Va1 (ICES Areas) |
Va2 (ICES Areas) |
Vaal River (River) |
Vaals (Commune) |
Vaarwater langs Hoofdplaat (Swale) |
Vaarwater langs Paulina Polder (Swale) |
Vaca Basin (Basin) |
Vaccarès Lagoon (Lagoon) |
Vache Shoals (Shoal) |
Vacquier Seamount (Seamount(s)) |
Vada Shoals (Shoal) |
Vadehavet (Inlet) |
Vadehavet (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive)) |
Vadehavet (Wadden Sea) (Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Convention)) |
Vadehavet Med Ribe Å, Tved Å Og Varde Å Vest For Varde (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive)) |
Vadso (Inhabited Place) |
Vadsø (Inhabited Place) |
Vaehira Hill (Hill(s)) |
Vagenim Reef (Reef) |
Väggö (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance (SPA and SCI, EU Birds and Habitats Directive)) |
Vagrant Island (Island) |
Vahsel Bay (Bay) |
Vahsel, bahía (Bay) |
Vahsel, Cape (Cape) |
Vahsel, Kap (Cape) |
Vahselbucht (Bay) |
Vai Lili (Hydrothermal vent) |
Vaia (River) |
Vaia (Stream) |
Vaidagubskiy (Light(house)) |
Väikese Väina (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive)) |
Vaila Voe Bay (Bay) |
Vailala River (River) |
Vailulu'u Seamount (Hydrothermal vent) |
Väinamere (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive)) |
Väinamere (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive)) |
Vainameri (Sea) |
Vainameri Archipelago (Archipelago) |
Vaindloo (Light(house)) |
Vaindloo (Natura 2000 Special Protection Area (SPA, EU Birds Directive)) |
Vakfikebir (City) |
Vakfıkebir (City) |
Vakfy'kebir (Village) |
Val d'Aosta (Region) |
Val Eauripik (Rise) |
Val Kapingamarangi (Rise) |
Val Karnegi (Ridge) |
Valais (Canton) |
Valavielle, Cape (Cape) |
Valavielle, punta (Cape) |
Valdai Hills (Hill(s)) |
Valdebenito Rock (Rock) |
Valdebenito, Islote (Rock) |
Valdés, Península (Peninsula) |
Valdivia Abyssal Plain (Abyssal Plain) |
Valdivia Bank (Bank) |
Valdivia Basin (Basin) |
Valdivia Basin (Basin) |
Valdivia Deep (Basin) |
Valdivia Fracture Zone (Fracture Zone) |
Valdivia Point (Point) |
Valdivia Seamount (Seamount(s)) |
Valdivia Seamount (Bank) |
Valdivia, Punta (Point) |
Valdivian Lakes (Freshwater Ecoregion of the World (FEOW)) |
Vale Choffat (Valley) |
Vale de Aveiro (Valley) |
Vale do Porto (Valley) |
Vale of Glamorgan (Unitary Authority) |
Vale of Kashmir (Valley) |
Vale São Gabriel (Valley) |
Valence (Ward) |
Valencia (Province (administrative)) |
Valencia (Light(house)) |
Valencia (Autonomous Region) |
Valencia Basin (Basin) |
Valencia Gulf (Gulf) |
Valencia Harbour/Portmagee Channel (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive)) |
Valencia Island (Island) |
Valencia Trough (Trough) |
Valentia (Island) |
Valentín, cabo (Cape) |
Valentine, Cabo (Cape) |
Valentine, Cape (Cape) |
Valentines (Ward) |
Valenzuela, Cabo (Cape) |
Valenzuela, Caleta (Cove) |
Valerie Guyot (Guyot) |
Valerie Tablemount (Guyot) |
Valette Island (Island) |
Valette, isla (Island) |
Valgeranna (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive)) |
Valinco Canyon (Canyon(s)) |
Valje (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive)) |
Valkenburg (Deelgemeente) |
Valkenburg aan de Geul (Commune) |
Valkenisse (Town) |
Valkenswaard (Commune) |
Valladolid (Province (administrative)) |
Vallarpadam (Island) |
Vallata dello Stilaro (Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI, EU Habitats Directive)) |