banda Sea. Minimum depth (m): 278. Maximum depth (m): 1200. Total relief (m): 922. Dimension/size: 249 km².     
GEBCO: associated meeting, proposer and year of proposal (en): Associated meeting: SCUFN-35.1. Proposer: Hydrography and Oceanography Centre, Indonesia Navy (Pushidrosal). History: 2021.    
GEBCO: discoverer and year of discovery (en): Discoverer: Indonesian Navy survey vessel "KRI Spica 934". Year of discovery: 2021. History: Moro Gada is interpreted as the strongest human who has the skills and toughness. This name refers to the Moro people who inhabit most of the nearby Halmahera Islands and to the “Gada”, a hand weapon that was used to hit and immobilize an opponent.    
Part of  Banda Sea (IHO Sea Area)  [view hierarchy]   
Edit history Last edited on 2022-07-29 15:10:08 by Lonneville Britt
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