Marine Gazetteer Search results

Your search for 'I' returned 1,442 matching records, showing records 1-100

     I. P. Bardin Mountain (Seamount(s))
     Ia (ICES Areas)
     Iahi Fracture Zone (Seamount(s)) Deleted replaced by Iahi Saddle
     Iahi Saddle (Saddle)
     Iahi Seamount (Seamount(s)) Deleted replaced by Iahi Saddle
     Iala (Natural Reserve)
     Ialomița (County)
     Ialta (City)
     Ianthe Reefs (Reef)
     Ianthe Shoal (Reef)
     Iasul Tăbăcari (Lagoon)
     Ib (ICES Areas)
     Ibajay (Municipality)
     Iban Ridge (Ridge)
     Ibañez, punta (Point)
     Ibar Rocks (Rock)
     Ibar, Islote (Rock)
     Ibaraki (Prefecture)
     Ibarguren, istmo (Isthmus)
     Ibarra, Cabo (Point)
     Ibb (Region)
     Ibbertson Banks (Bank)
     Iberia (Peninsula)
     Iberia Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
     Iberia Basin (Basin)
     Iberia Basin (Basin)
     Iberia Knoll (Knoll(s))
     Iberian Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain)
     Iberian Atlantic (General Sea Area)
     Iberian Basin (Basin)
     Iberian Coastal (Large Marine Ecosystem)
     Iberian Peninsula (Peninsula)
     Iberian Plain (Abyssal Plain)
     Iberian Sea (IHO Sea Area)
     Iberisches Becken (Basin)
     Iberiyskaya Kotlovina (Basin)
     Ibero-Moroccan Gulf (Gulf)
     Ibirian Basin (Basin)
     Ibiza (Island)
     Ibiza Sea Channel (Seachannel)
     Ibiza, Biodiversity and Culture (World Marine Heritage Site)
     Ibo (Bay)
     Ibo Island (Island)
     Ic Anadolu (Region)
     Ic Liman (Bay)
     Ica (Region)
     Icarus Point (Point)
     Ice Bird Peak (Peak)
     Ice Bird Seamount (Seamount(s))
     Ice Ledge (Reef)
     Ice Ledge (Shoal)
     Ice Ledge (Reef)
     Ice Sphinx Hole (Hole)
     Ice Strath (Submarine valley(s))
     Iceberg Bank (Bank)
     Iceberg Bay (Bay)
     Iceberg Point (Point)
     Iceberg Shoal (Shoal)
     Iceberg, Punta (Point)
     Icecutter Litke Deep (Basin)
     Iceland (TDWG - level 4) Synonym has preferred alternative Iceland
     Iceland (Nation)
     Iceland (TDWG - level 3) Synonym has preferred alternative Iceland
     Iceland (TDWG - level 4) Synonym has preferred alternative Iceland
     Iceland - Jan Mayen  (Freshwater Ecoregion of the World (FEOW))
     Iceland Basin (Basin)
     Iceland Plateau (Rise)
     Iceland Plateau (Plateau)
     Iceland Ridge (Rise)
     Iceland Sea (Sea)
     Iceland Sea (SeaVoX SeaArea - sub-region)
     Iceland Sea (ICES Ecoregion)
     Iceland Shelf (Large Marine Ecosystem)
     Iceland Shelf and Sea (Large Marine Ecosystem)
     Iceland-Faeroe Front (Front)
     Iceland-Faeroe Ridge (Rise)
     Iceland-Faeroe Rise (Rise)
     Iceland-Greenland Ridge (Rise)
     Icelandic 12 NM (Territorial Sea)
     Icelandic 24 NM (Contiguous zone)
     Icelandic Coast (Coast)
     Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
     Icelandic Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission) (Extended Continental Shelf (CLCS Submission))
     Icelandic Internal Waters (Internal waters)
     Icelandic part of the Greenland Sea (Marine Region)
     Icelandic part of the North Atlantic Ocean (Marine Region)
     Icelandic part of the Norwegian Sea (Marine Region)
     Icelandic Plateau (Plateau)
     Icelandic Waters (ICES Ecoregion)
     Iceland-Jan Mayen Ridge (Ridge)
     ICES Areas (ICES Areas)
     ICES Ecoregions (ICES Ecoregion)
     ICES Statistical Rectangles (ICES Statistical Rectangles)
     Ichetucknee Springs (Spring)
     Ichiyo Hill (Hill(s))
     Ichiyo Seamount (Seamount(s))
     Ichiyō Seamount (Seamount(s))
     Ichkeul Lagoon (Lagoon)
     Ichtegem (Town)
     Ickenham (Ward)
     Ida Rock (Rock)

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