Marine Gazetteer Placedetails

Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishZhemchug CanyonIHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names   
PlaceType Canyon(s) 
Latitude 57° 54' 15.5" N (57.9043°)  
Longitude 174° 13' 17.5" W (-174.22154°)  
Min. Lat 56° 10' 23.9" N (56.1733°)  
Min. Long 179° 56' 48.1" W (-179.9467°)  
Max. Lat 60° 45' 6.1" N (60.7517°)  
Max. Long 169° 40' 59.9" W (-169.6833°)  
Source IHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names, available online at
Notes (en): Updated coordinates (GEBCO May 2014) - Previous values (GEBCO May 2004): [Max. Long: -175.25°]    
GEBCO: associated meeting, proposer and year of proposal (en): Associated meeting: SCGN-7. Proposer: B. N. Kotenev, Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO). Year of proposal: 1960.    
GEBCO: discoverer and year of discovery (en): Discoverer: Russian fisheries research vessel "Zhemchug". Year of discovery: 1959. History: Named from the Russian research vessel "Zhemchug" that discovered and explored this feature.    
Coordinates in ACUF (en): Latitude: 57.5; Longitude: -175.333333    
ACUF unique id (UFI) (en): -156193    
Previous coordinates (en): Lat: 57.99215 ; Long: -174.9313 ; minLat: 57.25 ; minLong: -175.75 ; maxLat: 58.75 ; maxLong: -174.6938 (update 2020-04-22)    
Part of  Bering Sea (IHO Sea Area)  [view hierarchy]   
Part of  United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Alaska) (EEZ)  [view hierarchy]   
Edit history Last edited on 2020-05-08 00:45:32 by Lonneville Britt
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