Marine Gazetteer browser | |||||||||
- Planet (Planet)
- World (World)
- Africa (Continent)
- Antarctica (Continent)
- Asia (Continent)
- Abu musa, Greater and Lesser Tunb (Island Group)
- Afghanistan (Nation)
- Altai (Mountain range)
- Anatolia (General Region)
- Armenia (Nation)
- Azerbaijan (Nation)
- Bahrain (Nation)
- Bangladesh (Nation)
- Bengal (Area)
- Bhutan (Nation)
- Brunei (Nation)
- Cambodia (Nation)
- Central Asia (General Region)
- China (Nation)
- East Indies (General Region)
- East Palearctic region (General Region)
- East Timor (Nation)
- Eastern Asia (General Region)
- Eurasia (General Region)
- Former USSR (Former Nation)
- India (Nation)
- Indonesia (Nation)
- Iran (Nation)
- Iraq (Nation)
- Israel (Nation)
- Japan (Nation)
- Aburatsubo-Wan (Bay)
- Ago Bay (Bay)
- Ashizuri-zaki (Point)
- Awashima (Inhabited Place)
- Bungo Strait (Channel)
- Chikura (Inhabited Place)
- Chubu (Region)
- Coast of Japan (Coast)
- Enshu-nada (Bight)
- Funka Bay (Bay)
- Hakodate Bay (Bay)
- Harima-nada (Sea)
- Higashi - Kobe Channel (Channel)
- Higashi Harbour (Harbour)
- Hime Saki (Light(house))
- Hokkaido (Region)
- Iro Saki (Light(house))
- Ise Bay (Bay)
- Izu-Shima (Island)
- Japanese 12 NM (Territorial Sea)
- Japanese Coast (Coast)
- Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- Japanese Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Recommendation))
- Japanese Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
- Japanese Internal Waters (Internal waters)
- Kanto (Region)
- Kashima Sea (Sea)
- Kido Sawa River (River)
- Kii Channel (Channel)
- Kinki (Region)
- Kobe (Inhabited Place)
- Kokai-gawa River (River)
- Kumozu River (River)
- Kyushu Region (Region)
- Lake Biwa (Lake)
- Lake Ikeda (Lake)
- Lake Jusanko (Lake)
- Lake Ogarawa (Lake)
- Lake Yamanaka (Lake)
- Matsushima-wan (Bay)
- Mera (Inhabited Place)
- Mikawa Bay (Bay)
- Miyako Bay (Bay)
- Miyanohama (Town)
- Mogami River (River)
- Mount Azuma-kofuji (Mount)
- Mount ominakami (Mount)
- Naka Zawa (River)
- Nansei-Shoto Trench (Trench)
- Natori Estuary (Estuary)
- North West Japan (General Region)
- Northeastern Japan (General Region)
- Northern Japan (General Region)
- Ofunato Bay (Bay)
- Ogasawara Islands (Archipelago)
- Oki Harbour (Harbour)
- Okirai Bay (Bay)
- Osaka Bay (Bay)
- Oshima (Island)
- O-shima (Island)
- Otsuchi Bay (Bay)
- Overlapping claim: Japan (CLCS Submission) / Micronesia (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Japan (CLCS Submission) / Micronesia (CLCS Submission) / Palau (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: Japan (CLCS Submission) / Palau (CLCS Submission) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Overlapping claim: United States (Northern Mariana Islands) (Non-UNCLOS Claim) / Japan (CLCS Recommendation) (Overlapping claim (Extended Continental Shelf))
- Oyano (Island)
- Ryukyu Islands (Island)
- Sagami Okinose (Bay)
- Sagami River (River)
- Sanriku Coast (Coast)
- Sata-izashiki (Inhabited Place)
- Sendai Bay (Bay)
- Seto Inland Sea (Sea)
- Shikoku (Region)
- Shirikishinai-cho (Inhabited Place)
- South Japan (General Region)
- South West Japan (General Region)
- Sukumo Bay (Bay)
- Takegashima (Island)
- Takinoura (Island)
- Tamaki (Town)
- Tanegashima (Island)
- Tarama Shima (Island)
- Tinase (City)
- Tohoku (Region)
- Tomari (Inhabited Place)
- Tomioka Bay (Bay)
- Tomoe Bay (Bay)
- Toyama Bay (Bay)
- Toyama Prefecture (Prefecture)
- Uranouchi Bay (Bay)
- Wakasa Bay (Bay)
- Jordan (Nation)
- Kazakhstan (Nation)
- Korean Peninsula (Former Nation)
- Kuwait (Nation)
- Kyrgyzstan (Nation)
- Laos (Nation)
- Lebanon (Nation)
- Malaysia (Nation)
- Maldives (Nation)
- Malesia (Floristic Region)
- Mekong (River)
- Middle East (General Region)
- Mongolia (Nation)
- Myanmar (Nation)
- Near East (General Region)
- Nepal (Nation)
- New Guinea (Island)
- North East Asia (General Region)
- North Korea (Nation)
- Northern Asia (General Region)
- Oman (Nation)
- Oriental Region (General Region)
- Pakistan (Nation)
- Palestine (Nation)
- Philippines (Nation)
- Qatar (Nation)
- Saudi Arabia (Nation)
- Singapore (Nation)
- South East Asia (General Region)
- South Korea (Nation)
- Southern Asia (General Region)
- Sri Lanka (Nation)
- Syria (Nation)
- Taiwan (Nation)
- Tajikistan (Nation)
- Thailand (Nation)
- Tien Shan (Mountain range)
- Timor Island (Island)
- Türkiye (Nation)
- Turkmenistan (Nation)
- United Arab Emirates (Nation)
- Uzbekistan (Nation)
- Vietnam (Nation)
- Western Asia (General Region)
- Yemen (Nation)
- Europe (Continent)
- North America (Continent)
- Oceania (Continent)
- South America (Continent)
- World Oceans (World)