Marine Gazetteer Placedetails

Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishTabuan HillIHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names   
PlaceType Hill(s) 
Latitude 8° 2' 52.8" S (-8.048°)  
Longitude 114° 28' 55.3" E (114.48203°)  
Min. Lat 8° 3' 4.8" S (-8.0513°)  
Min. Long 114° 28' 43.2" E (114.4787°)  
Max. Lat 8° 2' 41.4" S (-8.0448°)  
Max. Long 114° 29' 7.4" E (114.4854°)  
Source IHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names, available online at
Notes Additional information (en): This feature has a conical and nearly round shape. Name adopted from the Indonesian Gazetteer. Minimum depth (m): 66. Maximum depth (m): 265. Total relief (m): 199. Dimension/size: 0.65 km x 0.8 km.    
GEBCO: associated meeting, proposer and year of proposal (en): Associated meeting: SCUFN-36. Proposer: Hydrography and Oceanography Centre, Indonesia Navy (Pushidrosal). History: 2022.     
GEBCO: discoverer and year of discovery (en): Discoverer: Indonesian Navy Survey Ship "KRI Rigel 933". Year of discovery: 2021. History: Named from the nearby Tabuan Island, western Bali, Indonesia.    
Part of  Bali Sea (IHO Sea Area)  [view hierarchy]   
Edit history Last edited on 2024-04-25 14:20:27 by Lonneville Britt
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